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Everything posted by Babysitter87

  1. For future Mondays, keep Sparkles in mind. .99 cent admission (adults and kids), pizza, and soda. Also, you can get a whole pizza and a pitcher of soda for $9.99. Inexpensive family fun!
  2. Being in love is like peeing on yourself.... Everyone can see it but only you can feel its warmth....
  3. We love geocaching! Hubby goes and does at least two everyday before work. We are planning on taking a geocaching vacation in a few months, because the kids love it too!
  4. When I have my own kids, I would definitely go this route,probably more along the lines of requesting a "talk" not so much jail. Right now however, with custody of my niece and nephew, I would not. The only reason being is that my 11 y/o niece has repeatedly said "I hate cops". I explain to her every time that cops are wonderful and are here to protect us. I know it comes from the fact that cops had to be present when DFCS took them from their mother (and for good reason) and then again from their Aunt (again for a good reason). She just doesn't understand yet she and her brother needed to be
  5. Some great suggestions!!! I like the idea of several stops! Also, I guess I should've said in the original post that beaches are not really an option either since we do St. George Island during the summer! Keep the ideas coming! The kids are really excited to be able to have a say for this vacation! Surprisingly, everything on our list (except Gatlinburg one) are things we've never done as a family! Kinda funny that we haven't done all the sites in ATL, and we live here!! lol
  6. For our Nov. 2010 vacation, we have decided to vote as a family. Each family member has to pick a place and make a powerpoint as to why they want to go to those places and what there is to do (hubby and I have to pick 2 each)! Then, we will present to each other, then vote! We want something other than Disney and Stone Mountain because we already do those every year! It needs to be in the Southeast so we can drive and not spend 1/2 the time in the car! The kids and my mom (can't forget her!!) have already picked their choices, and now hubby and I are having a hard time picking ours! We need 8
  7. me too!!! lol. I rooted for him the whole time, and will continue to do so in upcoming seasons. I just hit myself in the head when he opens his mouth... lol Too funny about his hat though!!! haha!
  8. Russell is by far the BEST player in Survivor history. If he would not have had he skill to pull of some of those crazy blindsides (Tyson, Boston Rob, JT), he would've been gone pretty close to the beginning. He is a master at manipulating the contestants. I think that what really hurts him is his attitude when he speaks to the jury. Even in the reunion, he was arrogant and had an excuse for everything. I love Russell, but dang, his mouth sure does get him into trouble.
  9. I really appreciate the tips you give!! I did the beer and ammonia on my yard a few weeks ago, and have recieved several compliments on how green and lush it is!!!
  10. Ok, I understand budget cuts need to be made, but the one that really chaps my hide is the additional consideration to eliminate P.E. for elementary schools. Are you kidding me?!?!?!
  11. I just had to get birth certificates for my niece and nephew. The state actually has a database online now where any courthouse (as long as they have the database) can print a birth certificate from anywhere in the state. My niece and nephew were actually born in Cobb, but we picked up their birth certificates in Haralson County. Took about 15 minutes. Edited to add: The lady told me that most birth certificates from 1990 on are uploaded in the database. Then, those prior to 1990 are can be kind of wishy washy based on whether or not the uploading has been done!
  12. We missed you guys, but understand you couldn't be there! You guys have always been there for us, and are definately a part of the family!
  13. Well, it's been ten years, and the memories of you are still fresh in mind! You were an amazing husband, a wonderful father, a magnificent coach to your Tiger team. We miss you like crazy! Love, Nancy, Greg,and Kasey
  14. It depends on the case, but I would definitely consider granting a stay. It is the case of the West Memphis Three that changed my opinion on this. This case should have never been given a conviction much less a conviction of death for one of the guys involved. JMHO, the exculpatory evidence in this case definitely provides reasonable doubt. :-)
  15. I say roll the winnings over, and then those of us who want to try again will!
  16. How much is it to get the blades sharpened? I guess I should add that it's a push mower......
  17. According to the memo sent to my KSU email, it was a female.
  18. wow, I just got on campus, opened up my laptop,and this is the first thing I've read.....just wow
  19. JSYK,if you need to go buy more ink, Target had their Lexmark cartridges on sale when I was in there yesterday. :-)
  20. Rainforest Cafe is my favorite. It's a little pricey, but hey,it's Disney. Plus, my niece thinks it's cool when we dine there because of Paul Blart Mall Cop...lol
  21. I was also wondering how her and her hubby's 1 year anniversary went!!!!!
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