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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. I just saw a few minutes of it. Janelle is crazy and treated her mother horribly, but I can see how her mother would drive her crazy, too, constantly picking apart everything she did with the baby - clothing, bath, etc. It was seemingly trivial stuff, too.
  2. I had my first attack a few years ago at the Hiram Walmart. (Shocking, no?) I had chest pain/tightness, tingling/numb hands, shortness of breath and dizziness. It was scary. I've had 2 since, one at a truck dealership when we bought my husband's truck. That time I took GABA, and it seemed to help.
  3. No, I turn it off the first time out of courtesy to my still sleeping husband. (I either get up right away, or doze for 10 minutes or so.) But he doesn't return the favor on days when I don't have to work.
  4. So glad someone talked my Dad out of doing that to my future husband.
  5. Yeah. My Dad never thought I wasn't a virgin until we were in ER as I was having a miscarriage at 16.
  6. Teaching abstinence is fine, but don't let that be the only thing they learn. Yeah yeah, little precious would NEVER. But sometimes they do. If they decide to, at least they'll have options.
  7. I have to wonder if this is a product of the abstinence only BS. Telling them to just say no works about as well as it did for the war on drugs. And I got pregnant at 16. I knew about the options, but I just was in denial/thought it wouldn't happen to me. So glad I never had a baby.
  8. I had a yearly appointment scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. One of the nurses called me from home that morning to see if I thought I'd be able to make it in, so they could have someone there. I said no, and rescheduled. And here I was worried about being charged for missing an appointment! (This is part of why I've followed this doctor for years, finally to her own practice.)
  9. Went to the vet this morning. That was an...interesting drive. Hair appt, gym, yeah. I made sure the salon was open, too. Last year when there was ice they were closed because she couldn't get out of her driveway.
  10. QOTSA


    http://www.georgia-navigator.com/ They list incidents elsewhere in GA, and also have maps of them.
  11. http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/has-your-horoscope-changed-2439951/
  12. QOTSA


    I made it there and back without incident. (My husband wasn't so lucky. Idiots out there.) The scariest thing was the exit ramp - solid sheet of ice. Same with the bridge before the on ramp yesterday afternoon.
  13. I got mail Wednesday and yesterday, and the Netflix DVDs I mailed yesterday have already arrived. So that seems to be about normal.
  14. QOTSA


    I'm going to drive in at regular time in the morning (arriving at 6:30ish). Wish me luck.
  15. QOTSA


    Just got an email that offices will open at 10:00. Not sure waiting until 10 will do much good if it will not be above freezing.
  16. QOTSA


    I take 75 all the way downtown. I'd heard it was bad around Cobb/285.
  17. QOTSA


    Tomorrow should be ok, right? Right? Hmmm. Not sure there will be a point to drive the 26 miles if it will take me 2 hours.
  18. I felt that way Monday. I've been working at home, but he was home Monday and bored. Luckily he's gone in the past 2 days.
  19. Redundant. I'm southern, too.
  20. How about hot water heater? That bugs me more every time I hear or see it.
  21. I grew up last, but met my younger sister about 6 years ago. None of us have the same mother and father. My brothers have the same father, and are 10+ years older than me. My sister has the same mother, and is 14 years younger (and was adopted).
  22. QOTSA


    And the roads in my hood look bad still. I didn't see a temp above freezing tomorrow, and my husband said it is sleeting again. I wouldn't be as worried if my drive wasn't so far (26 miles).
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