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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Saying AXE is my dbf's biggest pet peeve. He hates it when anyone says it... especially the white kids who try to act all gangster or ghetto
  2. Here is a great idea to go along with the sun block!! http://www.solartex.com/servlet/the-680/Baby-long-sleeve-swim/Detail These are UV shirts and they are awesome. Several of the guys here at work use them on ALL of their kids! Just google UV Sun/swim shirts.
  3. I can tell you right now that my DBF wouldn't go for it. He is very active in his daughters life and she lives in Va. He is there monthly and at all of her important and non-important life events. Does your son have a passport? If not, it takes both parents to get one now.
  4. It's a lot more than just a guy doing traffic counts. They also lay down the traffic counters on the roadway to count the traffic at ALL hours of the day. I'm telling you that Dollar General did the MINIMUM to get a driveway permit. That's where it the problem is...DG is cheap. Keeping cost down. Also the speed limit of the road and the design speed of the road come into factor in all of this. The higher the speed of the road...the longer the sight distance is.
  5. I'm working...you know I have so many roadways and driveway openings to screw up.
  6. Really.. I am a traffic engineer with 12 yrs experience designing roadways here in Ga. You do understand that we have a Federal guideline to go by..it's called the AASHTO (the green book) for highway design and the MUTCD for signs and pavement markings. I want to let you know that roadway designs are a product of a traffic study. There are certain groups and that is what they do...study traffic. They see what is needed for the roadways and intersections and give us the data and then it's done according those those Federal Highaway Standards. Now...if it's not built per the specs of the drawi
  7. Oh they have a plan for Douglasville....and they have started and completed Phase 1 of it...the 2nd phase is a biggy. Here is the websie where you can see the proposal for the phases... AWESOME http://www.gahwy92.com/ edit...part of the project was the new bridge at 92 and I20 plus the widening of 92 so far.... Watch the video
  8. You are probably right. Accel/dcel lanes run anywhere from 75k and up. Then you have to add left turn lanes for the approaching traffic. They call it symmetrical and asymmetrical widening of roads
  9. You're probably nicer than I would have been. One thing that hurts like hellll is to be hit with a freakin shopping car. This was probably at the Hiram wally world...
  10. Wasn't there like 84 searches for Chloroform.....Not chlorophyll?
  11. So...you're trying to tell us something we didn't know about TOW? (lost his mind?) I can't live in a zoo. Hell..they will start to smell if it gets to much hotter and wetter outside. Oh and if they do start to smell...I saw in another thread where you can put lime on them... sorry....
  12. I posted some in other threads last night. I don't have them on the computer here at work
  13. I got some pretty cool shots of the sky and clouds before it started pouring down. I'm at 61 and Nebo
  14. Here is the storm blowing in from the west. This is in New Ga.
  15. It demolished my awning thingy. It even lifted the latter out of my pool. My neighbor has shingles in my yard.
  16. A bad storm just blew through New Ga. Holy Smokes!!! I've got limbs everywhere and even in the road. Sorry folks I'll move'em later. Power is out also. 61 and Nebo Rd.
  17. Chucky E Cheese... and you can get dad a beer while he is there and the kids can play games. sorry...I'll leave now..
  18. My new bigger pool pump came in yesterday and so we will be getting the old one off and putting the big boy on there tonight. I will be in the pool all flipping weekend long!! Wine and sunshine on Sat. Church on Sunday
  19. I saw this yesterday....... ummm stoooopid
  20. I'm going to tell you that AIU is a waste of money! It is overly expensive. If you want to go to an art school...do SCAD-A. If you enroll at CTC it WILL cost you money even if you get HOPE unless you qualify for PELL. HOPE will not pay for all of your classes and the fee's and the books.....I could go on and on. This fall will cost me out the arse. I'm looking to transfer in Jan. edit to add..... GO FOR IT! It's really fun going back to school with folks your own age now. I'm not the oldest in the class. There are still some young ones in there...but lots of mature older peeps too.
  21. Thanks eye_sirius. I was also looking for some ECO ways to do this. Like some old wives tales kind of like you see people who hang a ziploc bag up with a penny in it to keep flies away. Chickens....not an option. Sorry Subby...but a dead spider is a good spider to me. They freak me the hell out. I am like Tbar and how he hates snakes. That is how I feel about spiders. I'm not picking them up and putting them outside...if they wanted to be outside they would have stayed outside...and not came in side. OR take a dip in my pool. I've had a lot of ants this year. I have several piles arou
  22. Bubbadoo... umm you proved you're an ass. If you learn to read you will see I was talking talking about my yard around my pool. But then again...it's my freakin yard....and I take care of it... and I pay taxes on it...so I'll kill everything in sight if I want too. Edit to add.... Thanks PcsC I have a friend who ownes the do-it-yourself pest control in Lithia Springs... I was just wanting something along the lines of what Far West was talking about.
  23. I think it's funny how some folks think they actually get a paper check... What a crock. They get paid in CASH $$ GREENBACKS. Oh and it cost more for a parolee or probationer...because they have a SSN and then they have to be paid with taxes being taken out. You're smokin crack if you think they take taxes out. My sister works for a tomato farm in Arkansas and I can guarantee they pay under the table. They call it day labors. Even though it's the same day laborer
  24. I can do lunch next tuesday... I'm doing my CASA stuff on tuesdays... So I take off on that day.... No she didn't tell me... but well chat
  25. Thanks Far West!! I'm headed to Home Depot this afternoon. I'm getting the granules and using a spreader. I'm also going to get some that is liquid to spray around the doors and windows of my house and the pool for the spiders and other dang bugs.
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