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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. OK...exactly where is the SIM card, and how does one remove it from an iPhone? SWMBO is cussing her iPhone, so this may come into play for me soon.
  2. You were just used to the current "hammer and sickle" flags.
  3. Let me guess? Not a PhD or a professor in the whole bunch, right? :rofl:
  4. BS. My wife worked at CDC in the Early Childhood Immunization Branch for almost 20 years. She has seen databases (secret, protected by upper management) that show a direct causal relationship between certain vaccines and autism. The official stance is that there is no link. The truth is that there is definitely one. CDC is in bed with pharma companies. I will have nothing more to say about this because of a fear of retribution against her if her identity were revealed. Folks, this is another case of your government lying to you, and a TROLL helping spread the manure.
  5. Right. An endangered bat. OK, then. That tells me we have our priorities in line then.
  6. I'm sure there are plenty of PhDs and experts who will tell you that you are wrong, Mr.Dis.
  7. whatever it is, it appears to be east of 92 and between 120 and mackland.
  8. I know! I have a great idea. Let's have a dodge ball game. All you gay marriage defenders to the other side of the gym.
  9. Yeah. Maybe you should get educated. From Wikipedia: A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social
  10. Hell, they'd bring you back as soon as the sun comes up, anyway. Probably pay you for your trouble. Anything to get away from all those jokes.
  11. The last day or so, every time the PC or my i-phone tries to access the BellSouth email accounts, I get a message that I have the wrong password. No. Those accounts have had the same stored password for at least 20 years. Nothing has changed. I click the "cancel" button on Outlook, and then the PC goes on and downloads the mail. anybody else seeing a problem like this? Or is it just more "service" from BS/ATT?
  12. If you are driving a vehicle (or own one) that is involved in an accident involving others where financial liability is possible, liability insurance is mandated to protect OTHERS. Health insurance is optional because it only affects you. And whether or not you have it affects nobody but you.
  13. A Great Story It's sad about the girl's health issues, but what a nice bunch of friends she has. Restores your faith in the future of America.
  14. Nor would I ever eat spaghetti or lasagna again. There, that'll show em.
  15. My son needed lawyer money one time as a result of one of his escapades. I told him I would loan him money as long as I had collateral. Bring me your Kimber .45 cal pistol and your $1K wristwatch and that antique .410 shotgun of your grandfather's and we can do some bizness. Other than that, sorry. He brought them to my house, I wrote a check to the law firm, and eventually he came by and retrieved his items, one-by one.
  16. Unless something special is happening, I rarely post anything personal. I may post a political cartoon or something, but even that is rare. What annoys me greatly about FB is that someone I "know" plays some stupid game and I have to wade through all their scores and the like. However, there is a FB group centered around my hometown "You Might Be From Jeff City, MO if..." which reminisces about the city's history and teachers at the high school and old photos, etc. There are, IRC, about 4,000 members to that group. I see many old friends, a relative or two, and lots of old classmate
  17. When you signed up, if you listed where you have worked, where you went to school, your home town, or the like, FB will cross-match that info with other members. It's also very possible that someone else has searched for your name, and when you signed up, they took a previous search and tried to hook you up with people who were looking for you. The day I signed up, I got a friend request from my college roommate. We have the same last name, but are not related in any way. I hadn't seen him in at least 40 years. He had been on FB for a long time, and apparently had done a search fo
  18. Interesting comments. I recently sold a commercial glass business. One of my selling features was a well-oiled team that was experienced and had been employed with me for, in one case, over 8 years. Another of the team had over 20 years of experience managing the front end and doing customer service and handling incoming sales calls. A third employee had over 13 years of glass installation experience, but had been with me for only about a year. The new owners also own a glass company about 40 miles away from my previous shop. They complained to me that they were having problems h
  19. Something doesn't smell right in this story. I have never heard of a cop running a tag to check on insurance and then making a stop. What was the driver doing to get the cops' attention to have him run the tag in the first place? Maybe a similar description vehicle was on a BOLO or something? MY POI certificate (USAA) plainly says that they provide the electronic data to GA and it is not necessary to carry the paper, although they suggest that I do. I thought it was a requirement that any insurance company doing business in GA had to have that data available online?
  20. That may not be a bad idea. If we could somehow promote that activity, maybe there would be fewer little chlllrens on the dole one of these decades. Chicago seems like a good place to test market that .
  21. How would one know when he is NOT in a drunken stupor?
  22. Salt (n). That substance with which one must take a grain of along with ZC's incessant trolls.
  23. Five plus years ago, SWMBO asked me what I thought would happen if Obama got elected. I told her that if she wanted to know what America would look like, all she had to do was look at the condition of Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, Gary, IN, Newark, and other big cities. Looks like my prediction is coming true.
  24. First, I believe you meant "empathy", not "apathy". Secondly, I believe every person is born with a conscience. Unfortunately , the real life examples these children see in their formative years have abandoned their values for a life of drugs, crime, and just plain old ghetto living. So, it's a case of "monkey see, monkey do" instead of an absence of a conscience.
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