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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Fastpitchmom.... we had some in a Math Class at CTC just like that. Priceless! The 1st day of class the instructor was brushing up on some math for some of the students. I just sat there and I was looking around for a camera thinking I was on hidden camera or something... I swear....some of them actually failed the class. I ended up just testing out of that class. If you want to hear some FUNNY stuff. Take Intro to Criminal Justice! OMG... some of the crap that comes out of the folks mouths are funny. I would just shake my head and laugh. The instructor asked us what career was was
  2. Thanks everyone!!! There is 2 guys that I'm going with here in my office. They said they really want to go to Bennetts.
  3. I forgot about that place!! We ate there when we went skiing.
  4. Starting in Aug. I will be out working on a FHWA project in the National Parks... Yeah..I know...tough work...but hey..somebody's got to do it. Our first trip is on the Blue Ridge Pkwy... then we head to the Smoky Mountains. We are looking for some good places to eat in Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg area. We will be there for about 3 weeks... and we are not just wanting to eat at O'Charleys and places like that all the time. So...do you know of places that are off the beaten path that is good. It don't have to be cheap...just good. Thanks
  5. You're on Tybee Island!!! woooohoooo
  6. I wonder where Roy stands on immigration? That is HUGE to me. I'm sick of ALL illegals! Not just mexican...but ALL.
  7. I will be voting for Sam Olens. He is a good man. I did alot of work for him through CDOT. He is out there working for the folks he represents. I have nothing but good things to say about Sam. I don't think he was 'tight' like you think with Jerry.... I really don't think anyone was. If so...he wouldn't have lost!
  8. Her little sister Ali is headed right in her footsteps too. She has been seen out partying with LL... Sad family indeed!
  9. What stinks is they moved my polling place from South Paulding Middle all the way to flipping Scoggins Middle...... pfft. Can you vote anywhere today or do you have to go to your polling place?
  10. where's Angel Eyes......... Oh wait... the PoPo did it's job... as usual. Good Job PCSO
  11. Does these jackasses know how hot asphalt is during the day...... I don't think anyone has anything worth stealing to be laying on the freakin hot asphalt and get stompped to death... Sounds like Acworth PD needs something to do (training) or something.
  12. Well voting is tomorrow..............so it's 4:00pm now.... and if there isn't someone riding around District 2 with a bull horn or something... Nobodys going to know what the hell Animal is talking about Nobody will be standing at the polls telling anything. So, if it's not out by now...it must not be very important. Oh, I'm not voting for either one
  13. Please don't think that the SPLOST don't pay for saleries.... It does.. I work for an engineering firm and we are contracted by SPLOST funds to design roadways, parks, streetscapes & sidewalk projects and bridges. I've done a lot of work in Cobb with the SPLOST program. So...it does effect workers here in this county. Also know that EVERYONE pays this tax! If you buy anything in this county You pay the tax. Not only do YOU pay the tax....but so does everyone else who buys anything here.
  14. Oh I agree with the get a room part. That's nasty. Sex on park bench = lots of splinters. not that I'd know.
  15. Yeh.... I didn't read the article....sorry April isn't to swift... answer this since I don't have kids....only a 7 yr old step daughter..... Do parents just drop their kids off at parks and leave them? Now, I know they do the movies, mall, and stars and strikes.... But most of those kids are older than park age kids. I'd never leave the 7 yr old alone in a park, bathroom, store, movies......yadda yadda yadda
  16. As long as your not taking your kids there for stranger on stranger secret sex.....y'all will be ok. From what I understand this wasn't happening during the day. The Sheriff and his men are handling this swiftly. I didn't read the article. But I'm sure your kids was safe.
  17. Just to let you know.. PCB is flooded with fast pitch softball teams. The Fast Pitch World Series is going on right now. Even our Condo is slammed with teams. If you can't find a condo ....try a hotel
  18. The seaweed and algae is nasty!! It gets all in your swimsuits. everything else has been great. Lots of military, EPA, and folks patrol'n the beach for tar balls. None in site (iPhone in use)
  19. Gwilli we are right beside pineapple willys. Michelle Obama was right down the beach at a press conference yesterday. That's why all the coast guard was out. The EPA and the people looking for oil was so heavily out yesterday. It was funny watching the guys working ooglying the women in bikini's
  20. For those who are thinking about going to PCB soon....... It's perfect!! No tar or oil spotted at all...and we are on the 11th floor
  21. Lifting you and your family up in prayers.
  22. Incabiker I would again agree...if he was a productive member of socitey...but if he had a house, and was laid off by the economy... then yes, by all means stay with friends and family members. That's what you're suppose to do. But at 29 and if you have had a job, house...yadda yadda yadda.... You don't threaten your mom with a gun to iron your freaking clothes! You pull the ironing board down and get with it. You pull your own weight. Something evidently wasn't 'clicking' with him... because who in thier right mind would be so wound up and hold your MOM hostage for 6 hours because sh
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