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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. I don't like coffee, but I do like the smell of coffee. I think I'm in the minority (except for my husband and a couple of friends). I prefer hot tea, chai and green, especially, with stevia. Or even gunpowder.
  2. I will move, or ask the waitress or hostess not to sit us near them. I don't care if they notice.
  3. I have the same problem of the belt cutting into my neck, being someone of short stature. I use one of those covers, but it only partly helps. I'm leery of those clip adjusted things because I just imagine the thing would fly up in an accident and take my chin or nose of or something. Perhaps I'm paranoid.
  4. My trainer says "You can DO EEET!" and other SO helpful sayings. I do better in a class or with a trainer or buddy, too. Well, I'm getting better at it. I still work out on my own. Have to.
  5. I used to love the experience of buying a new album, too. But it says something about the quality of most "artists" today. There are very few for which I'd automatically buy the entire album. I can't remember the last CD I bought, but I have purchased entire albums on iTunes (for those few artists).
  6. I agree. It's hard to stay motivated with that kind of thing going on. I don't want to be seen that way, so I do my work.
  7. Yeah. Fascinating. I don't get Kody's appeal, either. And Christine is my favorite, also.
  8. Moonshine was ROBBED! And Tra-pamp-olines lost their cred with those net...thingies around them, like a giant playpen.
  9. OMG, I'm an awful person. I can't help but critique their fighting ability (or lack thereof). But yeah, worthless.
  10. I have to agree. Seems most who are legitimately earnest in their intentions or worried about their safety don't feel the need to advertise.
  11. OK, that's your opinion. It's not necessarily mine. I'm thinking of it from the point of view of a woman who travels alone most of the time, and has a license. sort of thinking out loud, so to speak.
  12. Not if you work there, or have a reason to drive there. Or if you feel unsafe and are a law-abiding licensed carrier. Are you supposed to leave it at home, and only go there? Drop it off at someone's house nearby, then pick it back up?
  13. This may be a topic for another thread, but I'm not sure I agree with that. I've had that problem with my place of employment twice now, once at a federal location, and now with the state. What's the point of having a permit if you can't take it to your place of employment, where you spend a majority of your time (and which may be in a possibly dangerous location)? I don't know. I need to think about it a little bit.
  14. I used to get the hot flash thing (plus racing heart and IBS-like symptoms) when I took ephedra. Never again. I've lost 26 lbs without any pills, just lots of sweat and food tracking. I'm literally working my ass off.
  15. The ones you mentioned that you're using may not fit depending on the earring and back. I have spares, and sometimes have to try different ones until they lock. But I'd get the screw backs if they are that important to you. Criterion is awesome.
  16. I've heard something like this, too. Or, people who can't tan naturally (like me) end up orange. But I see people who look like they could tan, but end up orange anyway. Did they just overdo it?
  17. KBYE, I should have said.
  18. We should go get our toes did and junk! KBAI!!!!
  19. Rarely anything traditional like red, but I do have cherry red and blood red. I usually wear silver (most of the time), blue, purple, teal, navy, gunmetal, etc. I'm the palest of the pale, so the warmer colors don't look right. Currently they are a bluish purple. ETA: I think I've had maybe 3 pedicures in my life. I'm too cheap, particular, and ticklish to pay someone.
  20. This. And they have kickboxing, jiu jitsu, etc.
  21. That was my point. Well, part of it.
  22. But...this is a christian nation!!!11!!1one!!!
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