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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. There was people there from Tennessee, Louisiana, and Alabama. Not just EP. They came from ALL over.
  2. NC if they go to work....they lose the free benefits. So why not camp out for free gooberment cheeze.
  3. We went on one called Swoops... something like that out of Destin. They do have a website. It's a 30+ passanger boat. So you don't have to rent the entire boat. You pay by the person. I didn't think it was safe yet to be deep sea fishing.. I was wrong...sorry You can also deep sea fish from Tybee Island also. edit to fix the name of the boat
  4. it is illegal. I know someone personally who had some hanger type flyers to be stuck on mailbox post and that's exactly where he stuck them. He had the post master from the D'ville office call him and told him that he could fine him $50 for each one stuck to the mailbox POST! He was told that the USPS ownes the box and the post. Nothing is allowed to be stuck on it... period. Reason #2 I won't vote for her. She should have known the law about putting stuff on peoples mailboxes. Don't say it was her campaign people. Because if she can't run her campaign peeps...she can't handle the people
  5. 1st - I will not vote for Beverly Cochran ....because I know her and her family. PuhLEEZZZE! Oh, and I didn't get the samething about drawing the govt. paycheck like she made out. PLEASE don't put your job in the same catagory as Police, Fire, and teachers. God knows it's not even CLOSE to being the same!
  6. its sux that you got scammed.... But you're my Hero of the day! You ROCK!! On the other hand...after I read everything... I like to have peed my pants laughing.
  7. I'm on Pcom from work also....my boss even looked at some of the stuff on here. I guess he trust me enough to know when enuff is enuff...
  8. God knows it can't be bad news.... but you won't hear folks on here talking about it. I'm sure they will think the industrial parks aren't big enough....not in the right part of town...yadda yadda yadda,
  9. Georgia's Paulding County officials have plans to construct two industrial parks and welcome Norfolk Southern with a new rail spur. As a part of the rail spur project, one of the industrial parks will be built on 130 acres on Bill Carruth Parkway, according to Paulding Commission Chairman David Austin. This property currently is used as the Coppermine wastewater sprayfield which is bisected by Norfolk Southern's double rail line. Then the Airport and Industry Technology Park will be developed on 112 acres by the Paulding County Industrial Building Authority ( IBA ), he said. Open
  10. I read about a NS Spur and 2 Industrial parks... I was going to post about it in a seperate thread.
  11. The company I work for is only hiring Geomatics Surveyor. THey are hiring PT-T right now. It could lead to FT.
  12. Nothing here.I'm on IE and we are running McAfee OAS here.
  13. yeah all 15 of'em. It's not like it was put on a ballot and the city of Smyrna voted on it and voted NO airport Glock facility which is already there.
  14. This video is funny.....not because of the CRIME that was committed......not because of race, color...nothing. So please....if you think it's not funny and it leaves a sour taste in your mouth.... tuff! You've been warned. Alabama journalism at it's best right here. I don't know how to post a video...so I'll provide a link. Watch the video that is 2:01 long http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=12883477# HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) - Huntsville police are searching for a man who broke into a home and got into bed with a woman. Police say it happened about 3:10 Wednesday
  15. proof that men are dumb and no matter how slick you think your 'plan' is...it's dumb. sorry
  16. Yeah...well the temp assignments will still stop your UE My dbf worked 10 hrs helping a lighting and production company out... he didn't even make $125 for the day....before taxes... He reported it when he filed his UE....and then they shut his UE down and he had to go all the way back to Cartersville to get it fixed. He still had to wait 3+ weeks for the UE office to clear that it was only a 1 time job.
  17. MrsB...did you feel that bus run over you.......and then put it in reverse and run over you again... (In the other thread)
  18. Gun manufacturer, Glock Inc., can deviate from Smyrna’s required stream buffer rules in order to clear land for future company buildings. The city council approved the company’s request Monday night to encroach on the buffer despite opposition from more than 15 residents who spoke at the meeting and many others who filled the city hall chamber. Glock plans to cut trees and level out about 18 acres of its property that lies adjacent to a residential neighborhood. Many residents cited possible safety concerns of the nearby construction, as well as, potential flooding downstream. read
  19. I'm sorry this has happened to you...I feel your pain. http://www.angelcordle.com/ Angel Cordle in Marietta. She is 1 tuff BIOTCH!!
  20. what happeneded to personal responsibility?
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