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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. Not sure why Dan Cathey decided to publicly declare against gay people or how it could in any way be the business of Chik-Fil-A what personal relationships their customers have ---- I think that I'm not going to support any business that has a corporate philosophy based in discrimination. In parlance that Mr. Cathey would understand, we'll just say that this is god's way of telling me to cut back on my consumption of fried chicken. Why would a heterosexual married person (me) care if gay people are discriminated against? It has to do with our common humanity and my personal philosophy that
  2. Now who is the previously referenced "hot chick"? The one who is being honored by chicken, pepper jack, bacon, wing sauce, dressing and garlic-bun bread.... Is there a member called, "hotchick"?
  3. Does it really matter if the killer of a dozen or so, the guy who wounded dozens more was lawfully carrying? It's the crime and the criminal - those things should be the focus of the injury done to the individuals and society. This isn't about the NRA or about gun ownership or carrying rights. It's about this ONE INDIVIDUAL and his CRIME. Yes, it can happen in GA. The reality of this situation and so many others is that you can't absolutely keep bad things from happening. If guns are ALL TAKEN AWAY, there will still be home-made bombs to kill large groups of people. So it's not about gun
  4. The "tea party" does one thing mainly, to give narrow ideology voters a co-branded spot so that the votes go to the Republicans and not to a third party. Party bosses tolerate it because if a republican representative does not conform right down the line with the prescribed party positions, the bosses can threaten to run in an opposition "tea party" candidate and/or another republican candidate who WILL toe the party line. In any case, the Republican party gets absolute compliance by elected "representatives" (who actually only represent the interests of their party, not their constituency) wh
  5. No, that's not the real question. The real question was based on ignorance and prejudice, while your question is completely irrelevant.
  6. Again -- This is what is called a "meme". It is spread like a virus by the ignorant, who accept specious accounts as facts because the account sounds plausible, according to their prejudices.
  7. I think that Halo 2 had a liquid lunch already. 28th amendment???
  8. You know that there are 27 Amendments, right - That there ISN'T a 28th? The healthcare for Congress and the President is part of their compensation package, according to my understanding. They exempt themselves because additional coverage would be superfluous. What are you babbling about, really? If this is supposed to be sarcastic wit, it's not working. It makes you look ignorant. You are not that ignorant, SURELY! Did you check to see how many amendments there are???
  9. I guess that's one way to describe it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I_PeLNzxNQ
  10. What happened to the discussion about food stamps?
  11. GD's off-topic comments notwithstanding, I think that people have a tendency to paint with too broad of a brush. The way that folks view that which is different is by drawing connections to other things that are similar. But it's a rather immature thought pattern, when one sees something and puts it into a broad category with no further intellectual analysis! Part of the problem is language and the need for a common medium of expression, yet there is a need for change to keep up with the times. "Gay" means orientation (hardwiring), attraction (based on wiring), AND behavior, which is ei
  12. That's right - I can't see it. I didn't care, myself, for the content or the number of posts. I made them invisible. It's curious that you're so committed to topic cohesion, yet in this very topic you seek to derail it by making it about TP. You accuse HIM of things that YOU DO. . Take a look at your own lack of compassion. If you are not an elderly individual, you have no idea of what approaching the end does to a person. I suggest that in certain cases there are people who wish to express themselves in a way that they could not do, earlier in life. In this case, it may be a little bit l
  13. She's a hoarder. I think that a "pack rat" is a person who keeps things she doesn't need, is reluctant to get rid of those things, but keeps them organized. I think that people who are "plain lazy" have a tolerance level and will at some point reorganize, or have someone help them -- they just don't want to go to the effort to do it themselves, necessarily. I think that hoarding is a symptom of an illness of the mind - or that it is an illness by itself. Certainly more study needs to be done regarding the phenomenon. The one person I knew who was a hoarder was clinically depressed. I th
