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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. I also wear knee highs with pumps and dress pants.
  2. I still support the airport and what is being done out there. The very worse thing that can happen is nothing. Jobs come first above all things. Many on here constantly talk about how slow we are coming out of the recession, they love throwing stones at the president. I know we are coming out of it because good jobs for families is no longer the most important thing. Americans can't remember what happened last week and how they felt about it. We do not have a great local economy for the same reason pulling out of the recession is so slow. We are retail, restaurant, construction, and gov
  3. Voting helps us accept things. Or at least I hope it would in this case. We have no way of knowing how many people in this county are well informed due to the lack of easy access to information. Most only know what they see on Atlanta news outlets. A vote would get the information out there pro and con. Everyone in the county will be effected by this, it is a huge game changer. The money issue is not the bottom line for me, it is the change that will come with it. This will not be like leadership coming and going every few years, this is basically forever should it succeed. I know th
  4. The parade was not the most appropriate place to hand out the flyers. It is difficult to get information out in this county. There really is no go to that can be used other than the school system. It was the only reason that the Air Show was a success this year. I am starting to think that a vote may be in order, granted it is the democratic way to do things. Of course this county is the most conservative in the south, until the rubber meets the road. Then you see the true colors here. I truly believe the people need to decide, this will effect everyone where they live. The families
  5. Care-mull I like it better than chocolate. It is my favorite cake flavor also. I have a body spray I like that smells very close to cooking caramel .
  6. I don't know about Rome airport so I can't answer that. Cartersville airport is much smaller than ours with no place to expand as far as runways and terminals. They would have to get Commercial flights approved if they decided to try and expand. They will need the same things, large planes that can handle luggage and cargo, security ect. It also would have environmental impact studies that it may fail do to it's location. They always have a lot of corporate jets parked out there. Bartow and the northern counties have a lot of manufacturing. General aviation is profitable for them. T
  7. If you go back in history you will find that extreme violence is common. Even in our own culture the taking of scalps by both sides was torturous and disgusting. I believe that the extreme violence was more cultural than anything. People become numb to suffering and extremely violent acts. Our culture still likes to see it. Just because it is fake on the tv does not change that many like to see it. As far as politics, so he danced with the devil, this nation has also when you go back to the revolution and civil war. I think that the remarks are harsh and don't take into consideration any o
  8. I am very concerned for your safety. These 2 have no emotional attachment to you or your family. They came here to use you and you have cut them off. They now know a lot about you. When you are at home, how to get in your house ect. They think you have a lot of money because you had it to spend on them. I would sleep armed, with one eye open and armed. Depending on what drugs they are doing, worse case scenario meth, you could be in serious danger, Meth heads have no conscious. They are not very smart and don't seem to understand consequences. I am genuinely afraid for you. I would at l
  9. That was so cute, she is adorable!
  10. Thanks everyone for posting your beautiful trees! Great job on them!!!
  11. Unless you want to buy a new keyboard
  12. I don't keep up my pedicure in the winter either, I have been known to wear peek a boo heels in winter with hose to achieve the right profile with certain dresses. I never had dry scaly feet until I started wearing clogs in cooler months. I wear sandals all summer and it never dried my feet out like clogs. I have no idea why clogs do that to your feet, but I have seen other women that wear them all the time have the same issues especially with heels! I adore boots, it has been too warm the last week or so, 1/2 of my winter wardrobe is made to wear with boots.
  13. Decorations are one of the best things about Christmas. It changes your surroundings and you are constantly reminded that this is a special time of year. It takes you away from the mundane and invites you to reach out to others with goodwill. I don't have my tree up yet, but here are some decorations. I am especially proud of the angel, She covers a large Christmas present. I bought her plus the material for the dress at Darby crossing antiques mall. Then a few little odds and ends to bling her out. I did not know it when I bought her that she is mechanical, her arms move back and fort
  14. I have a confession to make since the subject of shoe fashion has come up. Toe cleavage grosses me out at much as plumber butt crack. I know it sounds weird, I had no idea until all the little slip on's came out. On this subject, the toe seam should never show when you wear hose. If your legs and feet are dry, gnarly and just plain ugly wear hose or knee highs, Ugly and gross are never ever acceptable.
  15. Your not as young as you used to be. Enjoy what time you have left by ripping the radio out of your car and smashing the rest of them in your house
  16. It does not look bad for us, but I am very worried about my dad. It looks as though they will be frozen for the next 5 days. If the power lines go down that is a long time to eat sandwiches and for him to be all alone with no power. He has plenty of wood for the stove so he won't get cold.
  17. When they changed the privacy rules about the use of your pics, I deleted my albums. I have thousands of wonderful pictures of hundreds of p.com members together having fun. They are cherished memories and I see them searching through my files. We would sometimes bring one up and get a good laugh. Facebook is like having a camera in your toilet bowl. They have taken the fun out of it.
  18. They may have created propeller just for this project. I don't know a lot about corporate law or investment groups. There still needs to be a way to discover how much capital each investor is putting into the company to start up. When you ask a community to use bonds to improve a facility they should know were you are going to start with your own capital. I can understand that you don't want that publicized, but the judge can at least look it over and let the people know he is satisfied. Calvin Thompson also needs to apologize to those that don't want commercialization and tell them
  19. If you were out in the business world you would see the imbalance of retail and small business/ large chain retail/ restaurant. The government is still the single largest employer in the county. 45% of the children in our schools are on reduced/free lunch. All of this points to economic duress. How bad does it have to get before people like you see it? Just how much did gas cost when you were commuting to work? How much did groceries cost? Your cars are getting broken into by jobless white boys to pay for their drugs. Your post is very out of touch with the reality of life in this county.
  20. Whitey, I now that you and the folks against this think you are doing what is best for the community. I know many of you are retired and on fixed incomes. You are wrong. Trying to slow growth and economic development believing it will keep your taxes lower is wrong. I will give you my father's phone number and let you talk to him about living on a fixed income in a community that's economy goes down. They lost a Navel Air base 10 years ago. Oh yeah the jets could get loud and the bars stayed full. The roads were packed heading to the big town of Memphis for good paying jobs. It
  21. Both of those Mayors decisions effect the businesses in their districts, you know those folks that provide jobs to the citizens of this county. This is a community with people of all ages, backgrounds and situations. Not everyone owns a successful business, or has a good paying job, nor are they on fixed incomes or retired. I do not expect my community leaders to make decisions based on the opinions of a group of people that can not see the benefit of this airport. We had that years ago and because of it every single county around us has industry with good paying jobs. Small pond big fi
  22. It is the Chambers job to support everything that can increase commerce locally, at the state level and federal level. They supported the regional Tsplost. I know it was very difficult for them to do that. It did not go over very well with the conservatives all over the state. All the business owners I have talked to are supportive of commercializing the airport. I did not say all, I said the ones I had talked to. The retail and restaurant owners are acutely aware of how bad a shrinking economy can be for them. The cost of living is shrinking our local economy. The big box stores can an
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