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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. This was a topic on the Today Show this morning. According to the report, the Security Guards had been told by Supervisors (it is policy) NOT to intervene in a fight that was already in progress.
  2. enjoy the snow - and take some pretty pictures.
  3. Not for bread and milk but I did send DD for some dog food (gotta keep the furbabies happy) and potatoes. Got a pretty good supply of everything else - as long as we don't lose power.
  4. That is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The pics I've taken so far I have done on my phone to send to DS in Orlando. I don't know how to transfer them to the laptop. I'll have to take some with the camera.
  5. Yeah, the Doxies were NOT impressed either - especially the little on that is DS's. They are so close to the ground if it accumulates much more it will be as deep as they are tall. LOL!!
  6. Believe me, I will. This was the first I heard of it and am glad I've found it!!!
  7. YUMMMMMM......that WAS A TREAT when I was growing up. Loved Snow Cream!
  8. This report is not from around here but I just talked to a friend across the line in Heflin, AL and it has been coming down hard over there for about an hour and is STICKING! A good accumulation already. Typically we get the same weather they get.
  9. Coming down GOOD here on Bus. 6 near the Plaza. :yahoo: PRETTY!!!
  10. ME TOO and my guess would be everyone would prefer snow. We are well over due for several inches of pretty snow. But, no ice - too dangerous on the roads and that is what takes out the power, cable, etc lines. Everyone have their bread and milk???????
  11. WONDERFUL NEWS - PRAISE GOD!!! I am so glad he is doing well enough to go home. Both of you will be able to rest better there. Take Care!
  12. Oh you did!!! DH has a quart bag of them to take to work tomorrow. There will be some happy folks there, too.
  13. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I didn't get them made yesterday but DH did this afternoon on his day off. They are AWESOME!! Thanks so much Mrs. Jack Russell for the recommendation and Malia110 for the recipe. :
  14. DITTO!!!!! Me too - no more teasing with a dusting of snow and NO ice. Just a pretty white snow of several inches. PLEASE!?!?!?!?
  15. Their are a LOT of people turning their homes over to the mortgage company these days. They even did a segment on it on one of the morning shows this week. It keeps from having a foreclosure on the credit report although it does show up as abandoning the debt. But, so many people are not only finding themselves unemployed but also in a house that is far less valuable than when they purchased it. SAD ECONOMY!!!
  16. I am so sorry to hear this. I will definitely keep my eyes and ears open for ya. GOOD LUCK! And, I understand what MWE was saying. Unemployment is scary and a concern at any age. But, for those of us on up in the years, it is even scarier and a larger concern. Of course it is against the law to discriminate because of age. BUT..........it DOES happen and many employers don't want to hire and train someone who will be reaching retirement age in a few years. I have many friends that fall into this category.
  17. Good Morning LR and luvtennis5......Sorry you haven't gotten any sleep LR, I've often wondered how they expect anyone to get any sleep in a hospital. I am glad DH is making progress. Hope all is well with you luvtennis5. Too many aches and pains to stay in bed here. Hope everyone has a good, warm and dry Thursday!!
  18. We DVR Criminal Minds. It is one of our favorites and want to give it our undivided attention.
  19. Yes, it was sweet. Did she make it through on AI? Don't remember. You would think so, wouldn't ya???? GEEEZZZZZZZZ
  20. I'm watching - as always. Did ya'll hear where Big Mike makes it to the top 24 but is probably gonna be booted off the show because his Dad leaked it to the Media?????
  21. I got a speeding ticket in Cobb County one time and DID cry - it was on my birthday and I was SOOOOO mad. There was no way I was going the speed he said I was. There were several cars in a row on County Parkway and he stopped me and the car in front of me. We both had temporary tags on our cars and I think he thought he was gonna get us for being outside the 30 day window. I don't know about the other car but I was legal. The tears didn't help - I still got the ticket.
  22. CUTE!!!! I know it feels as great as it looks, too.
  23. Just stepping in to see how last night and today has gone for you and DH. Hope he continues to do well and ya'll have a good evening. I know what you mean about going in together and leaving together. Whenever I or DH are in the hospital we are there with the other for the duration. We wouldn't get any sleep if we came home anyway. Take Care.
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