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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. LoL. In my Criminal Justice classes you learn that the people who don't like the "po-po" is usually the ones who has the most contact with them.... Negative contact.....such as arrest, "caught a charge" I agree with the statement about Gary Gulledge. He is a good man. I plan on doing one of my interview papers with him.
  2. Come on LR.... just be careful crossing that road... I would hate to scoop you up... Those trucks don't stop for anyone... not even me trying to turn into my driveway, or dbf on the motorcycle...
  3. Thanks!! I'm headed by there tonight. I'm having a pool party on Saturday... DBF's little girl will be here and she has NO idea we have a pool now. I've made him keep it a surprise for when she gets here. (we've only had it a week)
  4. Paulding SPLOST is ran almost like Cobb's. It is VERY successful in Cobb. If you don't want to support the SPLOST program in Paulding...then buy your gas, groceries, and other items in another county around us... OH wait..even Douglas has a SPLOST. I'm all for it! This is one tax that EVERYBODY pays into. Everyone who drives through our county and buys anything...has to pay the extra 1%. If you don't want your property taxes going up to pay for the DOT and other projects...the you really need to vote FOR this. I agree with Tahoe 110 % on this.
  5. I just got back from Memphis. My brother lives in the Horn Lake/Southhaven area. It's much nicer. Alot of people will stay there and just drive to the areas in Memphis. Plenty of nice hotels on Goodman Road. Lots of places to eat on the same road. It's also right at I-55 so you can go North to Memphis...or South to Tunica.
  6. I'm really looking forward to eating there. These people are trying to start a business in very hard times. I really want to support them and help them survive. I've heard alot of good things about the owners. They are dedicated christian folks. I'm all for supporting my fellow christians! Good Luck JRods! We will meet you soon!!!
  7. When I said Britney Spears...I was referring to her changing from the Mickey Mouse Club... and a teenage singer into a woman...She went through the same things that Miley is going through. I see worse coming out of the local High School and Middle Schools
  8. Somebody just did this on Nebo Road last night! It's a flat yard and I just don't think people 'think' when they ride the mower and blow the crap out into the street. There are rocks and trash in that high grass they was cutting and it was slinging all sorts of crap into the street. I live on Hwy 61 and we do everything to keep it off the road. It gets very slippery.
  9. Go for it...I'm back in school.........again. Totally different degree. I'm even retaking some Math classes...just because I wanted to 'refresh' myself. I'm really glad that I did. It's been fun to a certain degree. You will find that there are alot of people in school with you that are over 30. I have about 5 in my class that are 45-60! I am the oldest in my Criminal Justice class...heck...I'm even older than the teacher by 1 month. It's been alot of fun and I've really enjoyed it. I think I enjoy it more now than when I did when I was 18-21.
  10. Glad your SIL don't have blood clots. I have lived with them since I was 24. I've have really bad episodes with them in my legs and lungs. I've had damage done to my heart because of them. It is something serious. I have Factor Leiden V. I take anywhere from 5-15mg of Coumadin everyday.
  11. hmmm So...The Farmers Market starting on Tuesday nights in downtown Hiram.... this isn't part of the home grown catagory they was talking about? >back to the drawing board<
  12. there is one thing you need to know about the Douglasville project. The city of Douglasville and the County paid for the Engineering fees. DOT only is paying for the construction So if Paulding wants to pony up the money for the design fees...I'm sure the design firm would love to do the work!
  13. I can do it after church tomorrow. We have wi-fi there and the pastor don't have a problem with it. I just don't like taking test that I'm not prepared for...or doing papers that way. The test is the main thing. I think I have until Monday night... But it's Geometry so hopefully I can remember my formulas. I was just trying to see if it was just me..or did anyone else have a problem.
  14. I'm so pissed at Comcast right now!! They won't be out until Monday. I tried to tell the dip-shtts that I'm the only one who's off line. I have 2 test due by Monday and the are both online. Grrrrrrrrr.
  15. I'm in New Ga. (61 & Nebo Rd) my cable and Internet is still out since Wednesday. Is anyone else's out? I've called everyday and was told there is an outage in the area.....still. Finally yesterday they made a ticket for someone to come out. I have never had this type of problem with Comcast. Everyone has been super friendly in trying to help. So, is anyone else having this type of problem? Oh....and my bill is paid.
  16. We will be in PCB the 2nd week in July also. There is still lots to do without going to the beach. I'm going to keep praying that it don't make it to PCB.
  17. DOUGLASVILLE, GA -- A Douglasville man has been arrested as part of an international investigation into child pornography. John Michael Paschal, 26, was charged with the distribution and possession of child pornography following a GBI search of his home. The search was tied to an investigation by the Saskatchewan Internet Child Exploitation Unit and the GBI. An undercover agent with the Canadian agency was able to download multiple images of suspected child pornography from a user who was identified as being from Douglasville. Rest of the Story
  18. Get it done by the threading... LOTS better! I have very sensitive skin and that wax always rips off about 3 layers of skin and my skin breaks out really easily where they rip it out. I think that salon by Spotlight and R&R now offers it.
  19. Today Only - All day long!! Chick-Fil-A on Austell Road, across from the hospital, will be donating a portion of their sales today to the Sgt. Brent Stephens Family. Brent was killed in a tragic accident on Lake Allatoona on April 22, 2010. Brent is survived by his wife, Lori Brooks Stephens; children, Haleigh Brooke & Wyatt Thomas Stephens Donations can still be made at Wachovia in the name of Sgt. Brent Stephens Fund. Brent and his family lived here in Paulding County. So, if anyone is going near the area of Cobb Hospital..Please stop by and eat/drink or have dessert at Ch
  20. Tina...was you there? I'm not being snippy or biotchy..I'm just asking. I'm trying to find out where you got your info? I know everyone there and you're right..the owner of the 4 wheeler wasn't drunk...That was never said. The guy driving the 4 wheelers was and the owner knew it. My best friends live right where it happened...and thier son and dil lives right there. They are saying the same EXACT thing that Sellersgirl is saying.
  21. Sellersgirl.... keep us updated on how he is. The way you and I described it is the way it was described to GSP and PCSO. I will be praying for Chris and hope he makes a full recovery....
  22. Thank you Sellersgirl! You are correct... he also left him there and got his 4 wheeler and went home!
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