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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. So, HDMI in and out also carries the audio? And if I use the RCA red and white jacks, it disables the audio via HDMI? And the orange digital audio is instead of the red/white? And if I get a sound bar, would I use the red/white, or the orange, or both?
  2. I took a look at the back of the TV and the DirecTv 'Genie'. both of them have an orange jack marked 'digital audio"... What dat is?
  3. How much are booth rentals, typically?
  4. You must have a high-capacity bladder........
  5. We have a 45" ( I think) Vizio TV. The sound is just pitiful. Words sound like the actors are mumbling, but the other TVs are fine. Been thinking about one of those sound bar accessories, but I know nothing about how they work or even IF they work well. How does the sound bar get its' feed? From the (in my case) DirecTv Genie? or from jacks on the the TV itself? I'm thinking I want to bypass the TV's sound board totally. Your advice would be appreciated.
  6. I know who you mean... I've been to that house to do a glass repair 7 or 8 years ago. Let's just say the grandeur is in the eye of the owner. I thought the place was a nasty dump.
  7. I doubt if anyone has THAT much money..
  8. Only if you are positive that the laptop is running off of the network from that particular router. If the OP has a neighbor who has an unsecured wireless network, the laptop could be running off of it and the OP's router could be bad.
  9. yeah, yeah, yeah... Maybe you ought to head on over to Kennesaw Mountain Park and practice your moves on some unsuspecting joggers before you hit the big time. :rofl:
  10. That made me smile. I grew up in a Midwestern capitol city. One of the girls in my high school class was the daughter of the then Governor of the State. I received "strong suggestions" from my Dad that dating Annie wouldn't be met with much approval because her Dad was a Democrat.
  11. I'm sure that nice lady is sitting at the right hand of God and wondering every day where she went wrong in raising you.
  12. That's the place. Could you share a ballpark $$$ on what a shelter was quoted for ?
  13. Well... given the choice between the Hilldebeast and Janet Napolitano or Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer or Sheila Jackson Lee, I'll take Sarah Palin.
  14. This particular HD in Hiram is awful. My biz has me in and out of lots of HD's around Atlanta and in Huntsville AL. None of the other stores are near as badly managed and staffed as the Hiram one. Across the board, they aren't as friendly as a Lowes, but the Hiram HD should be bulldozed. I agree about needing a Lowe's. and if you go to the one on 120, there is a pretty good HD just a block down the street on the other side of Barrett Pkwy.
  15. Wienie Waver? Big Johnson? Vienna Sausage? Get Ahold of Yourself? Shorty?
  16. I was in Huntsville AL yesterday (Did ya miss me?). Anyway, there is a company there that makes the shelters, They are on HWY 72 just north of HSV. A big building with a "twister" logo. I don't remember the name of the place, but I betcha Google can help.
  17. Two thoughts... The first person may not know a S-10 from a Silverado. He may have two trucks. But the physical description seemed very close.
  18. Just this afternoon I told SWMBO that I was tired of being raped by ATT every month. You aren't the only one looking to make a switch.
  19. Aw, hell. I thought this was going to be about football.
  20. Speak for yerself. :rofl:
  21. You were making the bed and found it? Maybe it was trapped 'tween the mattress and the box springs and got dislodged when the new carpeting was installed? Now, how it got THERE is another $64 question.
  22. Well, just damn. You lost your bobby pin. What WILL you do to control those 3 strands of comb-over?
  23. Sprayway also private labels the exact same glass cleaner for several big glass chains, like GlassDoctor, Binswanger, CRL, and Safelite. When I was a GDoc franchisee, I paid $3.50 per can for the exact same stuff that HDepot sells retail for $2.39. Custom packaging, I guess. I hope none of HDepot's home office minions are reading this, or the price will go up.
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