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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. I stopped by to see if I could find some unique gifts for a few still on my Christmas list. I hit the jackpot with some great items and even a few treasures for myself. I took a few pictures of the new booths and merchandise. Hopefully it will help someone finish their list with unique items too.
  2. Surprised Pubby? every business without exception is an investor in this county. Some to the tune of millions, especially when it comes to pay roll. You can just feel the love for them. I am trying to stay out of this. Some of the remarks today and last night have pushed my buttons big time. I can not believe how local businesses have been attacked and demonized. Especially since they have carried this community through the recession. Many business owners went without regular paychecks to pay their people. Many lost their life savings and homes.
  3. LPPT

    Take a cab

    When I lived up north this was something my friends and I did regularly. We paid for the cab there, took a collection up before the first drink to ride home. We have also done it in Fl. This is why I have raised so much hell over the years about how restrictive this county is on cabs. I am sometimes leery of DD's being tempted while we are out. Even with one drink, someone can run into you and you will go to jail for drinking. Were you able to get a cab out of the city limits? Kudos to you doing the right thing.
  4. Her poor family. Violent deaths are so hard on families, I hope they get some closure. My heart goes out to them. I hate that someone like that lived in our community. You just never know about people.
  5. As long as it is all legal it really does not matter whether you like it or not. You can stand on the runway with signs, legally they can throw your butt in jail. They can throw the book at you and bankrupt your family to keep you out of prison. Go ahead lead the crowd, they will make a very expensive example of you. It doesn't have to be fair or even moral for that matter. This is politics up close and personal. Don't worry we will bring you yummy food on visiting days as a consolation for sticking up for us
  6. I have no idea what that pertains to I was just making a point that the law does not always serve what is best for everyone. Without money you can't fight it. So what if you vote them out, whats done is done. Propeller has access, just as Delta does, to billions of dollars. This will be fought in the courts not the streets of Paulding county.
  7. This is what you have to remember we are not a democracy period. These people ran on a platform of exactly what they are doing. What the law will allow them to do. The laws of this land are written for the rich by the rich. I am having a lot of trouble dredging up an ounce of sympathy after years of seeing people abused because their ideas were declared a little to left. They don't have to ask this communities opinion of anything the law allows them to do. Here it is in all it's glory you wanted a Republican government, you got it. Doesn't get any further right! Right down to making lawyers
  8. I know it seems crazy that people would enter Paulding looking for lodging and food. What will happen is that marketing restaurants and hotels will simply come with the package of this park. If we choose to zone and commercialize 61, the investors will build here. That was the point that he was trying to make. If we don't do it then we won't see any benefit. People will do internet searches for the area. Price, quality,distance will all factor into it. If I were taking a young team or young family I would definitely prefer a small charter to managing the group and luggage through Atlanta.
  9. Thank you Pubby, for a layman you have a better grasp than most when it comes to legal issues.
  10. I am not sure that everything was completely signed off on. My understanding is that the county would do things and propeller would also complete it's part. I think this is more complicated than other things we have done. Straight forward a company comes in the details are hammered out construction begins it is announced. This is different from my understanding in that projects will be pursued and put together, then pitched to investors that invest in aerospace manufacturing and technology. Certain things had to be in place before that happens. We agree to invest in the runway, they in
  11. As long as a project has a code name it is not publicized. That is pretty standard procedure. This is only different because it involves the hated airport. Not a single project involving private entities has been announced by name before the contracts are finalized. Maybe there should be different laws as it pertains to private/public partnerships. If they do create a law that forces that, economic development would be dead and the anti progress I am comfortable so I don't care about other folks would win.
  12. I am including both. But yes the folks that are actually hands on putting this project together physically and financially are the ones that need to answer the questions. These projects and the decisions made are based on their expertise. How are you going to know if the right decision was made if you don't have the same criteria that they use. Why should commissioners be the front people to shield them from public scrutiny? The commissioners don't dream up these projects and say make it so like Captain Kirk.
  13. I have simply been hesitant because we have a lot of legal issues going on behind the scenes. They all know that I don't do gotcha interviews. I always ask p.commers to put up questions for them. I know that when it comes to legal problems they have to be very careful what they say so I have not pushed. The lack of communication from them is creating even more momentum against it. I will say this in their defense, I am not sure if you attended the toll road meeting. I was definitely for it. We were still pretty deep in the recession. I have hundreds of friends and acquaintances that own s
  14. Mojo, I don't know anything about lies, I am not privy to what goes on in meetings of the county. I do know that our industrial sites and the airport are pitched multiple times to many companies. They are all assigned a code name. Not just here but all over the country it is done this way. I know for a fact that the airport has been pitched multiple times to different industries in manufacturing and repair. That has been the focus for at least the last 2 years. I also know that we needed some things at the airport to make it more viable, such as fuel, water tower, and fire station. These
  15. I had read that. I am pretty sure it will be move it or accept the Satanic monument. I am not sure if everyone was taught in their homes or at Sunday school to respect other religions. I was taught that, in fact in Sunday school we were given a brief doctrine on all the major religions. According to doctrine, Satan is as real as God, what better proof and contrast as they stand side by side. It will not be allowed and they will hide the 10 commandments rather than expose the children to what they teach them every Sunday.
  16. That was excellent Kathy. It is time for all off these people, Airport Authority, Chamber board, IBA, and commissioners to hold a Town Hall meeting and stand behind the decisions they have made publicly. If they believe they are making the best decisions for the people of this county then their should be no problem standing up in front of them and addressing them. I support these people in progressive economic development of my community. It is getting harder to support the lack of publicly addressing the issues and concerns. There are many that won't support anything for political or perso
  17. You are crazy as ever! we have had some good times celebrating my birthdays over the years! Miss you! I had a jammie day and it suited! The kids were here Sunday and we had a good time!! TY! I thought for sure you would have a BD joke about old folk! Thank you!!! miss you! Thank you sweet lady!
  18. LPPT

    My Daddy

    Very sorry for the pain you are going through.
  19. I have some dresses and skirts that look better with slips under them, they are not easy to find especially a good variety. Some clothes don't move right without them. Good bras make a huge difference in how dress blouses look. You can tell the difference. Foundation is something that seems to have lost importance with younger generations. Their clothes bunch up and don't move.
  20. So how do you feel about wearing the proper foundation under certain clothes?
  21. I read that in my news feed. I am pretty sure that the supreme court would have no choice but to rule that it is all or nothing. We already went through this in Paulding with the neon baby Jesus. We must protect the rights of everyone no matter how distasteful it is. I think satanist silly attention seekers. They need to be treated as though they are silly.
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