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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Present and accounted for!! It wasn't me!! It was a black SUV. It didn't happen right at Nebo Road...it happened past my house just a little bit over the hill.
  2. Lots of old men hang out there every morning...lol.. they catch up on all the gossip. The food is good. I've been down there a few times on the weekend. I have some friends who goes down there in the mornings...and they aren't old....
  3. Good deal. we have friends that own 2 at the Sunbird.
  4. I'm in the process of slicing my mine into rings. I'm going to be putting mine into jars with vinegar and some other stuff (can't think of what all right now)
  5. City of Douglasville has theirs tonight. They can been seen from the Walmart. That's a great place to see them.
  6. We are going to the one that the City of Powder Springs is putting on. link The 15th Annual Independence Day Celebration will feature over 15 food booths, entertainment and a variety of children's activites. Reserve a VIP table or bring your chairs and blankets, relax, eat mouth-watering food, enjoy a free concert, let the kids play on a variety of interactive inflatable activities, then get ready for a fabulous patriotic program and finally, end the day with a phenomenal fireworks show! When: Sunday, July 4, 2010, 4:00pm - 10:00pm Where: The Powder Springs To
  7. I hope Smyrna allows them to build it and open to the public. People like Kim Childs needs to know what she's talking about before she starts talking outta her butt. To bad we cant get them to open out here!!
  8. Today at 4 pm the Chick Fil A at Powder Springs and Macland is holding open interviews. They sent out text messages yesterday. CFA Link I know that this may not be the area that some are looking...but anything will help.
  9. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
  10. Maybe you should try Atlanta Medical Center. That hospital does refer to doctors that takes payments and works with patients. Not sure of the names of some. But I do know that is the hospital that takes people who cant afford healthcare. It's a good hospital. Most are life flighted there. I know of someone who fell off a dock and has had mutiple surgeries over the past 2 years....and it was all through AMC.
  11. I seen the neon signs on the truck just yesterday. Headed west on 278 through Hiram. I didn't know where it was going...or that we was even getting on. edit.... I didn't see them turn into the Old Crazy Chicken place...they was headed toward Dallas when I seen them
  12. Evidently people in the US are not smart...Here's why. Obama won by a land slide! He ran on Health Care. People in this country want stuff for free. We live in a gimmie society. 3/4 of the people who are going to be on Obamacare will want it for free! They will have the "Why should I have to pay" attidude. I am talking serious with you. I'm serious when I say that I don't want the IRS running my health care. Hell, they can't even run the IRS. They don't even know the proper tax codes. I don't want the government taking my money and making me have a health plan that I don't want. PERIO
  13. Also look on the web and there are some apps that provide free redbox movie codes
  14. I don't 'mail' anything. I pay electronically. So to answer your question. I only send papers via Fedex (Family members work for them in Memphis) So, I'd rather pay their salary. If you want let the same people who handle your taxes handle your healthcare...go right ahead. You can keep your bridge...because I'm sure it's a bridge to nowhere. As far as the fire/police. I have not a problem with them being ran. That's a coat of a different color. I'm actually in school right now getting another degree...this time it's in Crimiinal Justice. Right now...Private alternatives are co
  15. I like what I have now. So, keep your Gooberment healthcare. Canada is running dry on $$ I heard a report the other day (I'll see if I can find it) about Canada (in a certain area) maybe having a an insurance provider coming in because it would be cheaper. I don't know about you...but if I need neuro surgery... I want it. I don't want to be put on a waiting list! Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver due to government underfunding, leaked paper My link
  16. I'll be there from the 11-17 wooohooooo
  17. DBF's step mom just had this done on her nose. They took about the size of a nickel off of her nose in the end. They then put stuff in it and made it fill in. You can see a little bit..but not bad. After she had that surgery she found a knot in the roof of her mouth and it was salivary gland cancer called mucoepidermoid carcinoma or something like that... I'll be praying for you IB. I'm sure you'll come through this like a champ!
  18. TSG I bet it would work... You could always spray the liner with PAM or something. those liners!!
  19. We bought a box of cereal at wally world on Sunday and it had FREE coupon inside for a ticket to 6 Flags. The cereal was maybe $3 (I dont' remember what the name brand was) But you could always throw the cereal away for $3 I'll find out from dbf what the cereal was called. UPDATE.. it's a FREE KIDS ticket and it's on a box of CUPCAKE PEBBLES.
  20. Mines been doing it also.
  21. Walmart sells the one made by Rival it's about $17 and the syrup is right there with it...in the HOUSE WARE section...it's not in the food section... I know.. I hunted all over the store for it.
  22. Please know..that AASHTO requires us to put those FREAKING crosswalks on roads. You see there is a such thing as People with Disabilities Act. No matter what...You must provide anyone a safe access across any road. You will be seeing them more and more. You will even be seeing more HC ramps and no sidewalks attached to them. Sounds stupid...but it has to be done. You must give access to a "safe landing" Ball fields DO bring $$ to the county. Do you know how many baseball, soccer, football...yadda tournaments are held in this county alone? A LOT. Those folks have to eat somewhere. They are
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