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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Yeah, same here. It's usually the husband's fault.
  2. Why would you go to Hiram Walmart?!?!?!?!?
  3. Indoor voice! Ha. I've told people to use their indoor voice before.
  4. One thing you need to do is cardio, to make sure you lose any extra fat all over. As far as ab stuff, I wouldn't use a contraption, but that's just me. Winsor Pilates, or any other Pilates, is good for the core. Or plank, and that kind of stuff. Or roll outs on an exercise ball (though I would do them with feet on the floor instead of knees). ETA: OH! Captain's chair leg raises are good for the lower abs, too! I have one of these. That first link is a list of 10 exercises, and it includes a couple contraptions, surprisingly.
  5. I hate it when people assume that I will change my mind about wanting kids, or think that I'm selfish or missing out somehow. I assure you I am not.
  6. So, just an ass. I was told that when the guy at my job interviewed with a panel of 2 men and one woman, he would not look at the woman at all. If she asked a question, he would look at one of the men while he answered it. He was creepy.
  7. He may have a problem with women. There was someone at my job like that. He got fired.
  8. I skipped buying gifts for two years, then started back last year, but only for the "kids." This ends up being for people younger than me, like my little sister and niece, who are 21. I did get my brother and his wife something small.
  9. So glad to be done with Comcast. I had to wait in that line in the office on Cobb Pkwy, and it was out the door! Then I had to go back, or they were going to charge me $30 for the power cable I'd forgotten. ETA: I'm pretty sure I canceled by phone before I went in. It was 2 years ago, and I'm not sure what time or day.
  10. People who spit out of their window while you're driving down the INTERSTATE. Yes, it ended up on my windshield once. I nearly threw up, and had another 10 miles to work.
  11. Where can I find Alabama shirts for a (large) 12 year old boy? He could probably wear adult sizes. Kohl's had Falcons, Braves, UGA, Gators, but no Bama. Nothing at Sports Authority, either.
  12. Yes, times 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
  13. Slow drivers in the fast lane.
  14. I remember one year my step-grandmother (don't get me started) got all the male grandkids knives, and the females some frilly frou frou ceramic thing. I have never been a frilly kind of girl. I wanted a knife! I know it's the thought, but she is legendary for her bad gifts. One year it was ugly lingerie.
  15. My Dad used to do that. He's like a kid around xmas.
  16. Same here. Not reading any further!
  17. Oh Em Gee. El Oh El. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
  18. I can't name just one. Queens of the Stone Age (Josh Homme ), Tori Amos, Slayer, Metallica, Rush, Erykah Badu...
  19. QOTSA


    Definately instead of definitely. I even joined a FB group about it (and another one: "I judge you when you use poor grammar").
  20. I still want a Grinch for the yard. And I have that on DVD.
  21. My sister once said something like "I'd have been done had..."
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