  14. Considering the fact that you have the CHOICE to read or not read comments from posters you don't like/don't agree with, it seems that your BEHAVIOR in attacking an individual, is what is out of line.The only logical conclusion one can reach about this CHOICE of yours is that you would seek to restrict this individual's freedom to express his opinions. A "nasty and hateful man"??? Isn't TP an elderly fellow? If so, then I suggest that your behavior CHOICE is a kind of abuse of the elderly. Let it go! Pray away your own demons! In a world where our commonality is our mortality, harsh, viscious
  15. I think that if people want to see opposite sex revulsion, just consider the least appealing scenario and ask yourself if you would ever go there for any reason. With most people, I think that the answer is "no" - that there are some individuals of the OPPOSITE sex that under no circumstances would they -- or COULD they go there. If that is how a gay man sees any woman, then it's not a choice, it is even more than a "preference". It just can't be any other way! The fact that I don't quite understand why a guy wouldn't be attracted to a beautiful woman doesn't invalidate his sexuality wirin
  16. People believe things according to a narrative. A narrative is a story line that speaks to issues particular to an individual. People who think that anything associated with human beings has its roots in the supernatural aren't crazy, per se. They believe it for a reason. Yes, there are quantum logic-gaps but those gaps are overlooked so that the narrative works. In other words, there's a NEED TO BELIEVE a certain way. Why would people believe in the supernatural? It creates, in the human imagination, an escape from the realities that accompany mortality. It's the same with any specious s
  17. My only interest in the matter involves possibly acquiring a greater understanding. So how does one go about this? Let's consider attraction. Is there anyone who would dispute the opinion that one has to have a certain level of sexual interest in an individual of the opposite sex, in the case of heterosexuals? I do. I've seen shows where individuals are so morbidly obese that they can't get out of bed. A woman in that condition would have zero appeal to me. I imagine that, regarding attraction, if I had the same attraction level for ALL women that I do for the morbidly obese, then I could not
  18. Believing in the Supernatural realm creates the illusion that anything is possible. Science tells us that there are realities which preclude the possibility of discussions with dead people.
  19. If you've never seen, "A Face In The Crowd" it is an important piece of American Cinema. An outstanding range of emotions were displayed by Andy Griffith, playing Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes, a no-good drifter who quickly learns to take advantage of the New Media of the day - broadcast radio and television - and rises to national prominence. It's a cautionary tale which warns that monsters potentially hide behind the facade created by the media. There's possibly no better-loved character in American T.V. than Sheriff Andy Taylor. The talent, charm, wit, and wisdom of the actor, Andy Griffit
  20. What happened to your access to "CONTEXT"??? In the CONTEXT of a representative republic, you have a (Key Term coming in!) REPRESENTATIVE who casts votes on behalf of his/her constituency. That is where government's power comes from -- The People! Now really -- Assuming that you're an adult with at least a high school education -- Why does anyone have to explain to you how government works? How could you honestly come to a logical opinion about our government potentially having unlimited power??? The obvious answer is -- You could not honestly come to that conclusion when discussing l
  21. I think that whenever there is MONEY involved, the power-grabbers want it, at the expense of anything and everything else. Period. Money is power and power grabbers will do anything to acquire as much of it as they can. So it's not that "ANYTHING" unregulated will turn into disaster, but the more closely associated the thing is to MONEY, the more need that there is for regulation. For instance -- There's a lot of potential in nuclear energy, but if we let private enterprise dispose of waste, UNREGULATED, can they be trusted to do the right thing for everyone concerned? Or does the governm
  22. Whitey, it's like this - When you try to point out specific issues that our government needs to address, the yahoos want to change the subject to the PROCESS through which a change would be made. When you start to discuss the PROCESS, they move to generalities about the issues. For instance, if you want to talk about the specifics of "Obamacare", the yahoos change the subject to the PROCESS that passed it, as a way of dodging the specifics of the program, which seem to be widely popular. When you bring up, rightly, the fact that the Bush tax cuts were passed through the same PROCESS that O
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