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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. FYI, Glassdogs -- While we're on the subject of science, seawater does not freeze at 32 degrees. Moving (tidal flow) seawater is a few to several degrees colder, depending on salinity. Moving water (this is more science) does not freeze as easily, which is why you leave your faucets dripping when the weather drops significantly below freezing. Not sure where you came up with 32 degrees for the freezing point of seawater at the South Pole, but you may want to rework your calculations.
  2. "Today it's cold, so climate change/GLOBAL warming is a conspiracy " = "I know someone who never got cancer and smoked a pack a day for 70 years, so you don't get cancer from smoking." We depend on the principles of science for everything that we do, for our entire existence. Yet, when scientic FACTS come into conflict with ideologies and belief systems, instead of adjusting the ideologies/belief systems, some people declare SCIENCE (what we all know to be true) as false or intentionally deceptive. These are the paranoid members of our society, who are paranoid as a result, I think,
  3. I joined PCOM back in 2006, though it seems like it's been a really long time! I had moved out this way from Gwinnett and knew nobody here, except for my wife. So I got on PCOM as a way of expressing my views and communicating with adults on matters of local and national importance. I still think that it's extremely interesting to see how people think, relate to other people, and make decisions, given the framework of our limited existence on this world and in this universe. I've made many friends here, which is, frankly, the main reason that I stick around. There's no place like P
  4. A collection of "Bigfoot" individuals is called a "Stench". Not sure WHY a conclave of "Bigfoot" would be called this, but -- maybe someone has had this experience!
  5. How bad would it have to get before REAL legislation is needed? Just more incidents like Sandy Hook Elementary? Or a person running out to midfield in a football stadium and cutting loose on the crowd after mowing down the visiting team? How bad? Or are there no safeguards that we will take to ensure public safety against mass gun violence?
  6. It's political pandering, certainly. It has zero chance of being implemented, even if a State House vote passes because it would receive an immediate challenge on freedom of speech grounds. What is sad is that the citizens of AZ allow their state legislators to waste time crafting legislation that is only designed as PR for future campaigns and introduce legislation that is clearly un-Constitutional. A forced oath, ended with "so help me, god"? It's laughable, it's so ridiculous!!
  7. Testicular cancer in a steroid abuser? No way! Now why is it not considered that there is RESIDUAL benefit from steroid use? Even if he QUIT taking steroids, wouldn't his musculature, tendons/ligament strength and fast-twitch muscle-memory retain an advantage for him?
  8. Context. Times have changed. Weaponry has changed. People have changed. One has to think that, in the formative days of our Republic, if school shootings involving the massacre of 20 6 and 7 year old children had been an ingredient in the social dynamics of the day -- that additional language might have been entered into the Constitution to frame things appropriately, according to the circumstances. There IS a contract called the Constitution. I say that, like all contracts, it works BOTH WAYS. Fine, if people have assault weapons to ward off/protect. I have no problem with people own
  9. It's great to have a break - from Janu-UGLY!
  10. Someone asked Jethro if he was an "Eton Man". Jed chimed in and said that Jethro was a Champion at Eatin'! http://www.etoncollege.com/
  11. I use "Chili-O" original , chili powder, black pepper, red pepper flakes, "Slap your mamma" spice, brown sugar, cumin, and a splash of worcestershire sauce. How much? "To Taste". Also pinto beans, ground round, Crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, and Heinz ketchup. A splash or two of beer -- That's pretty much it. You'll want to cook the ground round until it's cooked (no red) but don't scorch it. Drain the fat. Substitute venison, if you like. I cook venison in beef boullion before adding it to the mixture. Cook on low temps while all of the ingredients marry (or just date for awhil
  12. Since there's no such thing as "Supernature" - There's no such thing as a "medium", or a go-between.
  13. You DO know that Congress controls the purse strings, right? Do you know why Congress allocates money to the President? So they can blame spending on someone else! Ultimately, spending is solely their responsibility (see "Constitution"). Regarding who is standing behind the President, I'm always reminded of the perpetually dirty faced coal miners standing behind Mitt Romney, while he tried his hand at pimping "CLEAN COAL".
  14. ZC - What are you thinking? You KNOW that the Republicans don't believe in science! Pointing out facts just reveals their lack of processing ability! They haven't the ability to discern the difference between facts and opinions, so what do you expect when presenting them with stark reality? All that you'll get is, "that's your opinion" or "typical liberal". It's like trying to teach people proper sentence structure, when they can't even write their names in the sand with a stick!
  15. The military? It's not logistically possible. It's also not Constitutionally possible for the military to "come in and take them from us". That's not going to happen and anyone who says otherwise (and believes it) is seriously paranoid. And those who make these ridiculous claims against our President base their mistrust, not on previous actions by the President, but on THEIR OWN prejudices (meaning that they have PRE-JUDGED him). The President acknowledges our right to keep and bear arms, just not assault-styled weapons capable of killing dozens of people in less than a minute.
  16. People say "liberal" when they are projecting their own personal insecurities and fears.
  17. I think that I may have detected a bit of a British Accent from ZC. As for "in real life" - You're the nicest person ever in real life, LPPT! Not that you're any different here, you understand!
  18. And I'm fine with your going to jail for not obeying the law. Taxpayer money well spent! I find it strange that a person would break the law and go to jail, therefore losing his/her REAL freedom -- All because he or she insists on not complying with the law, because they think that law would encroach on an imagined freedom (the freedom from government acting on behalf of the public good) . Odd logic!
  19. Yeah -- the old "Question Trap"! How liberal of the reporter to want to find out where Gingrey stands in relation to the most extreme and bizarre elements of the GOP! So we all come to find out that Gingrey is right there with Todd Akin. And it's the reporter's fault for asking the question??? Yeah - that liberal media that tricked Gingrey and Todd Akin into proclaiming what a Legitimate Rape consists of! How about this for an answer? No rape is, in any way, legitimate and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what he is talking about!
  20. How is the government "Bullying people who buy guns through the legal process"??? Can you give an example or two? A "Warning Shot"? I think that they only do that on tv.
  21. You're saying that society DOESN'T have a gun violence problem? It's just a "terminology problem"?
  22. Back when Todd Akin first made the comment about "Legitimate Rape" , he tried to clarify what he meant on his FB page. Because his response was so bizarre, someone took a snapshot of the page and sent it to me. I think that, like the "legitimate rape" comment-defense by Gingrey -- A LOT of ultraconservatives have some really CRAZY beliefs. So here's the spoiler alert -- If you'd be offended by a comment by Todd Akin that most would view as basically sacreligious, you probably shouldn't click on the link! Now, I think that these are crazy, bizarre comments, but if you disagree with that
  23. A person who gets "blue in the face" from typing-discussions probably isn't getting enough blood to the brain!
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