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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Can't say I know anybody who has any kids that have eaten one.
  2. I think it should also say that if you reply to a post that has 2+ paragraphs, you really don't need to quote the entire text.
  3. Nice to see that adults can discuss things without taking shots at folks.
  4. I remember the Urban Cowboy craze, but not the suit and tie craze.
  5. Suits and ties are just flat out uncomfortable and a PITA. I feel for any man that is required to wear them on a regular basis. Same goes for women who have to wear heels.
  6. When I do wear it, I like the original Versace.
  7. We've used the one in Acworth for 4 years and we love it
  8. Coupons are a game for some people. I've noticed a marked increase in people coming into the store 5 minutes before we close with their big books of coupons and taking 45 to shop. I don't know if it is coincidence or they are being told to do so by some outside source (website/couponing knitting circle) but it definately seems like a game to me.
  9. People seem to go out of their way to find some outrage these days.
  10. Sunset Grill and Tap 100 drafts and 380 micros.
  11. I work in retail and just out department sees anywhere from 3-16% increase (from same time last year) week to week. I think the entire store is running at about 12% for the year. Just driving around I see a few new houses being built here in West Cobb (up from absolutely nothing). Me, personally, I am no better or worse off than I was 5 years ago.
  12. But what is the soulution, denying care?
  13. America- where it took about 160 years to adopt federally mandated child labor laws. If American companies have no problem using foreign kids to make their products, what makes anyone believe they would have any problem using our kids?
  14. Hate to say it, but in a thread where you don't want any memespeak, you asked questions that set it up for just that.
  15. The funniest thing to me is to listen to drones talk about teacher's unions, especially in a state like Georgia.
  16. And nobody has done a damn thing about it since. Seniors are dedicated voters.
  17. I'm pretty sure it is violent crimes per capita.
  18. If you have a kid with close friends, it typically kind of evens out. You take the friend somewhere, the other parents take your kid somewhere. If the other parents need some help with it, cool, just ask me and I'll be happy to do it. If I am taking my kid and his friend out I expect to pay for it all, but that's just me. If I don't have the money to pay for a friend I just tell my kid he can't bring anybody. It's kind of like when you go out to eat with other people and they want to break out the calculator and only pay for their exact amount. Just split the damn thing, it will even
  19. Crotchety people and people that make a scene make me laugh out loud.
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