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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. I didn't know that schools (or any other building for that matter) were required to tell anybody why they are being evacuated. I know it would make for better gossip to put on a website if you did know, but it's probably safer for everyone to not know.
  2. Better yet, do people actually call them that in real life? I have never heard it anywhere but here.
  3. He might want to lobby his management to stop accepting EBT and see how far that gets him.
  4. If everything I have heard about her ex-husband is true, I would have done the same thing.
  5. I can only wear the full nose/mouth mask and I take it off in my sleep every single night.
  6. I'd just as soon see them take out deductions and put together a flat income tax rate and maybe even exempt the first x amount of income. Ex: Tax everything after $20-30k at whatever percent (I'm thinking in the neighborhood of 15-20%).
  7. Good thing the internet wasn't invented before it was.
  8. Pure laziness and wanting to be part of a crowd- any crowd.
  9. But how would you be able to tell everybody that you went to the Riviera without a Pineapple Willies t-shirt????
  10. Seconded. It's like a cattle herd for Captain D's quality food.
  11. So we are getting charged more for the things they don't have to put in there? Makes perfect sense.
  12. I don't typically seek out anything from NB, but I've heard enough positives about Red Hoptober to maybe pull the trigger. I just hate buying 6 packs.
  13. I'm willing to take you up on that, I can even trade you a Heady for it.
  14. One of the more impressive everyday IPAs I've had recently is 21st Amendment's Hop Crisis. The one that I find myself buying the most is Stone (not Ruination). Got an Anchorage Galaxy that I'm gonna try tonight and two more NB/Alpine Supers (best IPA I've had this year) that I need to go ahead and drink before they get too old.
  15. Get with it, 98% of PCom parents are top notch and their kids are angels with impeccible manners.
  16. When you are gone, your kids go through all your sheeze. They deserve the same in return.
  17. Only time I listen to the radio is when I'm in the shower, and it's always 92.9
  18. If it's true than the child should go to the state.
  19. You know what response is coming to this statement, don't you?
  20. That doesn't answer the question because both of those can kill your children (since we're trying to personalize it).
  21. Is that the same as saying that if you are the parent of a child that contacted a disease you could have vaccinated against, you'd be all for them?
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