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Everything posted by nschur

  1. I do not think I like it. A few years ago my daughter and a female cousin were with the cousin's older brother. They took " playing doctor" to unhealthy levels. Due to mine and the cousin's mother's job we both fell into mandatory reporting guidelines. So here you have a family that has a couple of preteen girls and a preteen male cousin all involved. So even though we wanted to put a stop to it and help the chidren through counseling we were still forced to bring it to the attention of the authorities. Yeah sure we could have gone on our own and done just as well by the children but NO, we c
  2. We have to tour the Anderson Tank Farm off Powder Springs & the EW Conn as part of our job. From what they were telling us that is one of the big depots in Atlanta. There is another in Doraville. ALL the gas stations come there to get their fuel. That fuel was brought up the pipeline which goes from the gulf to New Jersey. Now when an individual purchase is loaded they will speck out the additives that the purchaser has requested at the point where they fill up the tanker. Just think the Kroger fuel pumps but with many more options. According to our guide, QT is know to add the most additi
  3. Just a word of caution... draining the Carb over the winter can allow it to rust. Better yo keep it full with lots of stability and then drain it before use. 2 years ago before I found all this out, I went to put gas in my tiller for a neighbor to use and it ran right out the Carb and air filter. It is side mounted. The ethanol had destroyed the float and other parts and the Carb had to be rebuilt
  4. That is absolutely true!! Add fuel stabilizer to all your mix fuel between 2 and 4 oz per gal. It will help neutralize the ethanol.
  5. nschur


    If I had video, I would send it to AFHV. At least that way I would have gotten $10k for my pain. As it was, it was all I could do to keep from snatching my jeans off! Had it not been for my lace up boots there would have been a crazy man running around her house with not pants on!
  6. I'm over here minding my own business trimming Loveapet's hedges when POW!! That first one hits my knee. Ouch what the... pow pow!! HOLY CRAP!!! Batman. Quick visual check... OH NOO!! I'M right in the middle of a swarm and I'm the target de joir. Take off running and realize they are up my left pant leg. Stop and sweep. Here comes the swarm. Run again. Get to the truck but I have to make sure there aren't any hiding. Sweep and smack time. Now here I sit hiding in my truck with a crap load of angry jackets just waiting for me to stick my fool head back out there.
  7. Just goes to prove what I have always known. The Dems believe in the very top strata having all the money even as they swear they are looking out for the little Guy.
  8. And why is it that a pregnant female over the age of 35 is automatically considered to be a high risk pregnancy? Maybe we should just go ahead and quit wasting money on these "well duh" studies and accept the obvious. It does not take a rocket scientist or a government funded study for me to realize that after years of wear and tear the chance of an offspring having a genetic flaw go up. BTW... I thought Pcom rules state that you had to make a contribution of your own thinking relating to any article you link to.
  9. I think we should both get a mayberry just because we found something we actually agree on.
  10. We seldom agree but I'm with you 100% here. + 100
  11. And we have all seen just how willing the Liberals are to "tweak" the system with their views on wellfare, social security, Medicare and a whole host of other reforms designed to "tweak" these programs. Yep they launch right into their killing baniese, throwing granny off a cliff and hating the environment diatribe. We can all see how willing they are to tweak ANY system that provides support... unless it is to tweak it to pay even more. And I take it from your response you were actually supportive of the providing assistance to these folks concept. Typical... supportive of any and all governm
  12. I don't mind them labeling it a condition. I do mind that the Liberals will then want to give those afflicted by this monetary support because they are now "disabled". Then we will have even more useless people living off the government and using the "condition" as an excuse at work or for whatever else they choose. I think it would be far easier to just go ahead and label folks as "AUGD" as whole categorey and be done with it. All those of us that work will know what it is and who is on it. Forget "dignity". If these folks don't have the dignity to do the right things why should I worry about
  13. USS Constitution (the US Navy's oldest commissioned warship) sails on its own for the first time since 1997. http://news.yahoo.com/photos/uss-constitution-sails-again-slideshow/ I am a big naval history fan and love this stuff. I Still have a Wood and String Model ( the really nice professionally made ones) of this ship that I got when I was about 6, wow that thing is really old, My first set of dinner dishes were of sailing ships and the dinner plates were of the battle referenced here. I unfortunately have never been to see "old Ironsides" but have been to see her sister (US
  14. Mine's bigger than yours is... Seriously though, I have been doing a little with Dis Jr with O scale. But Even I have to envy those G scale set ups. Anything that requires a track layout in your back yard and turning your basement into the train barn is truly impressive. I ran a call at a home that had a G scale track on their backyard.
  15. And what if he did. He would have settled up as per their rules. That means he paid his taxes. Should we bring up Geithner at this point? Well I guess that it is up to him to prove he isn't now isn't it. I mean that is the way of the Left.
  16. This has got to be a first. From the IC to the PF now to NCWN. WOW!! 3 forum in 1 day. Where to next? The Religious or Got the goods? Maybe Help Wanted. No 08 - 09. He released 10 and 11.
  17. So just because he hasn't released them he has to be hiding something? RIIIGGHT.... So then by your very own premises, since Obama won't release his college transcript records then he is obviously hiding something as well. I don't know about you but I find the history of a person running for political position very important. That includes pas work, school, tax compliance and legal compliance. So I find the fact that Obama will not release them concerning. On the other hand Romney has released everything required by law. So when I compare the two I am forced to say that Romney, given the legal
  18. It's official (not) but Romney stated he will release the extra tax filings and have them placed in Obama's college transcript file folder. :rofl: :rofl:
  19. To all my customers and supporters who recommend my services. So far it has been a very good year. With my wife back to work, I was again able to save my income for a family vacation. We are almost done with paying for the trip, I should make the last payment at the end of the week. Family Dis will be very happy to be able to return to our favorit place... Where else but... DISNEY WORLD !!! We will be at Disney's Wilderness Lodge over Fall Break Come on down and celebrate with us!! insert countdown timer here... anyway know how?
  20. Well in that case... Not much point in trying to make it more equitable. You just pay for what you got. and pay and pay and pay.
  21. I have no issue with a weight based either. Did I miss something? When did we go to weight based. My 2012 Malibu is roughly twice the amount of my 2004 Sierra 1500 extended cab and probably 1500 # lighter. Maybe I should go back and read his entire post. I was refering to the first part.
  22. I get what you are saying about the different car values but I have had an issue with that for a loping time. Why is it fair to require someone in a more expensive car who might drive far less than the person in the elcheapo car to pay more to drive on the very same roads that the other Guy does? The taxes are for road maintanence right? Should not every car owner to pay the same or better yet by miles driven? I know the miles driven opens a bog can of worms but even if you drive out of state, you are still using someone's roads. Just saying... BTW... I hate posting from the phone. Too
  23. Most of the time I will side against government on taxes but not this time. The part you are missing / not considering is the comparison of potential future outcomes against the here and now. You just can not mix the 2. You are correct in your assessment of your future overall tax liability IF PROPERTY VALUES INCREASE WITHOUT A DECREASE IN THE MIL RATE. But that is not written in stone yet. What a person needs to remember is that even with the mil increase most will still be paying less overall. That is pretty much a fact now. Later what we would have to hope for is that our elected officials
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