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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. and probably living in a trailer... (like that's a bad thing.) Actually had someone say that on here.. No trailer for me. Sorry to disappoint.
  2. Oh Lawd... don't scare the folks like that.. It's really not fair to them you're to sweet!! But we all know you're da hottie!!
  3. LR... did it show up? I can't see it on this stupid computer
  4. I have 3. The last one is on my right foot..... HURT LIKE A MO-FO!!! The others are on my left leg and right ankle... didn't hurt at all. Yup... I want more. I work in a professional environment. Never have I had a problem. I can even say that my big, big boss ended up getting a pair of drum sticks and came right in and showed them to me... because he knew I had tats! How cool is that.
  5. Plweeeeze!! Post the one that's my profile picture. That is more current. You sooo sweet!!
  6. What kind didja get? I bought one last year... LOVE IT!
  7. I wouldn't want to be the CASA volunteer on this case...
  8. I can't figure out how to pull my picture off of my FB page and post it here. I'm on an iPhone on FB and a computer here at work. Work won't allow me to access FB..
  9. I think it's funny how you call them lil' Tow This is one time I am thankful I don't have kids and never will get to experience this lovely part of parenthood.
  10. Congrats MrsB & MrB on the babyB!
  11. I need to call 411 to get 911's number
  12. I know they are already doing traffic counts at Hwy 61 and Nebo.
  13. Nemie and her Hubby Steve are living in England right now. Steve is from England. PM her.
  14. The only reason he is able to pick up the child from daycare is because SHE said he could... SHE signed the papers saying it was ok. She needs to get her stuff in order. If not...he can get his in order and she will be sitting there wondering what happened. It's best to be PRO-active instead of RE-active!
  15. A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed a home invasion suspect Wednesday morning after the knife-wielding intruder attacked her in the shower, police said. he incident happened about 6:30 a.m. at a home in the 2800 block of East Mount Tabor Circle. Gwinnett police Cpl. Edwin Ritter told the AJC that the woman, who is in her late 40s or early 50s, was getting out of the shower when the intruder, who she did not know, turned out the lights and attacked her. She fell back into the shower, injuring her back, and attempted to fight the man off with the shower rod, Ritter said. "She
  16. When is your actual due date? I guess I missed that somewhere.
  17. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who has lost their mom. My mom passed away 16 yrs ago this past March. I was only 23 and she was 52. Today is a blah day for me. No mom...No kids... just blah. So hug your kids and let them know how much you love them.
  18. Praying for her and the family. She is such a sweet lady.
  19. Not so fast Pubby... Islamic scholars don't think he got a proper burial. My link
  20. 2 words Daniel Pearl They didn't give him a proper anything!!! And he was/is an American!!!
  21. Chattahoochee Tech's Public Safety Club is also accepting donations. The advisor (Marcy) has already got the ball rolling and contacted the different counties that have been hit here in Ga. All the donations we collect at CTC will go to people in Georgia. If you have a donation or would like to donate there are places set up at EACH campus. Let me know if I can help.
  22. That other officer isn't his "partner" this officer was working off duty.
  23. my ex sis in law lives in Centre and they got damage from the earlier tornado...actually 2 came through but the 1st one was the one who did the most damage. They live right at 411 at the lake (county rd 31)
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