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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Some folks take/make things personal because they have reached the end of their debate.
  2. Message boards that are all rainbows and ponies aren't really all that fun.
  3. Substitute milk for alcohol and it makes a little more sense.
  4. People in Paulding do love their tradgedy.
  5. I only go there on Friday or Saturday nights after 11pm. Gets PACKED at the bar on weekend nights.
  6. if you have home and cell phones you can get rid of your home phone.
  7. Yeah, I hate having two different types of grass in my yard.
  8. I'd like to kill whoever let their centipede grass grow into my yard.
  9. Whether it's lowered or not will not have any direct impact on anything. I honestly couldn't care less what Gov. Christie decides to do with the flags in his state. Politicians are just as sleazy as Whitney, so it means little to me.
  10. I especially like the BMW part. Your kid drives a BMW= parents are no good. Learn something new every day.
  11. $3 used library book from Books-a-million.
  12. Your lobbying for parent of the year might pay off at some point.
  13. My parents are both deceased, but I have to think that if I owed either of them money at the time of their death, my brother would know nothing of it.
  14. We had a tree that was about 6' from the front door of my mom's old house fall through it. Caused $70k worth of damage. Don't take your chances.
  15. About sums it up, but some people see guns and their eyes glaze over with lust.
  16. More an illustration that I don't have to accept something to understand it.
  17. I've slept fine since a fairly young age because I realized folks will be Christians regardless of what I thought about it. I guess the Christian agenda wore me down.
  18. I don't feel that Christians getting married is pushing anything down my throat.
  19. A bit over the top and I hope he is bright enough to figure out why she acts the way she does.
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