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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I'm not sore at all about the TSPLOST... That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. What I'm talking about is people don't the fore thought that is put into planning a new or existing roadway. The first step is the concept phase. There are ususally 3-4 concepts for each job. It is up to the County/GDOT to decide. I think it's funny that people think they should just draw a line on a map and be done with it...
  2. Tahoe... they are called armchair engineers... I know I deal with them e.v.e.r.y.f.r.e.a.k.i.n.d.a.y.
  3. again...........hands down. Hairazor... she is on here.. she ownes Salon J. Look for her on FB She is located at 278 and Cleborne Parkway
  4. Are you wanting to do 3 or 5 day passes? How long will you be staying? Are you only wanting to do Disney or the other parks? What are the kiddo's ages? Sorry for so many questions... but this gives us an idea as to what you're working with. http://www.mousesavers.com I used this site....
  5. I'm a CASA volunteer and I can pretty much tell you she aint getting the baby back anytime soon. The mom/dad should have a case plan that she has to work and complete - and done correctly. What has happened isn't a matter of a couple of months and everything will be fine. 9 times out of 10 they demand drug treatment, GED, A job, and parenting classes. They could even demand he to do a program like Mothers Making a Change. So, don't sweat little Alyssa getting back to her birth mom anytime soon.
  6. I thought it was a group meeting for Pimps whos ho's was outta commission... j/k I didn't think of square dancing at all...
  7. Hey....Sherry........ y'all !!
  8. I'm friends with David on FB and the dugout. I don't see anywhere on there that they have closed? The last post I see is about the weekend and the specials... posted on Sept. 7
  9. Im about to send his mom and him a message on FB...we'll see
  10. I wish I knew who this redneck is.... too bad he don't run in my circle of red friends... :rofl:
  11. I wish I knew who this redneck is.... too bad he don't run in my circle of red friends... :rofl:
  12. ask for you $101 back along with the $350.
  13. Hmmm I didn't think rednecks drove Mercedes? I thought they drove 4x4's, had rebel flags, and showed up on the People of Wal*Mart website...
  14. So the officer didnt' lie.... or not know the code....but was doing his job and your wife was at fault.... Am I reading that correctly? Imagine that
  15. We love Pier Park. I'm a cheap-o. But you can find some steals and deals there. We like eating at Margaritaville... STAY away from Dicks Last Resort. Especially if you have kids with your or your don't have sense of humor. The food sucked there and it was expensive. I have a sense of humor and like to cut up but some of the stuff they do is over the top. They didn't know how to filter anything for some of the teens I saw eating there. Asking 13-15 yr old boys how many BJ's they've had isn't funny. The hats they make are pretty dang funny too. Them picking on my sister about her fake boobs was
  16. I've met lots.... All good folks. From Subby all the way to LR and Trixie. Trixie is the She does amazing work. I even know KRM.....
  17. This has been the best thread in..... forever! Boobs.......and bewbie hugs....good memories...
  18. 2 word... COLT FORD I'm all over that show! "Meet me at the Waffle House"....... lol
  19. Thank you for allowing your child to accept responsibility and not coming on here to biotch and complain. My sister in law was just involved in a major wreck last night in Memphis because she failed to yeild. She has really put a burden on her family. Now they don't have a vehicle to drive all because she was in a hurry. OH, and she ain't 20 either. Good luck to your kiddo. Thanks for being a responsible parent!
  20. Hai Hai is open... ate there wednesday night
  21. I've ate so many dang eggs with my training and workout.... blahhhh
  22. I was in the gym last night and ***poof*** all the sudden the crappy POP was playing... I was pissed. If I wanted to listen to that I would listen to Q100 when they finally decide to play some music.
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