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Everything posted by nschur

  1. Would you care to explain to us unenlightened masses how you have a slowing AND improving economy at the SAME TIME. This oughta be good. I will say that I have a really good grasp of the English language and understand the definitions of " slowing" and" improving" quite well. But it appears you might want to brush up on those two a little more.
  2. And I reminded you... My gas price prediction was based of a STABLE worl market. You were saying then how the market was improving. I only went with stable. So Again I ask... what happened to the world market. Remember you have a curent topic addressing this very thing. That's right.. They have retreated / worsened in significant way. So that will push the price of oil down and gas with it. So I was incorrect in my stable assumption, but it appears you were even further off the mark going from improving to declining. So either you were just flat out wrong about the markets or you knew there w
  3. It won't matter. In a year or two most plans will be right there with Cobb. "We lead others follow" Cobb's motto. I am being truthful. You are being dismissive without substantiaing proof.
  4. I gave mine where is yours. I can definatively say my rates went up the given amount over the given period. I can definatively say what the infation adjustment tool has to say about that. What have you provided that says otherwise? That's right, the all knowing Zoo has spoke and so it has to be true. Got it No Cobb is SELF INSURED. They pay BCBS to administer the plan and Cobb pays the bills out of their own accounts. Do You really want to argue this point?
  5. I'm not sure I understand the question. Cobb is self insured. The use BCBS to manage most of their heathcare plans. They pay the costs out of pocket not the insurance company. They decide how much they believe they will spend in the next year and adjust accordingly. They see the new rules and adjust for them right away. Add kids until age 26 and they must increase their alotted expenses. It really is that simple. I see Cobb as a good indicator of future trends in that market.
  6. Can you prove I'm wrong. Generalizing is not making factual statements. Seems I heard that somewhere else. But I asure you my numbers as presented are correct. You know how to check them if you like. I can say I have a broken arm because of the pain and noted incident. You can say it is not broken , it is just bruised all you want. I am the one experiencing it and neither will be proven right or wrong until there is an X-Ray of my arm. But who do you think has a better idea of what is going on, you with only indirect data or me with the direct data on my arm?
  7. No, not 25%!! in 3 years. I already showed you that at your "linear rate increases" I would have been paying $7,942 in 2000 for insurance. That is definately not the case. According to the inflation adjustment tool it should have been $14,700 I believe. And by the same tool I should be paying around $17,200 now. What say you now?
  8. But our Copays, Deductibles and premiums will be going up in a very meaningful way. Remember mine went up 25% in 3 years. Oh that's right you really had no meanigful defense for my reply in that post did ya. And if Our insurance costs do not go up the government will have to get the money they need to pay for all the "freebie" plans from China or maybe just print them thus devaluing my earned income even more. See... There is really no way around the fact that this is at its very core... ANOTHER MASSIVE ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM. I'm sorry but the average person can not afford a $75 visit to
  9. Let me think here... how was it that Roberts put it. Paraphrased of course Read more: http://ideas.time.co...n#ixzz1zHEja75F So those that you seem to be gloating to had it right. OBAMACARE as it was written and "SOLD" to the legislature was indeed unconstitutional. But since Roberts decided that what they really meant to say in it was that the "penalty" was really a "Tax" then it would be constitutional. So it seems that you were wrong Zoo. You said the law as written was constitutional they said it wasn't. The SCOTUS addressed that same issue in a large majority saying it
  10. Where did I belittle you? You made no mention of any such prior notion as disagreeing with a prior post only that they (the markets) seemed to like the SCOTUS ruling today. I only posted a link to the real reason they rallyed today. Please forgive me since the vagueness of your post might have led me to deduce something that you did not intend. Or did you.
  11. More probably they like the good news about the EU debt crisis. http://www.nj.com/bu...o_stem_deb.html Wat to try and spin it your way.
