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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. I would guess Stein Mart, after having the misfortune of having to return something there last year.
  2. I'm used to the swapping, it's so old hat now. I still think they're gonna piss me off with the Daniel thing and make some stupid sappy xmas miracle that a guy who never wanted kids all of a sudden grew his heart three sizes. Blegh. Why can't these people A) use birth control, and let someone NOT have kids that doesn't want them? Trust me, you can be happy without kids.
  3. The improvement in my health (barely getting winded any more, increased strength), consistently losing weight, compliments, being less self-conscious in my clothes, the sense of accomplishment.
  4. QOTSA

    Macland Rd

    No ice, but backed up really badly. Took me about 30 minutes to get from my house to PS Rd., about 5 miles. I came back home.
  5. I hate to cook, and tofu kind of scares me. I like it, but I don't want to prepare it. I end up using a lot of fake meats. My favorite now is Gardein's beefless tips (with A1).
  6. Orange is growing on me, but I can't really wear it unless it's a certain shade.
  7. I love wrapping gifts. I've considered taking a part time job during the holidays, but I have no time. And I don't like (most) people.
  8. Yes, except for pictures for MIL (and whoever else wants them). I'm making CDs for one of my brothers, and then I think that's it.
  9. I see a few flurries in P-town. Looking at the hourly forecast now. Dammit, I have to drive to the office tomorrow (and the gym tonight).
  10. Our appointment is late on Sunday. Eh. The only other option was 7:40am, and we're busy Saturday. I figured they'd be packed so close to xmas.
  11. I found one of them at the Bookworm, but I didn't know the order at the time. It's book 3. I have to find the others! (And the paperback version of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.)
  12. Eek. I'll call them today. We were hoping to get them (or at least a proof) to give to MIL xmas day. I didn't plan very well, and only came up with the idea after Thanksgiving.
  13. I think we're going to Portrait Innovations. I've had three friends, including my photographer friend, recommend them. And we'll get the pics same day.
  14. I love the psychology of it/him. I remember a scene when Debra (I think) was upset, and his internal monologue was something like what do I do here? I can sort of relate. And the scene when she was on the table when the brother took her, he said, "I'm very fond of her." for some reason that cracked me up.
  15. I will be burned. Embalming grosses me out. How is that dignified or respectful?
  16. Damn. I have to wait for the DVDs.
  17. Has anyone ever been to Hiram JC Penney or Target for pictures? I got the bright idea to get new pics for my MIL when we visited and I saw she had an OLD ugly pic of us. Their websites and background options are identical. A friend of mine who was in the photography business said they're all digital now, and they add the background later. Anyway. Target seems to have the better deals, but the husband wants to make sure the pictures are good. (Damn I hate having my pic taken. But that old pic...)
  18. Nice pics. I LOVE the cold! Well, cold here, not that kind of cold.
  19. I found one at Hibbett. I was hesitant to go there, as their prices are usually higher. In this case, it was 20% off.
  20. QOTSA


    Maybe the oregano wasn't enough.
  21. Did someone say zombie girls? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R-V846_Mm8 NSFW - language I love Walking Dead. Can't wait for it to return. ETA: It's a parody of , in case you're like, "Wha?"
  22. I'm surprised. when we looked for a used truck for my husband, I hated going with him because they swarmed us before we even got out of the car. It wasn't much better after he decided to get a new one. This was 5 years ago, though.
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