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Everything posted by nschur

  1. I'm so sorry to here this Papi. If you think it will help any, I will send Dis jr. to "adult sit". I'll even send a lil bell for you to ring when you need something.
  2. Go figure... you saw geese on goose island. Insert emote here Have fun there!! I got to do horse wrangling at wotk first thing today. Wonder what will be on the agenda for tonight. That's thee great thing about my job... you just never know.
  3. Sorry, I understood you to say that taxes not the tax rate went up. The rate is going up. Whhile taxes will still be less for most.
  4. I have to agree with LPPT on this one. Most, not all, of us have seen our homes values go down in recent years. With that comes a decrease on my taxes, not to be confused with tax RATES. The rates stay the same and you WILL pay less taxes. Think about paying taxes at a store or car lot Less value, less tax. Whether or not this is a good thing is dependant on how you view things Anyway the county can only cut budget back so far the same as your household. If your pay (same as the county's tax digest / collected taxes) goes down you cut expenses. If you can cut no more you subsidize from w
  5. Business Executive records himself badgering a Chick-Fil-A worker, and is surprised most think he is a jerk and now unemployed. http://wizbangblog.com/2012/08/02/business-executive-records-himself-badgering-a-chick-fil-a-employee-suprised-everyone-thinks-hes-a-jerk/
  6. Are you really that stupid? How many times in my posts did I state that I blistered his a$$ with a 2" LEATHER BELT? Nope, idiots truly walk among us. And for the record (you can go back and look) I specifically stated that I have taken the 2" leather belt to him on multiple occasions twice and that I use corporal or severe punishment at least 3 other times. I also stated 3 times about going to DEFACS because of my use of corporal punishment. But it appears that you lack the intelligence to make that connection and continue to believe that my son has never experienced any form of corporal
  7. That does work as well but is much more costly. It would be helpful if folks understood the right on red and yield laws a little better. ( Vehicular traffic facing a steady CIRCULAR RED signal may cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn after stopping as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. Such vehicular traffic shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching and is within one lane of the half
  8. depending on the intersection in question the yield to left turning traffic is required. If the left turn traffic is given a green arrow, how would the oncoming right turn traffic know. If this was not the case then the right turning traffic would have ROW over the left turn even though they had a green arrow. It is the only way to make sure that the right turns actually yield on the green arrow. Understand?
  9. They will do it for serious accidents that will likely be litigated as well. It is a officer call. it is not difficult to mark the locations and major indicators like skids, gouges and debris. hopefully there were no fatalities.
  10. Come on CRB... Where are your "beat him harder" comments or "man up" Replies. You seem to think I was not doing the same things that you would. Come on what say you now? Man up and answer with exactly what you would have done different.
  11. Do you actually think that what you said has not been done. Remember I have already been to DEFACS because of a disagreement between my use of corporal punishment and a doctor. So How about you get beyond the part where you believe "I just need to BEAT him MORE". As a for instance. He was counseled, chastised, placed in time out, had privledes removed and then spanked, switched, and blistered by a 2 inch leather belt for multiple infractions over a period of time. Rewards for good behavior were also tried. The reason I put it that way will make sense shortly. Those infractions cover, dis
  12. I truly hope that one day Dis jr will be able to take himself off the meds and embrace his energies. As it is right now, he just can not sit still, follow directions and focus on his schoolwork. Even on meds he has a hard time and is in a special class with low student / teacher ratios and expanded knowledge on how to redirect these students. And yes the Paulding school system is compensated by additional funding for this.I believe the total for my son is about $5,000 per school year extra.
  13. I have done the research, made the comparisons, consulted more than 1 doctor and numerous other parents on this matter. My son's ADHD / ODD combination is kick AZZ to say the least. Couple that with his other medical issues and there are plenty of drug interactions to contend with. I have done the best with the hand that I was dealt and try to strike the best balance in what my son takes and does not take. But then again I have to contend with jerks like you that complained yesterday about a child striking yours ( and likely deservidly so, but I really have no clue just using dad's attitude as
  14. If your business falls within the current zoning guidelines, it is a right and the law. If you have to apply for a waiver or varience it is a privledge that is subject to the whims of the board and the local community.
  15. Maybe he doesn't have to. How do you know what his relationship with his loving spouse is like? It may be pure bliss to him. They may get "together" 0 - 21 times a week and he is totally satisfied. So why do you feel that his belief that others should be able to live as blissful an existance as he does in the same manner is wrong? Or do you just assume that heterosexuals are unable to be sexually satisfied with their lives?
  16. How has he personally treated them different?
  17. I won't be going to any gay biker bars. So what?
  18. Other than the fact that Dis Jr. Is on his 4th school while still in Elementary school because the system moved him not because we moved. Because of this his new bus driver refused to release him to his granny at out home. They did not have the correct list that was filled out Monday. So they flatly refused to release him (10) to his granny. Not like he couldn't tell them that OS my mom's. Mom. So they take him back to school and call me at the station. No I. Can not get him I'm. At work. Who can come get him. The same person you just refused to give him to! That is all I have and that doesn't
  19. Many women will also just vote for the candidate that they feel will give them more of other people's money to support their family. Since. When did it become other people's responsibility to pay for you and yours. So I am wrong for wanting.g to keep more of the money that I worked for and they are right because "they just need it"? No this does not apply to all women.
  20. They could just follow Zoocrews advice and move closer to their jobs. Then when more people are living nearer to the city center the immplementation will yield lots more bang for the Buck and the current system should be fairly well self supporting and operating near Max capacity . So is MARTA self supporting it operating at Max capacity? If not then why expand it.
  21. I do not begrudge them their job and their duties. However, I have found out how to autoreject calls on my cell phone. That means the person has had to call me several times already in order to determine that they are a TM worthy of being put on my list. You would not believe the number of AR calls that are logged on my phone everyday. It is almost worthy of having someone on staff just to answer my phone. And that does not include the annonymous reject calls that will not even get through to voicemail. And they call up to 10 every night. And then there are the ones that you tell to put you on
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C4Xar2Wysk&feature=related :yahoo: I love this guy!1
  23. I am lost on your implication here and must not understand the rules of what goes where then. To me discussing TSPLOST stays here. Discusing voting and how you vote and for whom Goes especially if done by the OP. My mentioniing of PIBO should have no bearing. If that would move SOMEONE else's post, that was otherwise in the right place, then the mods should delete my post. Or am I looking at this wrong?
  24. +100 Look at the person and what they did or didn't do. Compare their history to their promises and then make your decision. BTW!!! Mods... should this not be in the PF?
  25. Does that strategy apply to the Presidential race as well. PIBO is the incumbent, raised taxes and he will have an opponent.Or does it only appy to GOP members?
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