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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Calling is one thing, following with a gun is another. When you decide to interject yourself into a situation, the outcome can be less than favorable.
  2. There's a sex offender who lives near me. Maybe I can go kill him before he commits another crime. It's the right thing to do afterall.
  3. To assist in hunting for a kid guilty of walking down the street.
  4. Maybe if he wasn't following the kid he wouldn't have gotten bashed. Let's also not forget that Zimmerman was in a truck and got out of it for some reason or another.
  5. That's why I always take it with a grain of salt when people tell me to look out for motorcycles. If they drive them good, they'll be alright.
  6. Nothing's stopping you from marching. When the press asks a question to the president about that case, I'm sure he will respond.
  7. I guess he was lying when he told the operator he was FOLLOWING the kid. I suppose if the kid would have just ran away from him like a good little boy, none of this would have happened. Keep trying to justify it if you like.
  8. You gonna grab your gun and start following them, or are you going to let the proper people handle it? Better yet, if some guy is following you, are you gonna just let them follow you? It's a sad day when you can say somebody is at fault for walking down the street.
  9. In America you should be able to walk down the street without some Columbo/Rambo wannabe messing with you regardless what time it is or what you are wearing.
  10. The police also weren't trying to let the black kids walk.
  11. I can't see why that is a bad thing.
  12. I long for the old days when pranks weren't destructive.
  13. Some idiot(s) would be outraged, I'm quite sure. Bigger fish to fry.
  14. We used to always take odd things and place them all over campus (port o jons, yard decorations, anything not nailed down). The week after our class did our senior prank the juniors did one (about 2 days before graduation). Buddy and I caught wind of it and went up there and wrecked all their stuff. We almost got away with it, but when I got to where my car was parked, the cops were there and were about to tow it. My buddy took off through the woods and broke his ankle (I never ratted him out) and had to walk across the stage on crutches.
  15. Folks sure are easily outraged these days.
  16. Which is the part that's disgraceful?
  17. That about sums it up. I guess everybody's gotta have a cause.
  18. Is there a specific reason for using the ATM over just using a debit card?
  19. When you are this far inland there's not going to be much fresh seafood unless the place just sells insane amounts of it.
  20. It's childish to always have to have the last word, but most of us are guilty of it.
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