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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Call Wolf Camera before you go, I thought they announced on the news the other day that they're now out of business.
  2. Has anyone mentioned "Mud Island"? And I also recommend "The Rendezvous". Has anyone, anyone, mentioned Graceland? Crappy part of town, and even if you're not in to Elvis, it's worth at least driving by - definately a piece of American History.
  3. A friend of mine went a few years ago. She took her girl scout troop. The guide referred to Vivian Leigh's husband as Lawrence "Oliver".
  4. 1 year olds. I keed, I keed! Believe it or not he was always a great veggie eater. I remember the week he had Roseola (think measles), the only thing I could get him to eat for almost a week were canned greened beans. He's also always been a huge fan of broccoli and really liked Brussel sprouts. Of course, once the Ninja Turtles came on the scene his favorite food was pepperoni pizza. He also, prior to meeting a certain little girl in third grade, was a huge fan of little pieces of cheddar cheese. I'd bribe him and teach him his numbers with those, and then, unfortunately
  5. Will people still be able to chaw on their tobaccy and spit?
  6. OK, the joke's on me. If your one year old can do more than crawl - good for you! If you need to find an activity for your one year old, I think "Lots to Do" just answered you question.
  7. She's one, correct? Give her a big hug, read her a book and then put her down for a nap. Find a Disney movie that she will fall asleep with. When she's two, then go out and do the other things. Sorry, JMHO. Is she eating solid food? Be careful with hotdogs - they can be dangerous if not cut properly. She's still a baby! Find some quiet video, a good baby type book, whatever. You can do all the adult things next year when she's 2! Don't rush it - you'll regret it in the long run. Maybe you won't, but then again, maybe you will. She's tiny - enjoy this part while yo
  8. I'm actually quite a good cook - I'm just running out of time, with a husband who is very good on the grill - not him exactly, but I think you know what I mean - he's not that great in the kitchen. Anyhoot, they moved my surgery up, and I've still got lots and lots of things to do. Thanks for all you suggestions! (This is going to suk.)
  9. That I can freeze and put away or that are easy for someone (my husband) to fix after my foot surgery. I'm sure after a few days I can at least supervise, but it would be nice for him to have some decent food too. I guess I could do things like lasagna and chili and freeze in individual portions - just wondered if you folk had any ideas. TIA.
  10. Depends on your definition of "dogs". Actually, my apologies to dogs everywhere. Have you ever watched "The Puppy Bowl" on Animal Planet? Much more entertaining than watching a bunch of millionaires, some with very questionable credentials, play a game that apparently gives them a pass on whatever crime they would like to commit?. I will say that I turn from The Puppy Bowl on that one 4 hour period which makes a bunch of rich people even richer to watch the half time show. OJ, is that you?
  11. Sure - if they're still alive. You really think those dogs that he tortured are going to forgive him, or pay him millions to go out and play a game? Good luck to him - he made his millions, blew it on cruelty trying to make even more millions. Sorry.....I think there are plenty of college kids with just as much potential waiting to get on the gravy train, without being a cruel arse in the process.
  12. Cruelty to dogs is back! Yeah! And if you haven't heard - OJ's back next season, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so great! Criminals with cruel intentions are back making money for the NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier! Now, lets all get our cock fighting roosters out of their little cages and go make more money! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Could be, I'm guessing it's a young buck, simply because he's bold enough to come out of the woods alone. He's way too young to be a tractor though.
  14. Eating out in my backyard. Be very quiet.............I don't want to scare him/her away. I just think it's so cool. Be quiet now.................... Which ever it is must be young, I'm thinking male i.e. the fact that it's bold enough to be out there on its own, although we are talking the edge of the woods. I'm just excited. Now, be quiet all of you.............................
  15. I used to save the egg cartons too! I also used to save shoe boxes. At one point I finally said, "OK, I'm going to suck it up and get rid of these". Within a week my best friend called me and asked me if I had any old shoe boxes, At that point they were all gone. Thanks for the advice on the press and seal - that may indeed come in very handy!
  16. I probably am - I'm talking the plastic containers that come with sour cream, etc., etc. I'm bad about jars too. I hate to throw them out because I inevitably wind up needing some for leftovers, sending leftovers home with folks, needing them for camping, to either carry things or cart them home, and I just hate throwing them away knowing that they still have a useful life - if, if, if, I can find the lids that match. But, a two person household only needs so many, right? I think I need serious help.
  17. I tried to keep it lively been posting the story about Michael Jackson's missing prosthetic nose.
  18. The Kidney Foundation will take pretty much anything except for large pieces of furniture or large appliances. Believe me, they just took all of our leftovers from our yard sale a couple of weeks ago.
  19. Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose, according a report — and it was missing from his surgically mangled face as he lay in an LA morgue. Left behind was a small, dark hole surrounded by bits of cartilage, Rolling Stone magazine said, citing witnesses who saw the King of Pop's body on the autopsy table. Jackson, who was notoriously shy about his appearance, wore the prosthetic to mask the effects of decades of plastic surgery, according to the magazine, due to hit newsstands today. Meanwhile, a Texas search warrant unsealed yesterday indicates that Jacko's doctor, Conrad Murra
  20. That's great! I'll try to remember to watch!
  21. OH..............MY.................GOD................... Check out this video!
  22. Maybe so, but you also may be someone completely confused by their main entrance, which doesn't allow you (legally) to make a left hand turn - coming from 120 onto 92 - which is where their giant sign is. I guess you have to be part of the redneck elite to know that there is a secret entrance from 120. (No offense to anyone knowing where that secret entrance is). How to turn in to the old bowling alley in Paulding? No problem, and I can easily do that with a white neck.
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