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Everything posted by Babysitter87

  1. Poor zebra, just trying to find his way to Madagascar!!! I bet they'll find some penguins trying to escape too... lol
  2. At the last snow, hubby and I built a snowman in our driveway, right in front of the garage door, and the neighbor kids came and knocked it down several days after all the snow on the ground was gone. I proceeded to knock on the doors of each kid's house and told their parents (these were younger kids 2nd and 3rd grade), as the day went on, I had several knocks on the door from kids apologizing for decapitating my snowman. Everyone of them looked terrified... lol No property was taken, but as I told the parents.... it's just the point of the thing... :-)
  3. What a clever way to get BB fans to watch AR!!!! I've never seen AR, but I will definately be watching because I love me some Jeff and Jordan!!!!
  4. Our weed eater broke last year, and still have some stuff that needs to be cut back!!! Please enter me into win!!!
  5. Call Rick at Stars and Strikes! We joined last week, just know that if you join a league with a prize fund, you have to back-pay the prize fund for the weeks you missed so that you can be eligible for prizes at the end of the league!!! There are many leagues including a Breast Cancer league on Monday nights! As far as I know, you can still join!! As I said, call Rick! He is a super nice guy, and will point you in the right direction! Thanks everyone for the replies!!! We have now filled our vacancy!!!
  6. Come on!!! We would love to have either one of you!!!!
  7. Hey everyone!!! We need one bowler for our team to complete in our Tuesday night league! We bowl at 7pm (practice starts at 6:45) at Stars and Strikes. We don't care if your average is 250 or 50, we just want another bowler! So, if you want to bowl and don't have a team.... here's your team!!!! PM me for more info!!!!
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. She will be with you forever and always.
  9. June is absolutely miserable!!! and FYI, the week of winter break (if it falls on President's week again) is one of the busiest, if not the busiest time of year at Disney. We go about 4-5 times a year, and our favorite is right after Labor Day. We stay at Fort Wilderness, and by being able to cook for yourself instead of having to purchase a meal plan and/or buying food saves sooooo much money. You can either camp, take an RV, or stay in the cabins. Plus, they do a whole bunch of extras at FW during the days that are super fun for kids.
  10. i can't wait!!!!!! We got lucky and found Season 7 on sale for $15, and now I'm all hyped up about Season 8!!!!
  11. This isn't by chance Meadowbrooke Estates is it? Regardless,I would call the police before someone gets hurt.
  12. I have a flip nokia with camera and voice dialing and all that jazz that I will part with for $20. I do not have a charger for it, though. I also have a Blackjack with either 2 or 3 spare batteries (i'll have to check) and an external charging port. I'm asking $50 for this one. It is a great phone.
  13. I looked through 5 boxes of VHS tapes today, and didn't find it. I have a few more to look through tomorrow, and I'll let you know!
  14. I know we used to have this movie. I'll adventure into the basement later today and look through the mounds and mounds of VHS tapes we own but never watch to see if we still do! lol
  15. Of all the things, my neice (11 y/o) loved her first pair of real high heels the most! And, for my nephew, he loved the customized Converse he created but didn't know we bought. Mine was a GPS and a sweet thing made by hubby. My mom also got a GPS and a mini fridge for her room (she lives in my basement). Hubby was most thrilled with the "special" magazines Santa brought him with Joanna Krupa on the cover. Mrs. Claus figured since he sweetly watched the entire season of Dancing with the Stars with me, then he deserved the magazine showcasing his favorite celebrity in the season.. lol
  16. I definately don't think they are the best on the show! I like Nota and the Beelzebubs!
  17. I'm sure you do, and we will try one day!!!!! We just have a Christmas tradition of having a Dobosh Torte on Christmas Eve!!! I'm tired of having to order them from a magazine, and have yet to find somewhere local that makes them!!!
  18. Felix Family Lights are awesome! We came by on Monday night and really enjoyed the show!
  19. Love love love me some torrid!
  20. love love love euchre.....play it on pogo quite frequently
  21. my mom just lost her job after 17 years of employment. We are all very bitter about it, because of how she was let go..... They created such a hostile work environment for her, in which she came home crying almost every day until they finally gave her the boot when they realized she would not quit.
  22. I love it when it's cold. The way I see it, if it's cold I can kep piling clothes on, but if it's hot, I can't keep taking them off!
  23. how much is it to add additional travelers that would not be bowling? Mine would be an 11 y/o and a 16 y/o
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