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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Yes NY I would, never in my post did I say that I wouldn't. I did say that I like to spend my money and help other Christians out. That I wouldn't purposely spend my money with someone like the guy in Draketown. I never said that I only spend my money with Christian establishments. It was made out like that's all I do...but it's not true. I spend my money at the movies, ball parks, and other places just like everyone else. BUT, I will help my brother in Christ if I can.
  2. I would agree with you up to a certain point. Say, after college, during college..something. But dude is 29. Come on now...you have to throw red flags on that. At 29 he could have roommates... something....but your roommate shouldn't me Mom!
  3. PM Charlie or Charlie's Angel. They help run a food bank called Lighthouse (I think) It's behind the Dollar General Store in Dallas.
  4. I think you missed the entire point. I do wear my religion on my sleeve. When people see me and talk to me they know that the Lord I serve is very present in my life. They see it in the things I do in my life for others and myself. I don't have to sit here and list all my donations and time that I spend to justify MY WALK and where I stand. If I want to spend MY money with Christians...I WILL... If I said that I am Jewish...and they do the exact samething... would you be so critical of me? I actually know people who work there. They say the owners are the real deal. They are not fake.
  5. LGM has this correct. It works the same way at Tech. I'm also at Chatt Tech. I love it..and I'm taking my core classes for my degree there and switching to Mercer or UWG to get my degree. Chatt Tech didn't accept some of my math and english from Tech Oh, and I only get HOPE Grant for now. I make waaayyy to much money even working part-time to qualify for pell. Just be thankful you have it. I ended up spending almost $500 on 3 books and codes.
  6. Thoughts.......since you read so deep into what I said.... you would have noticed that it said I will not eat at restaurants or spend my money with people I know for a fact are liars, thieves, conarts. yadda yadda yadda but I guess you didn't catch that part. You just pulled what you wanted to out of it. I even put out 2 examples of of my likes and dislikes! So go blow your thoughs up someone else's butt
  7. I like to support other christians in any way I can. I will not eat at restaurants or spend my money with people I know for a fact are liars, thieves, conarts. yadda yadda yadda Prime example. I will do business with the Antique Store called Somewhere In Time that is located in downtown Dallas...because I know her...and know she is and awesome christian lady! I will not do business with that guy out in Draketown who always has the stupid signs. He is hateful, and I will not put my hard earned money in someones pocket like that. I guess it's to each his own.
  8. Prayers for a peaceful passing or a complete healing. I serve a mighty God. I understand and completely understand were you're coming from.
  9. He is resting and they are moving him to ICU just so they can observe him more closely since they haven't been doing this procedure very long. They said he look good and that he will be sore because of the probes through his ribs and what ever. It's not a 'major' surgery where they had to cut him open they was able to do it with probes and a laser. His cancer is the kind that metastasized from when he had large cell lung cancer. They removed the cancer and part of his lung. He is a trooper! He took 1 round of chemo then...and said forget it! He saw my mom die from lung cancer and all the pai
  10. I thought they was CM's here?? They have posted before?
  11. He just got out of surgery and the dr said that he thinks that he may have gotten all of the cancer. It looks promising. He still wants my dad to take chemo...but he has said that he will not be sick for the rest of his life. I understand how he feels..it's his decision and I respect that. He is 74.
  12. Gun or no gun... My momma would have took that iron and beat me to death with it for demanding anything from her! Heck...she beat me wif a loaf of bread when I was about 10 because we was on the way to the lake (no other stores around) and I sat on the bread and squished it....AFTER she warned me not to sit on the bread...
  13. Something is evidently wrong with this 'man' he's 29 and still living with his mom...AND expects her to iron. Big RED flag drta
  14. That's not true!! Baby Grayson is just as important. I know my dad would look at it the same. He said he's lived a very long and happy life. If the Lord needs him he's ready to go. I'm sure he would rather the healing go to your son! Actually, I'm positive! Thanks everyone for the kind words and prayers.
  15. Prayers for you and your family! I'm sure we can do some kinds of fundraisers to help you...heck we've help people with thier electric and gas bills....then they turn right around and have an island built for thier kitchen. Seriously....WE will find a way to help you and your family...that I'm sure of!!!
  16. My dad is in surgery in Little Rock right now. He has liver cancer and they are doing a new type of procedure on him. He is only the 10th or so person they have done this on. They said he is a good candidate for this procedure and that he will only have to stay in the hospital over night to make sure he is ok and has no side effects. Prayers for my sweet dad please TIA
  17. I have solution....... Build Sidewalks!! Oh wait that will never happen!!
  18. I may have to stop by on Friday and look at the paper. I've got to print some wedding brochures for a friends wedding in October... and her colors are burnt orange and brown.
  19. I'm looking for some burnt orange color paper OR a tan/light brown type color. Something that can be used for a fall printing.
  20. I LOVE Collinsville...but they are right... You need to get there around 8 am Ga time. They are closing things up at noon. Lots of cool stuff... all kinds of animals.. Another one that is awesome for a weekend trip is called Anderson Jockey Lot and Farmers Market! It's in Anderson, South Carolina. This thing is so dang big...it will take you 2 days to complete. http://www.jockeylot.com/
  21. I'll see what I can dig up for you tomorrow. I'll poke around
  22. Check with GDOT. That will be your first place to look. The company I work for does traffic analysis for different projects. They are then turned in to either GDOT or the County..usually both.
  23. you know this is about to start a riot on pcom. it's not the breed...it the owners it's not the owners....it's the breed
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