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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. jobs for me....woot! and about 10 others I can think of right off hand.
  2. gosh I never agree with DGITW.... ever. but she hit the nail on the head with the post above!
  3. SOme of my guys left a little before 7 to be able to make it to the polls
  4. Cobb has the lowest sales tax in the metro area. With the SPLOST
  5. I hope it does pass!! This is a tax on everyone... legal residents and illegal residents and everyone who buys something in Cobb... The tax rate is 6% with the SPLOST and if you think that your taxes will return to 5% you are sadly mistaken. It's no secret that I do work for Cobb DOT. I can guarantee you that I've put more sidewalks in Cobb county than Paulding has roads. Every school has had sidewalks installed or designed to be installed. This is within a 1 mile radius. Oh...and Windy-Mac was built with SPLOST dollars. Please don't think your and OTHER's 1% don't put people to wo
  6. ^^^ what she said... it'll be a slap on the wrist.
  7. You are the best!!! I do agree with champsbbcoach. We are a nation of gimmies
  8. Oh come on Bookworm... How can you advertise something fake... and you didn't even spell Pie right... you forgot the 'e' in pie. You need to fix your title. Or I will never visit your store. pfft. I'm a Pi = 3.14159265 kinda girl
  9. I agree with Surepip 110% Hamburgers should taste like hamburgers... not Meatloaf... yuk
  10. we had so much fun!!! I hope they raised alot of money for them!!
  11. TONIGHT.......TONIGHT.....Sat. March 12th @ 6:00 at the Waco City Hall-- Womanless Pageant, yep you read that right "Womanless". It's to help raise money for Special Olympics. So come on guys lets see how many of you are man enough to be a woman for one afternoon. Lots of fun and laughs. And its for a very worthy cause!!!! $5 to get. You don't have to be in the pageant to watch it. Everything is for the Harlason County Special Olympics. Food will be available for purchase.
  12. A pedicure won't help those gnarly toes... he needs lamisil http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001069/
  13. As a step mom...my dsd knows very well not to talk to me like that. Slip or not. Was this funny... yeah... I'm still shocked at the way parents all their kids to talk to them...period.
  14. The DA will offer Life in prison instead of the death penalty. I'm sorry...those thugs deserve the death penalty. I hope they don't plead guilty so the DA can go for it. This will cost douglas county an a$$ load of money...but hey.. gotta do...whatcha gotta do. I've learned wayyyy to much in my criminal justice classes..
  15. The district attorney is not the judge. The DA is the one who gave the ultimatum
  16. sweet!!!! Y'all do some outstanding work. If the DBF is good this next couple of weeks I may bring his big 4x4 to ya. He is wanting to get the alumumn wheels polished to a mirrow shine. He was planning on spending time taking each tire off and going through all the grades of sand paper. I told him I thought y'all may do it... Let me know if you do. He's not just wanting them cleaned and polished... you'd just have to see what I'm talking about...
  17. I still don't see how in the heck people think the poor will pay more? Common sense will tell you that rich have more money to spend than I do. They can have huge dinner parties and invite 50+ people. That means SOMEBODY has to go to the grocery store and buy food, and supplies and HIRE people to work those parties.... but hell, I guess me going and grabbing some steaks and having 5 people over is the same kind of party? Oh, and if you smoke....you should be paying the stupid tax. I prefer the consumption tax! Everyone pays! Legal or Illegal!
  18. GaLW... you know how people are on here. They don't want anyone to succeed. They would rather be negative and hateful to people just trying to make a living. I've been and I really do like thier food. Great atmoshphere too.
  19. LR... I thought I had photos of it on my blog but I dont. When I was working for the National parks this past fall we had to do part of Great Smokey Mountains and we had to go through Bryson City to get there. Go with your hubby on the bikes. DBF rode the DragonTail and the cherohala skyway. AWESOME! They take pictures on the dragontail and you can go to their website and buy them. Oh they even do the Train for Christmas! Beautiful then. To me the Fall is the best time to go!
  20. I have listened to the Bert Show since it started in '01. I listened when Jeff and Jessica got married and Jessica's dad was on his death bed. It's no different than others marriages who break up and it's announced. All celebrities announce theirs. Heck...Moby from Kicks 101.5 and the Moby in the morning show has went through several marriages during his time in Atlanta. Melissa and her girlfriend...(NotLisa) Jenn Hobby and her rocker hubby... Divorce happens and I am surprised about Jeff and Jessica.
  21. You can call the jail to see if the is still there. If so, ask them what the address and what his inmate number is and write him. Tell him you will put some money on his books. That way he will talk to you.... lol... In jail...store is everything.
  22. ^^^ listen to this info!!! They are switching to semesters.
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