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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. OH NO! This is terribly sad. I will send many prayers for comfort and healing.
  2. What colors do you have "ready made" and what is the smallest size you have. Or are they all "one size fits all"?
  3. I love me some I-Tegrity. Jimmy is Da Man - mon!
  4. You have got to be kidding - right? Oh how audacious
  5. That's funny right there now! JSYK - Christians be getting their freak on too!
  6. I can attest to that. I just figured Kelly didn't speak much cause she's afraid if she opens her mouth a bone might fly out! But she really is soft spoken and "reserved" Sadie, honey, you are like 10 times more outgoing and boisterous than Kelly.
  7. Wow - just wow. My nephew just returned from Iraq last month. I was on pins and needles the entire time he was gone. My heart goes out to this family. I am saddened for them and for our community as a whole because we have ALL lost a fine young man.
  8. I was going to say the same thing!
  9. Hey Subby - Think you could get a generator working again?
  10. Hey K - do you still have sunglasses?
  11. Wow! I hate to see this. When DH and I first moved to Paulding 18 yrs ago, we rented our first home together from Billy and Linda. Billy was a great man. He was always good for a great story. I have some really funny memories of him when we all endured the blizzard of 93 on Billy Bullock Rd. I just know that Linda is devastated. My thoughts and prayers go to his family.
  12. I'd love to help ya girl, but you know I only buy LSU stuff.
  13. Yup! Their fried pickles are yummy too! It's a toss up between them and MacFarlane's on the pickles.
  14. I forgot to fuss at you for not getting me some LSU stuff! J/K How did your bread turn out?
  15. Well aren't you just the sweetest little thing to make copschick have to work her butt off!?!?!
  16. Unless you have some kinda miracle ugly away cream, I'm tellin ya it ain't gonna work!
  17. Wellll, I would volunteer my face, but I don't think even the fabulous MK could help me. Maybe The Witch will do it though.
  18. Yes! Do tell. What is the strangest thing you've ever seen in one of these units?
  19. Too late now. What's that they say about hind sight being 20/20?
  20. Okay, I guess I'm just irritated because I had it in there about 2 months before that for a "tune up" which cost me about $76 - then hubby only used it once to cut down 3 small tress and now it's jacked up again!
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