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Everything posted by nschur

  1. I was a bit surprised at her request as well. But anyway. Daughter got her shoes, I saw to that. Mom did not get them. But the big thing that got me was the failure of either party to initially agree to get the shoes to begin with. I had to tell my daughtet to go get them before we checked out.
  2. The extent of my involvement here is to A) Make sure she got the shoes she really needed. Not come home with a new pair of boots or some such B ) to make sure she looks at price and buys reasonbly priced shoes add C) make sure she actually gets some that fit. Other than that, it's her choice.
  3. But we were shopping for them...
  4. We went to Kohl's last night to do a little shopping. Daughter needed some new shoes and my wife wanted some too. I had some Kohl's cash so off we went. Both are really picky about their tennis shoes. My wife can decide for herself what to get so I go to help 12 y/o daughter. She can mostly decide what she wants but she really wants someone else to make the ultimate decision. So We look around. She wants some light weight white shoes and I want her to have some leather all purpose as well. So we find a couple of pairs. They only have the display of the White / Green light weight ones she like
  5. They should not have used another 4** number. Now 4/ is meaningless.
  6. Just a couple of thoughts here. People who otherwse might have traveled abroad or further away are staying closer to home. Second those flights are likely reduced i numbers making them fuller and less flexible for the travelers. J ust my thoughts.
  7. There are a few that can be issued on private property. And property crimes can always be. They would assign fault in the accident investigation but likely not issue any tickets. We had a whole different report form for a private property accident than for a public road. 40-6-270 Hit and run 40-6-271 Duty to stop at accidents 40-6-272 Duty to stop upon striking a fixture ARE all enforcible on private property.
  8. Did you read what the HUMAN RESOURCES RE TOLD ME? I Guess not. I specifficall asked them and gave their reply. You can believe it or not. Short of that, I am correct. Go up their or call Human resources and inquire yourself.
  9. Maybe it is you that does not understand.
  10. Ok. But it does seem like a fair trade for both sides. BTW... I have been trying to find an answer to this question. Ford Island at Pearl Harbor apparantly has had houses built on it now. Who lives in those houses?
  11. Let me type just as slowly. You said our rates were up because BCBS was charging Cobb more in premiums. I said our rates were up because of the direct costs to our plan. "Zoo Let me say this slowly so you can get it. Health care costs have risen much, much faster than inflation. Your premiums have gone up because the county is not supplementing as much. Your premiums have increased because the insurance companies are charging more. None of that was due to Affordable Health Care Act. Those were things outside of the Act. Your premiums would have gone up due to budg
  12. It seems that you were disinclined to believe me when I said Cobb is self insured on their Health Care plan. I spoke with a HR Rep to verify what I said. this is what they said.. So ... Do you believe me now? Which leads me to the point I was making before. Cobb's "premium rates" are not going up (they do mot have them) THEIR COSTS ARE GOING UP as well as their projected costs due to Obamacare. They are just ahead of the game.
  13. I'm jealous... but Still, I gotta ask how is it zero. Utilities included in rent or something.
  14. Not at all. Just saying that your system will likely be running almost constantly to keep your home at 75 - 80 degrees. That is VERY hard on your system and on the electric grid. Also that lowering the thermostat to 70, will likely not help you, as it will never get there. I should also add that area fans also help just by adding a small breeze / air movement around you making it seem cooler.
  15. Folks need to be smart right now. Your AC will be working very hard to stay at 80 with temps outside over 100. Do not bake or cool if you do not have to. Try not to do laundry well using the dryer. If ypi do, for it over night. Do not take long hot steaming showers. Keep as many lights off as you can. Do not go in and out. These all help especially right now.
  16. Sometimes you just gotta go
  17. I'm sorry, but I long ago quit following your asinine links. IF you want to debate me you are going to have to pull out the pertinent portion and post it here as a quote so everyone can see what your point is. Then you post your link so we know where it came from. I am debating you not them. They are not reading my posts and responding to them. I refuse to read through mounds of CRAP that you claim support your cause just to try and find a part of it that supports your claim because you are either too lazy or to ill equipeded to support your own. Have a nice day. And I cited my own sour
  18. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing again... If you read that, you know darn well I am talking about the increase in domestic production right now. NO WHERE in there is there ANYTHING that indicates I am giving W ANY credit for the dropping gas prices. You wanna say you are sorry and were mistaken or do you wanna just ignore the written and VERY public evidence?
  19. I will give him just as much credit for this as I did W. for gas rices spiking under him. I did give W credit for expanding access to our own energy reserves But I can not do that for PIBO. I know... we are producing more now thn ever before. As the liberals like to point out, if PIBO allowed access in the areas he closed, it would take 10 years for it to get to market and it will not help us now anyway. Guess what, W. did that and his 10 year mark is now. So that is where a big portion of the increases you have seen came fromAnd there is much more growth in the private access area now because
  20. She does not have to. Everyone that read the post knows it... well except for the mindless that could not even identify their own hand in front of their face like.... Well you know what comes next.
  21. so you admit they did not read my article and say my analogy was naive? And that what you staed was a lie. You are such a good liberal. Never defending your own beliefs on your own. You always have to let someone else do your thinking for you and rely on them to argue what you THINK you might be saying.Oh oooh, I just got backed into a corner and can't get myself out. Here is a link that I think can do it for me. Now take that mr. bad conservative... So and sooo here says you are wrong. Yep that is a great debate tool. Got news for you, I am not debating them, I and debating you
  22. Wait... Let me get this straight. The folks at your linked post ACTUALLY READ MY ANALOGY AND THEN THEY DECLARED IT NAIVE?!? Really!!?? You are a liar. They said no such thing. THAT IS YOUR OPINION I'm sorry, I don't care what you or they think. By definition, anything that is doing less well than it was, even if we are discussing growth, has worsened. I suggest you take that up with merriam-webster Definition of WORSEN transitive verb: to make worse intransitive verb: to become worse ****Now look at the very last part of this one**** Definition of IMPROVE transit
  23. Last try here If I am in my truck (the economy) going down the road at 60 mph (the health of the economy) because we can't use Zero as the economy is an ever changing thing. Further let's assume that 40 mph is the minimum for a heatly economy while 60 would be better than average health. Let's let Delta V represent the gowth of the economy. No change (staying exactly at 60 mph) would represent a stable / stagnant economy. Acceleration would represent growth/improvement in the economy while decelleration would represent contraction/worsening within the economy. You said "Slowing but improvi
  24. Has my rate of travel improved or gotten worse?
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