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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Wait, does my carry license doesn't cover my pocket knife? I don't go anywhere without one.
  2. A story like this is baffling enough, but when I read that they had other siblings living a somewhat normal life...
  3. It mostly annoys me that pink is assumed to be for girls. I have always hated pink.
  4. MrsB - eek. I'm already a vegetarian and eat pretty healthily (not always a given, veg or not). But I have a serious diet coke addiction. I usually manage to keep it to one a day, though. I thought about switching back to regular, but I don't like to waste calories like that, as well as all the HFCS. Maybe Mexican Coke...
  5. There's a place in Powder Springs called Cangelosi's that's pretty good. My husband loves it. I like Mellow Mushroom better, though.
  6. I disagree, when you think what carrying to term and giving birth to a full term baby does to the body of a full grown adult, much less a still developing child. But this is the topic that shall not be spoken.
  7. I don't understand allowing a child to give birth. The physiological and psychological damage...
  8. I thought that was Wild West Traders a few weeks ago. We've been to both places in the past two weeks.
  9. Awesome. I'll diet along with you. The rum and Swedish fish diet!
  10. coconut cucumbers chocolate ice cream Black Eyed Peas (the "group," not the food)
  11. I thought this was what you don't like that most people do. ~shrug~
  12. Crocs tomatoes Harry Potter romantic comedies/chick flicks coffee Taylor Swift (Did you hear her on the Grammys? Girl can't sing. No, I didn't watch, just a clip.)
  13. Good for you! I've had a similar situation with my Granddad. There is some sort of drama with my step-grandmother, stepmother, dad, uncle and aunt. I don't know. I miss him.
  14. How to Catch an iPhone Thief This was awesome.
  15. I've not experienced any cons. We can record/watch 4 things at a time, and I've never been anywhere close to out of storage space. We have 3 TVs/boxes. It's been out maybe once in over a year, and only briefly (I think it was an area outage). Every now and then as I fast forward through a recording, it will stop or pause, but all I have to do is hit play and then FF again. And the picture is so much better, even on my older TVs. And I love being able to stop and resume a recording from one room to another. This is why I didn't get Tivo for a long time, even though VHS sucked so bad.
  16. Ditto. I've never had laser hair removal, as I have basically no pigment in my hair. But I get facials there, as well as the occasional IPL or cortisone injections for stubborn zits. Sandra and Danette are awesome. http://www.advskincare.org/
  17. Clear is not the be all end all, as some are saying. Friends of mine got rid of Comcast for their business last month, and switched to Clear. It was out for 5 days. Not good for an internet business. And the crappy tech support gave them the answer that a tower was down. That is bullcheeze. They had to switch back to Comcast. If that's the better option, they are truly screwed. (They do not have a phone line.)
  18. I have AT&T U-verse bundle, and the internet portion is $38/mo. I used to Comcast cable, but not internet. the service (and customer service) was so crappy for TV, that I never wanted to experience the same %$#@ with my internet. (And my job pays $20 of that, so that helps.)
  19. Have you tried GA DOL's website?
  20. Oh, if this were true for those who choose NOT to have kids. At least we are only giving our opinions on a message board that the Duggars will likely never see.
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