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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Oh, we went from 90% covered to 80% covered, too. Better than nothing, I guess. Especially since I just had surgery.
  2. State is not that much better. $35 copays for office visit. Prescriptions in tiers - 1 = $15, 2 = $40, 3 = $75, $600 deductible ($900 family)...and of course, raised premiums. I don't get it. They even charge a surcharge for smokers every year.
  3. What? I'm talking about the people who drive like A$$holes rain, dry, snow, or whatever. I have a job that requires me to drive downtown at least 3 days a week.
  4. Definitely not, but it could be worse. Probably will be, since the premium and copays go up every. damn. year.
  5. Might want to wait until after Thurs/Fri, or it will be dirty again in no time.
  6. I'm worried about all the idiots I see on the highway every day.
  7. Luckily I'll be home Friday, but Thursday afternoon on 75N could be an experience. It was blocked temporarily Monday to put sand on ice patches.
  8. I'm worried about driving home from downtown.
  9. I don't trust soup from restaurants. They all seem to be made with chicken or beef broth.
  10. I've gotten to where I don't want to hear (or read) it, whether I agree or not.
  11. But they were soooo good. I steam mine, so they aren't mushy and as smelly.
  12. Seems like my gynecologist told me something like that years ago. If I had an issue, it had to be addressed at another appt, not my yearly checkup. Can't blame Obama for that, but I'm sure you will.
  13. This thread should be called virtual birth control.
  14. Thankful for my supportive husband, and the friends who were there for me when I needed them.
  15. I have to vacuum. And yes, I will be doing it all year. I have to do it 3-4 times a week as it is.
  16. I will welcome luck and money, but also, I just like greens and BEPs.
  17. That's what we did! Two days after I turned 17.
  18. I got married at 17, and I'm still married 18.5 years later. No one paid for anything (well, much), and basically no one agreed with it, except my stepmother at the time, who was anxious for me to be out of the house. We'd been together over a year, and he was not the first boyfriend I'd had. Well, technically. But I am much different from most of the late teen early 20s girls I know. I never wanted kids, and quitting school was never an option. I had goals, drive, desire to be self-sufficient. I was not deterred by my Dad telling me we'd be in the "poor house" and giving it 6 months.
  19. We don't go out any more. Used to go to husband's boss' house, but F that. We watch our neighbor's fireworks. They must go get the good stuff.
  20. It was sleeting here in Cobb, too, around 3:00.
  21. Check the link for suki. It's an oil-based moisturizer. I know it sounds counterproductive for oily skin, but it works. Aveda - check the site. They have a store at most malls (Town Center), but some salons sell it, too.
  22. Proactiv, Aveda gel cleanser and tourmaline charged SPF 15 oil free lotion in the morning, Signature Minerals foundation, suki serum in the winter. I have very oily, acne-prone skin. The Proactiv can dry it some, especially in winter, but it cannot be clear without it. I've tried.
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