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Everything posted by TabbyCat

  1. I hope you have a wonderful day! Miss you! Be SAFE!
  2. Yep, I get the shot. I haven't yet this year, but plan to this week. I have had the TRUE FLU three times in my life, and I ended up in the hospital all three times. When I get the shot? NO FLU. It may not be 100%, but I'd rather take the chance that it will protect me than ever have the flu again. And I am an otherwise healthy person, but for nagging allergies. In other words, I don't get hit harder because I am not well to begin with. Thousands of people die every year from either the flu or flu-related complications. The vaccine is effective in preventing the flu in larg
  3. That's what they say. I went out and looked last night, but I couldn't see anything but stars and random airplanes. It would be so cool to see them again--I enjoyed them often when I lived in Alaska. I didn't hear of anyone seeing them here though. Did anyone else?
  4. Unlike anyone else I have ever seen start out this show out-of-shape and overweight, I have never seen ANYONE seem to gain MORE as the show progressed--except now for Chaz. Which would be to me an indication that he's not working very hard...EVERYONE who has lasted this long has dropped pounds AND inches--and this year you can see it in Ricki Lake and Nancy Grace--they both have lost visible inches. But not Chaz--he looked bigger last night, incredibly. I didn't think Maks was out of line at all. I don't think Hope will win, but she's not the worst one out there. And it seems to me she
  5. coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth on Oct. 24th at approximately 1800 UT (2:00 pm EDT). The impact strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field, directly exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma, and sparked an intense geomagnetic storm. As night fell over North America, auroras spilled across the Canadian border into the contiguous United States. "Wow, wow, wow! These were the best Northern Lights I've seen since 2004," says Shawn Malone, who took this picture from the shores of Lake Superior in Michigan: (see link I posted above for picture) "The auroras filled the sk
  6. If I'm not mistaken, you will need to look North to see the Northern Lights...
  8. I don't recall putting him on a pedestal or saying he wasn't an oddball. In fact, I said it: he was an oddball. Not really sure why you felt it necessary to make this statement. It doesn't diminish the good things, because it really has nothing to do with them whatsoever.
  9. It might have been. You may be right. But what if it wasn't? This discussion was inevitable. DUH. But what if... ...this person was just asking an honest question. It's not exactly clear when this festival of ghosts and candy is supposed to occur. I work on Monday. For my own "celebration"? It will be Friday. I have the luxury of not having small children anymore, but I do have a young grandson whose mother has to be at work at 6:00 Tuesday morning. It may seem contrived to jaded folks, but it's not a ridiculous question. IMO.
  10. Thoughts...I was looking through this thread and using our new power to look at rankings...do you + all of your own posts?
  11. I'm guessing the OP (who only has 2 posts TOTAL)is regretting ever even asking the question now and will likely never ask another question of this forum. Good job, folks. I think it was an innocent question seeking a straight answer, not an invitation to get all political-religious. Sheesh. Buncha freaking GOBLINS!!
  12. I have TMJ, and grinding. A nightime mouthpiece really does help. But the kind you can buy in the drug store really won't help much, except it might keep you from grinding, while it keeps you from SLEEPING. They are horrendous. I got my mouthpiece from the dentist. It's a thin, silicone barrier that you wear at night and which relaxes your jaw and keeps the grinding at bay. It is expensive to get a device custom-made, but it is worth it in the long run. You only get one set of teeth. Treating a problem like this now is a WHOLE lot cheaper than dentures when you're older. I
  13. Or, if you don't want to watch the whole "60 minutes," here is a link to the part about apps for those with autism.
  14. Here's a link if anyone wishes to watch. It's worth the time!
  15. Steve Jobs' biographer. I don't usually watch 60 Minutes, but I was interested in tonight's topic. Did anyone else watch? It was fascinating. I have a friend with a young daughter who has apraxia of speech, due to an undiagnosed strep B infection at birth. She's 2.5 now, and has had an iPad with apps for speech for less than a year now...and she COMMUNICATES! She knows how to use her iPad to "speak." And, she's begun to speak, really speak, with words in her own voice. That tool has made an awesome difference in her and her family's life. The 60 Minutes piece discusses
  16. Maybe they should just control it by making it prescriptive like any other potentially harmful drug. Then they would have your information when you filled the prescription without even asking for it, just like they do any other prescriptive drug. I think it's a matter of convenience rather than inconvenience that you have to sign to buy. The alternative would be an expensive trip to the Dr. in order to buy a drug you need to get well. And that's what will happen folks. It will become a "controlled substance" requiring a prescription, and all of the information everyone yells so loudly abou
  17. Seriously...how does Obama get credit for Ghadhafi?
  18. Yes, I noticed that last night, as soon as I read this post and tried it out. Sorry--I thought I'd made that clear!
  19. I appreciate your situation. Really--I do. But...if there were no washing machines in anyone's homes, and I made my living by washing folks' laundry, should I expect that things wouldn't change drastically for me when someone produced machines that could wash AND dry my clothes for less money right there in my home? Sure, I still need the laundry for dry cleaning, but I'm going to make the initial investment in the technology that enables me to do everyday wash in my home pay off by doing everyday wash in my home. I still need the cleaners, but not like I did before I had access to
  20. Oh we agree-no doubt! I would beg you not to send your 10 year-old into the den of HS!! But see, that's where the paradigm shift Robinson speaks of needs to happen. There should be no age attached to attainment when it comes to education. I think there should be no "grades" (as in 1st, 2nd, 10th, etc.) There is no easy way to make such a shift within a system so deeply entrenched in its age-based, you ought to be able to do this thing at this age system. Paradigm shifts are always radical and are never easy. But education is too important to ignore, and we are stuck in a system tha
  21. And...I'd like to add...I thought a particularly pertinent point Robinson made in his presentation is our educational culturally approved habit of "batching" children by age, or as Robinson says, by their "manufacture date." Why must a six year-old have no educational option besides public education's version of the First Grade? What if your six year-old is functioning at a third-grade level? Or what if your ten year-old is functioning cognitively at a second-grade level? Why is the most important controlling factor the child's age and where they "ought" to be at that age educationall
  22. I am the mother of an incredibly gifted kid who struggled with the constraints of public education and it's whole "pigeonholing" process. A kid who appears to be checked out MIGHT just be a kid bored out of his gourd. Likewise, a kid who aces everything may not be all that bright, but might be a master at fitting into the public education pegs. It is never appropriate to label. It isn't the place of some person who skinned their way into public education with a C average to judge my kid, your kid, or ANYONE'S kid as best suited for the college track or the vocational route. That is up
  23. ROFL!! Mr.Dis, you are such a BAD BOY!!!
  24. You, my friend, have your own little hate club, right?
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