  12. And if MOST EVERYONE paid into a healthcare plan you would not hear a peep from me. But this plan will not do that. Sure it says everyone must pay but do you REALLY expect everyone or even close to everyone that currently does not have HC to pay? My BIL and Neice are both "high risk" or have pre-existing conditions which make them hard to cover. EVEN WITH OBAMACARE'S new laws covering this group, which are already in effect, and him making good money they could not afford coverage. But they could not be turned down. Now you expect a low income person with similar issues to get coverage? Nope,
  13. Why should you pay for anyone's child to go to school? His(my son's) class type means nothing to the discussion. As a community we decided to have schools. No one parent can pay for an entire school system themselves. So we pooled our resources. We decided to levy a school taxe based on all POTENTIAL child occupied homes. We tax them every year except when the oowner is older than a given age. We give that as a courtesy to the elderly. The county therefore knows what it's tax digest is to support education. Your CHOICE not to have children has no bearing on the discussion simply because the ho
  14. Let be frank... I do not care what you think.
  15. I already said that wasn't case a few posts back. I want EVERYONE to do their utmost to pay their own way and contribute a little extra to our society in order to assist those that truly can not provide for themselves and make it a better place over all. Can you honestly say that what I am asking for is actually what is happening? How is it that I got a college education, paid for by me with no other assistance and no student loans, got a decent job while in school that provided the funding and healthcare, then got a decent job that provides for my family's current needs, allows for
  16. I am not entitled to a job... I EARNED mine. If I did work as agreed with my employer... then I AM ENTITLED to my pay check as recompense. But I'm sorry you do not understand that concept TP. I'm done discussing this with you. Bye now..
  17. Thanks for the link. Here is one of the things I hate. This year I am putting in $3,900 to help pay for my daughter's braces at $200 / month. I also have a good bit of Rx copays I like to use this for. But now It will get capped at $2500. Why? I figured it out. I use this plan for several reasons. It is pretax $ that goes into it and I do not have to track and meet those expenses over a whole year to get my tax deduction allowed under law. It is up front and easy for a person to get. Now I will have to spend, track, keep records for and meet the minimum requirements needed when yo
  18. I want to be just as entitled to other people's money as they are.
  19. And what % of those covered milk the system and get it for free? You failed to address the main part of my post, just making it a requirement to get it does not mean they will pay for it. Nor does it mean that they will not get it if they do noat pay for it. Show me where in Mass. 98% of the people are voluntrily PAYING for their own insurance. Page 26 of the following link https://www.mahealthconnector.org/portal/binary/com.epicentric.contentmanagement.servlet.ContentDeliveryServlet/Health%2520Care%2520Reform/Overview/BlueCrossFoundation5YearRpt.pdf If you give stuff away or carge
  20. I never supported a national HC Bill. Sorry. I do support everyone having insurance that they get themsleves individually or through their employer. As far as Cobb's insurance goes, We have had several discussions on this and you have told me that you think Cobb should not provide it / or should charge more. Now MAYBE you were just trying to tick me off by making statements that you do not generally believe, but you did make them. That is my recollection of the discussion. So until you find the post and show me that you did not say it or I misread it I am neither ashamed nor sorry. I rail agai
  21. I work for Cobb GVMT. I pay what I stated and they tell me how much they pay. They could be lieing, who knows. But my family plan costs $20,000 per year. And next year it is going up again. And since my wife found a job that offers her insurance (expensive but offered) we will now have to kick in an additional $100 per month if she opts not to take the expensive plan. Just another way to dig us working class folks. And Whitey thinks we do not pay enough and that we shouldn't get it in the first place. As far as the listed doctors go... with all the money I would save do you not think I cou
  22. As I see it he is either a Liar or too stupid of a Constitutional Law Professor to even know what the definition of a "TAX" is. Take your pick... they are equally as bad for someone holding the highest office in the nation.
  23. And here is the part that I keep talking about but none of the Liberals here seem willing to acknowledge. I decided not to have insurance. So I can use the ER as my doctors office as mandated by current law. Set up a "low" monthly payment of say $100 / month. That would mean I never pay it off and do not intend to, that is just the amount I am willing and able to spend on my HC out of pocket, besides any Rx I need filled at the store. I must pay a MAXIMUM "tax" for me and my family of $2,085 (or 2.5% of income) / year for not having insurance. And for the math challenged... $2500 /
  24. Planning a walk on the Darkside ehhh...
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