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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I usually pick them up when I'm at the Dolla General or some place like that. If they have 10 or 20.... I try to buy as many as I can. I know I've bought over 50 in the last 2 months. edit to add....not a good deal, but not more than $1 each
  2. If you are looking for Spirit Gum then Eddie's Trick Shop has it...
  3. SS. I spent the entire month of Sept working in GRSM. All over GRSM. We did both ways back and forth. It is faster to go the interstate....but boring. My favorite part of the park is Cataloochee Valley. LOTS of ELK! Roaring Fork has been re-done and is now open again.
  4. I agree...they are right in the same catagory as the one's who stop on a divided highway or roadway for school buses! grrr
  5. My ex has a son who at 3 yrs old weighed 43 lbs. He was proud of the fact and would tell you his name ______ and I weigh 43 lbs. Today he is 4 has high cholesterol. They did have him playing football last season.
  6. Oh lord... I just bought over 50+ clear plastic shoe bins....and it didn't even come close. I have 18 pairs of cowboy boots alone. I have 3 pairs of Lucchese and 10 pairs of Ariat. I have Justins and even a pair of Danner hunting boots.... Oh lord I need help
  7. I work on Northside Drive and 285... I live on 61 not far from you and it takes me about an hour and 20 minutes to get there. Traffic can be bad. I don't go I-20 to 285.
  8. I know the manager of the Subway on Brownsville Road... I'll see what I can find out.
  9. A coworker of mine lives in Gwinnett Co. and they have them. His wifey went and picked it up (dvd) and then they went to the zoo. Just like it was explained on here. Evidently they have more than 1 copy.
  10. Good Luck!!! You're young...you can handle it. You will do fine. It was a good to meet you the other day and thank you so much for the books!!
  11. Hands down....... Angel Cordle in Marietta....
  12. I can't stand PAUL!! He sounds like a Rod Stewart wannabe!! pfft James all the way
  13. I tossed him out of my hospital room at cobb....
  14. Yes Sugail.... Oh...and get this. before Fatbacks got it's name it was going to be Cafe419. But the guy who ownes that building didn't think it was a good name and pretty much told them if they named it that then they wouldn't be successful and he would lease to them....
  15. My bff just took her daughter (This morning) to be registered at Nebo and the daughter had to be there and they did take the kids in another room and test them. Not sure exactly what they "tested" them on...the parents wasn't in the room.
  16. Praying for you Lowrider. I went through the same thing with my mom. She was only 52. Here I am 16 years later and going through it with my dad now. He is also in the hospital and not sure when he will be home either. Prayers going up. If you need anything...just let us know!!!
  17. Dr. Kathleen A. Long, MD she is at Kennestone! Northwest Georgia Oncology Centers I have used her as my oncologist/hematologist
  18. As a traffic engineer...I'm getting a kick out of the arm chair engineers who think they know what a road is 'rated' for... if so..tell us where you found that in the AASHTO? What kills me is...we employ LEO's to do a flippin job.... and if the LEO isn't doing the job...we bitch. LEO's job is to write tickets! If I'm the LEO's boss and he isn't writing tickets and doing his job I'd really like to know what the hell he's doing all during his shift? I want to see more people getting tickets...especially on Hwy 61 in New Georgia!!!
  19. http://www.onenightstand.co.uk/ I swear it's a place to rent/buy dresses..
  20. Girl...you even have childrens? How did you get denied? No kids here...and make to much money... even though I work part-time.
  21. I did all mine on the internet. Did you do it through the Ga411 or whatever it is.
  22. I always get denied...except for HOPE. :-(
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