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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I do!! I do zumba and Cardio Kickboxing....and I have a trainer 2-3 days a week.. As of today....I've lost 35lbs and 4-5 sizes!! :yahoo:
  2. he love the white power in the form of a crackle like substance... Seen him at A bunch of NA and CA meetings... I got suckered into attending with a friend....
  3. :rofl: Damn....someone snatched something off Facebook...and thought it sounded legit...and lookie what happens.... NEVER get your info from FB...or PCom for that matter
  4. it was my trainers birthday....and ummm it got krunk up in JJ's.... I have pictures... but I can't post them
  5. I was drunk there on Saturday night...........just ask Sports Source..... :rofl: :rofl:
  6. The Ga 400 toll road was never a LAW... this is actually a law on the books... Back then you just had a Gov. state that he would end the toll...when he didn't have the authority to do so. § Code 32-5-30
  7. It's not just about MY industry...that's what you are missing. Vulcan, CW, Yancey, CAT, all of those pay very good wages! I know people who work on the machinary for these companies, who in return pay taxes in our county, send their snowflakes to school in our county. Once the road construction was cut...so was the jobs at these places. I had friends lose jobs. If people have a JOB...they buy a HOUSE, a car, a boat, go on vacation. Engineering firms pay good money. We will be looking to hire instead of layoff workers. We will be needing to hire construction services people like you woul
  8. Actually I'm nowhere near a welfare employee. I've actually been working on a project in Saudi Arabia for the past year and half. I work for a global company. So to say that people who are contractors for the govt. is the same as a welfare recipient is pretty narrow minded. There have been many people who been put out of business or 'bought out' by others because of the economy and the lack of road construction and other construction type businees. Ask Aiken Grading.
  9. I was craving Krispy Kreme last night!! Oh lawd...that and Krystals.... :ninja: wayyy to much :drinks:
  10. Douglas County is a big supporter of this........ You know why?? I-20 / 285 interchange. Also...SR 92. I guess once your spouses bread and butter ships off to another state... you will hear a different tune. I can tell you someone RIGHT now that could benefit from one of these jobs..... SUBBY!
  11. http://www.metroatla...referendum.com/ http://documents.atlantaregional.com/TIA/Chairman_Worthan_ARC_Board_Presentation_032712.pdf
  12. Charlotte and Dallas are watching very closely. I'm not sure if you know or not that a lot of manufacturing jobs are being diverted to those two cities because of the ease of traffic. When some of the companies asked what was the major reason for chosing those cities...they said traffic. I'll see if I can dig up the links if you would like. I posted them before. But if not...I'm sure Zoo can do it for me... I'm voting YES....because I'm a traffic engineer, I work for one of the largest engineering firms in Atlanta and I need my job. Right now, no jobs are being sent out to design. If so, t
  13. I was at your house this evening. you showed up and didn't even say hi
  14. Yes I did compare the two. The main reason I did...is because some of the parents on here said they would defend their kids against felony charges. Isn't that what this mom is doing? But she is coddling her child right? One thing you must know...this kid has only been charged...not convicted. A lot of the rumors you are hearing about what "happened" is being told through the grapevine. Sure the PCSO has charged him...but those charges could also be dropped or lowered...just like the kids at EPHS But...but... he's just scared...thats why it happened /s No sympathy here for
  15. wonder where all the parents are who said they would do annnything to help their innocent little snowflakes out. They should be here supporting this mom and her precious snowflake. Y'all know know you are, the same ones with the EPHS vandals. This mom should be ashamed of herself and her snowflake. But instead she runs and hids him. He sure looks tough now...
  16. My brother who is a welder makes 3x what I make as an engineer... He has NO degree... My nephew who is 20 yrs old and been welding since he was 16 and in Job Corps makes almost as much as I do. Dental Hygenist and RN's make almost what I make.... So don't count out those 2yr degrees.
  17. Hope you have a great day!!!
  18. I've never had anything bad there.. .TO MUCH FOOD. I've always left with dessert too.
  19. Yes. I have.... she is 9 now. Hell whenever you go to the ocean...duh you're swimming with all sorts of animals... Jelly fish hurt like a MO-FO
  20. Advanced college degrees...not just "a" college degree. Because most people believe a 2 yr degree is equal to a 4 yr degree.
  21. I think Heath is as dumb as a box of rocks... So are the people who have the "Re-Elect Heath" signs on their property. just sayin
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