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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. Let me relate a story - an elderly woman was driving down a dark rainy road. She thought she hit a pot hole. Turns out - she had hit an elderly man. She starts to have chest pains - we now have two patients. He was dead. She almost died. But, the fact is that she NEVER knew that she had hit someone until she started hearing something dragging - she thought she had hit a pot hole and had busted a tire. It was one of the saddest things I had ever witnessed. Her grief and horror were just, well, overtaking all of us. So, it is easy to hit someone and never know it. I've seen the r
  2. I hope that we live up to your standards (I'll see you Friday - Sunday for cook team. I'm so excited!!)
  3. They're fine. The part up by the house is so high that only the garden got some washing - nothing that wasn't expected. The bridge that is washed out is the bottom border of their property. That's the Pickett's Mill Creek and it's toast at this point. They can get in and out easily via 92 - it just making getting to Publix a little more challenging. ! Otherwise, all is good. The pool cover pump held up through all the nights, Dad's shop is a little damp - but again nothing big - most of his stuff was already off the slab. Thanks for worrying. We all need it right now.
  4. My parents live across from McKenna Farms - the bridge at the bottom of their property is out and the gas main is exposed right now. Due West is blocked at 92 - but it's amazing how many people - probably 5 every 15 minutes come down Due West from 92 - flying at their normal speed - and then lock up their brakes (we hear the squealing) and then come flying back up Due West to 92. Did they think the barrels were there for no reason??? And, there's only large piles of gravel there. There just aren't enough barrels, lights, jersey walls, etc. to cover the whole county.
  5. I can do it for you in my office at my house. If you can't get to Mark, just pm me and I'll do it. It might have to be broken up into smaller batches. Most email servers have file size limits. But, it wouldn't be a problem to do.
  6. Thanks for the recommendation - I'll be making those calls next week. I've got the leak into the house stopped - just a vent stack collar that's failed. So, we're good for now. Let's just say that I'm loving my insurance agent right now - she's the best. I hope that we never have to find another one.
  7. Got a call into our agent as well - the vent stack is leaking - all the other roofs on our street have been replaced - we've just been putting it off - gonna do it now though. And, we just got our siding warranty claim back. Lots of work around our house. And, hubby's about to be non-stop scouter for the next month!!! Great!! (when it rains, it pours).
  8. He is not just a redneck with accessory pack - he is my hubby's Right Hand Redneck with Accessory Pack (please note the capital letters). It's like a southern version of the Ken Doll (with an anatomically incorrect - I'll leave this up to one's imagination 'cos it's a "secret").
  9. Several spots of Hiram Sudie is covered in water - around Bradley auto shop to Bill Carruth. Saw some guys tubing down the side of Mars Hill Road earlier - it's a serious mess on both sides.
  10. We've had coolers on the back porch for what seems like weeks now trying to dry off - we've missed the dry parts - then it starts raining again. They're just going to have to come in the basement wet and be dried off. The yard is flourishing with all this rain - but so are the weeds. Lots of work to be done once it stops!!
  11. I commented last night at our Eagle Court of Honor that the next Eagle project might have to be the building of the ark. This is getting amazing. We haven't practiced soccer in three weeks because youngest has been sick and then the rain started. All of our games were cancelled this weekend. The rain did stop long enough to get our outdoor Eagle ceremony in, but just barely. Now, it won't stop long enough so that we can get the chairs back to the church. But, it's been nice because it's forced me to get some things done in the house that I haven't been able to get to. I do wish I
  12. My dad just got a netbook - loves it - alot smaller and lighter - he travels quite a bit. He downloads things to it all the time - most folks are using jump drives now anyway. Love it - youngest wants one - probably not getting it right now. !
  13. Most days I share these with my boy scout troop - they make great reminders for those on the trail to Eagle as well as to the rest of us that might be a little tired from carrying the banners after a while.
  14. I love them. If you have a complicated medical history, it makes collaboration between your docs SO much easier. Emory has an outstanding system and often, we take mom down there simply because the docs will have access to everything that all the other docs are doing. It's dramatically reduced the amount of duplication blood testing she has to have, etc., etc.
  15. You are correct. But, the laws are also written that in a collision between a car and bike - the car is going to be the at fault party. I totally agree with you that the riders are STUPID when they just go flying through there. But, ....
  16. The drivers would have been at fault legally - the bikers don't have a stop sign. Now, it's going to be the biker that pays in the long run because of the injuries. But, legally, it's the car that has to stop.
  17. 1Novella was with me and we were hanging with more friends and my parents - no trouble from her.
  18. LG's are known for having a sour smell - it's got something to do with the drain line is put into the bottom of the washer - it never truly empties. Use the front loader washing tablets that you run through on their own (not with clothes in). That helped when I had a problem (kids stuff got into the pump). I've been using the homemade dry soap for about four months - totally hooked. We hate "smell;" youngest is allergic to everything so we've gotten used to not having scent. And, the stuff is cheap. We use white vinegar for the softener. Got several friends hooked - love it
  19. I'll take you, darlin'. I assumed you knew about it. BTW, you're also have hot dogs and mac'n'cheese. Not sure what the other family is bringing.
  20. Boston Market - in the car - on the crazy ride back from Roswell Road - desparately trying to make it to the Boy Scout meeting with everything that I needed.
  21. Both of our's were out of the crib before a year old because they were crawling out of it (and not falling out) routinely. We put the mattress on the floor for a couple of weeks (or until their bed arrived from grand dad's work shop) and then they moved into a twin bed. Never had any real trouble out of them.
  22. I'll send out the information. How much info do you need ahead of time? And, how much is skate rental (refresh my memory)?
  23. It's 60 degrees year round in there. Our scouts (both tiny and heavy) are comfortable in long pants and long t-shirts - both for the warmth and the skin protection.
  24. Our scout boys LOVE racoon mountain - you'll have a great time. Bring back the pictures. Just take a second set of clothes after you go caving and throw away what you went in there wearing - they'll more than likely be ruined. !
  25. I may try to take youngest tomorrow - oldest is out backpacking/fishing and hubby and I were at Boy Scout camp last night and today. Just a matter of what I feel like after climbing ladders all day long.
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