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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Chunchine!!!! Where have you been missy?? Glad to see you hangning around here again!
  2. Good Morning... Friday's is my short day. Going to Hairazor to get my hair did....I'm having a fling with my trainer this afternoon....then date night and hopefully getting lucky with my bf tonight..... Yeah...that's how I roll
  3. They have been working on it for over 3 months now. I go that way everyday to the gym and work and have been seeing them with dumpsters and really cleaning it up. I would love to see it revamped!
  4. Sorry Feelip..... I will move back to the park....the next time...I just thought it was more private out there than at the park with Animal lurking around
  5. when did this happen? Do you know what kind of vehicles?
  6. I also do it for environmental studies (noise) for a proposed roadway. If this was on SR 92 I have been up and down that road for the last month or so. I would also be doing a historical evaluation on the properties to see if they are historic or not. If they have old buildings on them they have to be photographed. So, just because it's a busy street don't mean anything. It could also be your mortgage co, insurance co or just about anyone.
  7. I have to have a crown next week...and my tooth is hurting...and my trainer won't let me eat what I really want to eat.....so....I'm outta ideas. About the only thing I could eat is Egg drop soup... I can eat all the FREAKIN egg whites I want........ blahhhhh :bad:
  8. <--- I'm an engineer and I don't have a EIT, ET, or PE and I'm not registered with the State. Oh and in some states if you have the OTJ as an engineer you can take your PE in those states. I'm pretty sure Texas and DC are 2 of them. editt to add that Texas now requires you to take the National Examination
  9. I'd run from anything on Hollywood road and Bolton Road....... just saying
  10. She's an idiot... anyone who votes for her falls into the same catagory... sorry...just my opinion...and if you are my friend...I'd tell you the same thing...
  11. Nice car...but if you have to ask how much...then you can't afford it... j/k
  12. If anyone else hires Shearin for ANYTHING in this damn county....... they are setting themselves up for assination. (Not that I'd personally pull the trigger...or hire anyone... just a figure of speach)
  13. If he couldn't work on jobs other than being a building inspector.....that also means law enforcement and other county workers shouldn't be working "extra" jobs either... You really should be careful about the tales you tote.
  14. Do you ever have anything good to say about this county? Just wondering. It does look bad... but you seem to point out everything wrong in this county?
  15. ^^^ I don't have anyone on iggy...
  16. The beaches on the Atlantic feels like concrete. Not soft and full of shells that cut your feet... call me a tenderfoot.
  17. Yup...and I know them all The one named Sabrina that is there in a coral/pink colored dress....just lost her husband Dino about 2 weeks ago. Dino and Sabrina was on the first one with Pricilla. Dino was the one sitting at the table with his family saying his daughter Ashley would marry only a man he approved of.
  18. I work in a male dominated field. I am friends with all the guys I work with. I know their families and how great of husbands, dads and friends they are. I encourage them to be the best daddys they can. I was out working in the National Parks in 2010-2011 with 2 male co-workers. Never ever did anything happen. We went out drinking after work...nothing but fun. It's all about respect. I respect them and their families and nothing was ever said, tried or implicated. They look at me as one of the guys. I like to go to Tilted Kilt with them and just bs. I'm not a lesbian... Some of the best looki
  19. Yes. I am and always will be a tomboy. I rather be hunting, fishing, or watching sports than shopping and squawking with women. My best friend is a guy. I've known him 30+ years. I've never slept with him and never will. I am very good friends with my trainer. I would not sleep with him either. He is married and as a woman I RESPECT his wife and family.
  20. If people would pay their damn ambulance bill he might be able to pay his people. Instead they take a free ride to the hospital when they could have drove their damn selves all because they needed their next dose of Oxy, or morphine... or what ever they prescription surf for this week.
  21. my step-daughter gets out of school June 21st (in Va.) and she don't go back until the day after Labor Day... She will spend all her summer break with us... Try finding someone to keep her for those weeks when all the kids go back here.. .No summer camps are available.....
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