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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. Other than the concern about washing chemical, etc., into the watershed (which I totally get), this topic is just ridiculous. This is exactly the mentality that is why I will NEVER live in a subdivison that has a HOA. Who the H**L cares what you think of the road in front of their house? Who are you to judge what looks trashy? Perhaps there's a reason they do it. Perhaps there isn't. But, why do you think that you get to judge someone else based upon whether or not they blow their yard clippings in the road? Keep yours the way you want and keep on with life. I can't imagine that you ha
  2. Oldest had the gortex cast when he broke his finger. It gives the same protections - most insurance companies won'tpay for it - hence the upcharge. You can do anything with it on. There can't be any bends in it - it can't drain. So, youngest couldn't have one when he broke his elbow.
  3. Pay the money for the goretex cast if he can have one - I'm fairly certain that a wrist cast can. It's well worth the $40-$50 they charge for it.
  4. I do it all the time. What's the big deal? There's no real way for me to clean up the drive way when I'm done. I do take a shovel and get most of it out of the road when I'm done. But, the fact is - a couple of cars and it's all gone. Right this minute - there's a large pile of weeds in the road by my mailbox. Why - I've been stung and I'm dealing with that. If that makes my wonderful neighborhood look trashy - then perhaps that will scare away the snotty people that are judgemental. I'm just saying. Between my blowings and the pink house - we should be safe.
  5. We have a couple of houses in our neighborhood that are in that price range. Less than half of the original cost to build 15 years ago. I'm just hoping at this point that we get good folks into them and they don't say empty. I guess we'll be here for a while.
  6. You're right - moving sucks. I certainly don't want to do it voluntairly (sp?). At least not any time soon.
  7. But compare it to the danger of her child being run over by a car - your hell is temporary - her hell could have been permenant.
  8. I'd move twice. Find another rental and hang out till February. Moving isn't that big of a deal - even with kids etc. What's worse - a little change in where you live or the exposure to what could be. If you're this scared, you need to get them all out of here. But, I wouldn't make a long term decision like buying until I was absolutely sure. So, find someplace safe to hang your hat for eight months and start looking for your forever home. This coming from someone that's moved three times in her life -I hate to move - but to me, I would be moving my kids before I put up with that gar
  9. Love him - we just had to change doctors because our previous peditrician had to close her practice. Insurance companies were unwilling to pay for her services rendered. Long story, but it is what it is. He came recommended to us by three close friends in the medical field and two other close friends whose opinions matter to me. Most importantly, the boys love him.
  10. I've been signing hubbies name for years. My mom has been doing it for so long that the bank doesn't recognize his signature now. I'd just sign it and go with it. The point of trouble would be if you were stealing the money, etc. That's not happening - so just go with it.
  11. The thornton road emergency vet is who helped us when my dalamation passed away. They were awesome. I was thankful to have them.
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/01/us/01slapp.html Check out this article about first amendment rights versus business rights in an online discussion of business service. Seems pertinent here.
  13. I wear a pair of Native sunglasses when I'm wearing my contacts - rayban prescription sunglasses when I'm not. I ALWAYS wear very good quality sunglasses. I have a family history of eye problems and have birth defects in both eyes. Plus, I was knocked down in second grade and my pupils have never been the same size since. I love serengettis - I think they are worth the money. I prefer the amber lenses - they are great at twilight and in the rain. I have even worn them when I didn't have my glasses for some reason (without prescription lenses) and have felt relatively safe. My eye
  14. Mine are all mine and 100% real. And, if you know me - you know why I say that. God blessed me with wonderful boys and a pair of the biggest natural boobs around. They's all mine. Actually considering a reduction if I could ever get the rest of the weight off.
  15. For our dog - she usually goes to Grandma's. She loves to teach my parents' dog bad habits (or so my dad says). My 14 year old pet sits for the neighbors. They can either come to our hosue (if they get along) or he'll go to their house twice a day. He charges $10 a day. He usually leaves a detailed daily list of what everyone ate, when, what they did while he was there, etc. One neighbor is quite amused by her list. If you are in the Hiram Sudie/Davis Mill area, you might want to talk to him.
  16. We started last Tuesday - signed the contract last night - will be done by Thursday - no money until the job is done and we are happy. I really would look into a different roofing company. Also, call your insurance company and make sure that no monies have been dispursed yet. Something's not right with this situation. ! PM me if you want the name of who we are using. I'll let you know how it works out - but I think, given the close friend recommendations, etc., that we're going to have a positive experience.
  17. I'm shocked at your timeline - we started working with our guy last Tuesday - he'll be here any minute to finalize and should have it done by the end of the week. I do know that one of the BIG roofing companies has soo much work that they are doing alot of delays. If they don't have the money - I would look for a new roofer.
  18. Have to agree with NC on this one - you left him in that dad's care in a situation that could have been life or death. You have no idea what happened before you were there. Did he tell them not to go back in the water - was there something that he saw - a snake, etc - that made the situation dangerous - had your son been giving him trouble already that you don't know about? The fact is that you left your son in his care. He's responsible. If something had happened to your son - you would have had a fit as well. You put this man in a situation that he couldn't be successful. Don't
  19. They already have - it's a robo mow - The pic isn't copying over though.
  20. I was told by someone (can't remember who) that Chestnut Grove on Old Cartersville Road has non-resident memberships. Not sure how much though. Maybe someone that lives there can chime in.
  21. I saw on tv to put a whole chicken in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots, onions on the bottom. So, I did that. We'll see how it does. It smells good - I put seasoned salt and garlic on top.
  22. If I may say so, Ginger is one of the nicest and kindest people I know. I'm so lucky to be able to call her a friend. !
  23. There are alot of great chiropractors in this area. I, personally, see Dr. Vaughn. My recommendation of him is not a statement that the others aren't great - just that I happen to LOVE Dr. Vaughn. He's always been good to us. He's always done a great evaluation of our problems. He's been one to educate us on what the problems are, what the causes are, etc. But, my most impressed moment is when he recommended that I see someone else (a physical therapist) for my problem. I had a friend that was very hurt, and he took the time and energy to see him, worked with him, etc. As for reli
  24. LR - you make me laugh. One time, youngest (about cleaned out his room and brought me a bunch of stuff to donate. I told him I was going to donate it to the thrift store. Well, we dropped everything off (he was with me). About ten minutes later, he was in tears - not making a noise, but just tears down his face. I asked him what was wrong. He had put his Curious George into the stuff. He was ready to part with it - but, "Mom, I wanted to know who was going to love Curious George. I don't want just anyone to have him. Can we please get him back?" Well, the problem was that we were he
  25. I have stuff ready to take to her. I love donating stuff to her - convienant, the folks are nice, and it goes to a great cause. !
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