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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Prayers for you LR and your family right now. {big hug}
  2. I understood exactly what you was saying. I'll give you credit...at least your trying to do your homework. I did do mine on #3. Trust me...
  3. No I don't think it's selfish.... Heck... I'm asking everyone to vote YES to amendment 3. This does really effect my job....directly!
  4. I couldn't vote early...I've been out of state for the last 2 months... or I would have.
  5. Those are PUBLIC pictures. She was ARRESTED! so...if you don't want a mugshot on file...DON'T do a crime and get arrested. The photos the other site used was FAMILY photos.... BIG difference. Oh...and I'm a Reagan Republican and have always voted Republican.... but I would NEVER Vote for Paulette..... I'm glad she's gone from the school board too!
  6. I voted early this morning at Scoggins Middle School and there was already about 30 folks in line at 7:15. Oh and I voted YES to amendment 3. It gives GDOT the way to do sign contracts with design firms to start designing roads and THEN they get the money to build it. As it stands now GDOT can't issue road design to firms until they have ALL the money (design + R/W + environmental + construction)even though the road isn't going to be built right now. Oh....and this directly effects my job.
  7. Lets not forget that she was on the way to get cake for a birthday party. To bad that one family will not ever be able to celebrate 5 birthdays thanks to this trash. I hope she gets 15 years for each charge!
  8. I have ALOT to make... I'm not sure that I have time to make about 10 lbs of potato salad. I've already got a full plate just trying to set up for the festival, cake walk, and the fall photos.
  9. I'm needing to buy some Potato Salad. I don't like the ones that are in the containers like at the Grocery Stores or Sams. So here is what I'm wanting to know. Where is a restaurant or someone who can cook make me some good Potato Salad? (Local) Sooo whatcha go for me? ***Fall Festival Info*** My church is having a Fall Festival tomorrow. It will begin at 11:00AM with music, games, moon walk, giant slide and pony rides,face painting for the kids. We will also be having Fall Photos. We will have some gospel groups singing throughout the day, horse shoes for the adults and don't f
  10. I had the same thing happen to me this morning before I left for the office. I can't log on from this computer...so I won't know until I get home.
  11. Here's my advice. Go try it for yourself and have an open mind. Now, if everyone was giving negatives then I'd say don't go...but that's not happening here.
  12. Most Ace stores sells Carhartt......nuff said. I usually go to Cowens in Lithia Springs or Ace in D'ville... and I've been known to get it at Johnny's
  13. Oh...you didn't type Braddocks name right....... Paulette Rakestraw Braddock
  14. We was in near the US capitol last night... If I get a chance I'll post pictures coming up over the capitol. Great view. It was shining through the capitol and made it look awesome!
  15. I'm in DC for the weekend. I'm flying home on Monday. DBF and I got plans in the city tomorrow then picking up dsd on Sat. I'm excited about spending the weekend doing stuff in DC and Baltimore with her.
  16. I agree with you 100% A vote for Barnes is a vote for improving transportaion in this state. Since I'm in transportation...I'll be crossing the party lines.....
  17. turn them in. When I had alot of work done on my house... I told the contractors "If I come here or someone comes by here and you can't produce documents on your workers....YOU'RE FIRED!!" He knew I meant business. But then again...I went with reputable people and it got done right. I've been in Gatlinburg for the last month working... You wouldn't believe all the Russians here. I thought Panama City was bad.... pfft. I met a girl at one of the places places we went to for drinks. She told us flat out they were brought over here to on 1 year work visas and they have no plans on returning.
  18. I use cast iron on mine too... oops. Been doing it over 5 years now. I love how easy it is to clean. One good thing to use for cleaning it is either Softscrub or Comet.
  19. COG management located at the end of Nebo and Hwy 61 is hiring for a license agent. I dont know any other details. Just saw it on the sign outside the business.
  20. Thanks LR...I've been staying in different hotels the last month.... urghhhh Trust me... I check everything now !
  21. If he was one of my family members I would have asked for the Fire Department to come out Hose him off the roof. He gets down...and I get to see my firemen in turn-out gear. WIN WIN
  22. From what I heard...he is getting better. Still not sure exactly what is wrong with him...but if I find out more I'll post.
  23. This is the same boy... He is a freshman at HHS. His mom and family are on the way to Scottish Rite. For the sake of the family...I won't post this young boys name. But I will ask for prayers...vibes...whatever ya got for this boy and his family.
  24. I'm going to go out on a limb here and maybe put 2 and 2 together. I have several friends on my FB page praying for someone we went to school with...and he's 14 and was hurt playing football... I'm pretty sure they said it was a back injury and was being life flighted to SR. Please don't quote me...but it's just ironic that this was posted the same time its posted on my FB page. (I went to school with the boys mom)
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