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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. I never had the interwebs with them, just the cable. And it sucked no matter how many times they sent someone here, and claimed it was my equipment after we replaced everything. Sucksucksucksucksuck. I was sooooo happy when I dumped them for U-verse.
  2. They will continue to harass you, and even show up at your door like they did to me. When he asked why I left, I said, "Because you suck." Hey, he asked.
  3. I have a brother who always gets me gadgets for xmas - GPS, DVD player, digital camera (iPod nano), etc. This year I'm getting a 5th gen nano (because I don't like the new one). I put this off for a while because my 1st gen is still working, but I've outgrown its 4GB. Other than that...gift cards for clothes. I'm shrinking.
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adam-green/40000-protest-comcast-att_b_789791.html "Comcast will essentially block Netflix unless a new fee is paid to Comcast -- so Netflix's price goes up and people use Comcast's video service instead." Have I mentioned lately that Comcast sucks?
  5. I ended up getting my younger nephew (1.5ish) a Mr. Potato Head after being shocked that he didn't have one! The ones I found in stores only included one set of arms, legs, etc. Boring! I found one on Amazon with a bunch of stuff for $20.
  6. We ripped out our carpet a few years ago and installed laminate everywhere but the bathrooms and kitchen. I like it, but any spill makes the boards swell and buckle at the seams. Scratches haven't been a problem. Hardwood was above our budget and market. Carpet isn't good for my allergies and asthma (especially with pets). I'd be happy with tile or vinyl all over as it is easy to clean, but doesn't look or feel very nice. ETA: I wish we could afford sealed concrete.
  7. I got the little black tree and I LOVE it!
  8. QOTSA


  9. Just noticed the one on Austell Rd. is closed, too.
  10. Exactly. You'd probably see my mug shot on the news if I went out in that mess.
  11. Dressing, hold the turkey juice.
  12. A little of both. This week we have to drive to AL, and then SC the next day. If I decide to go to MIL's. And I've only bought 2 gifts out of...10-12? We're just buying for the nieces & nephews, though.
  13. Weapons, bombs, drugs? Strollers are good for shoplifting, too.
  14. It doesn't make this right, but children could be used as "mules." I hate to say it, but profiling might actually be acceptable here.
  15. QOTSA

    Adult Store

    What color Viper? What does he look like? (I know someone with one.)
  16. I have a pre-lit tree, and a smaller tree I put on top of a cabinet just for fun. Both with colored lights. I still really want the little black tree from walmart. I'd put white lights on it, and silver/gray/black ornaments. I saw a white one with black ornaments yesterday, and it looked nice. Alas, the cats...
  17. Scary. I'm reading I Am America (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert. Before that, I read books 1 and 2 in the Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. Waiting for book 3 to be out in paperback.
  18. You know what's going to piss me off? The whole Daniel thing. He has always said he doesn't want kids. Are they now going to make him raise one? ETA: And as someone who is child-free by choice, you're DAMN RIGHT I can relate.
  19. I used to put mine up the day after Thanksgiving (or even got started on Thanksgiving night). I used to do it while watching 18 hours of Eastwood. I miss it, too. I haven't put up a tree in years because the cats won't allow it t stay decorated. I was especially worried about some antique ornaments that were my grandmother's.
  20. Yes, but knock yourself out. Kroger had some. Srsly. And I really want the little black xmas tree at Walmart. I'd have to put it in a cage or something, though.
  21. I think my Krav Maga classes have made it even better (worse?). We sometimes do a drill where half the class are attackers, and half are victims. The victims have to close their eyes, and the attackers randomly attack them with a choke. It really speeds up your reaction time.
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