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Everything posted by DoubleRose

  1. I don't see why you are mad?? I think it is routine for another officer to come. And what does having toddlers in the car have to do with how they handle the situation? They shouldn't look in your car because you have kids? All kinds of people take their kids to day care every day. Good and bad.
  2. My MIL bought me this stuff called Fake Bake and it is AWESOME! You spray yourself and there is NO orange to it at all. I love it! I think she got it at Evan Blake salon in New Hope... It's super easy to do and looks great. It lasts about a week and fades really well. No spots or dirty look to it when it fades. It was $20 something for a huge bottle. I don't tan either (had skin cancer spot last year) so I was so glad to find this stuff!
  3. :lol: You Grandma's are suckers! My 4 year old daughter went to the Ritzy Pixie last week with her MeMe. She ended up walking down Main Street in Dallas in her princess gown, high heels, tiara and covered in Pixie Dust! Something I would never let her do... LOL
  4. PM sent We switched too and couldn't be happier! Now using Dr. McGahee at Children's Healthcare of West GA. Way too many problems with EPP.
  5. I don't really see any "gray area". If the "replica" has the actual name brand, ie: COACH, printed on it anywhere, it is counterfeit and ILLEGAL. I don't understand how anyone who sells handbags (and even has the word "bags" in their business name), could not know that they were selling counterfeit merchandise. I really don't. I do believe they are probably great people (never met them) but I highly doubt they did not know what they were selling. If they didn't then they should not be selling handbags in the first place.
  6. That's fine.. Just let me know
  7. Sage told me via PM that she will not be back until September. My husband was waiting for a tattoo from her as well..
  8. When you go for the appointment, talk to her doctor. They understand that children her age are not going to be perfectly still for 1 week. Stock up on coloring books, reading books, dvd's and other new fun activities that will hold her attention. They may also give her something for pain (Tylenol with codiene maybe?) that may keep her a little drowsy. "Strenuous activity" to me would mean jumping, falling, lifting heavy objects, etc. Good Luck!
  9. I didn't read all the replies so I hope I'm not repeating... but, maybe you could try this: Wake him up an hour earlier in the morning. Have a totally exhausting day, lol. Park, inflatable place like Monkey Joes, Skating, biking, swimming, whatever you can think of to WEAR HIM OUT. No napping just playing all day with you. Then at bedtime, explain to him that you are tired from all the fun you had today and you are going to bed and he is too. Maybe that will help you get started with one night. Then maybe the next night might be a little easier? I wish you the best of luck. My son
  10. I have the Mr. Clean Magic eraser mop and I dont like it at all.. It seems to just spread things around and not absorb very well.. Maybe it's just me..? I use the Swiffer Wet Jet for general mopping and scrub by hand any major spots..
  11. I agree.. And I like the original too.
  12. That's what I was going to say.. People have good intentions, but isn't it supposed to be taken down at night unless you have a light shining on it? I only know this because of my husband's time in the Army... Not trying to be obnoxious
  13. My husband apparently has no problem with it. He's always stealing my gum... Never fails every time I buy a pack of gum it is gone the next day
  14. OMG I wish I hadn't even opened this thread. Things like this make me sick for days. I hope this bastard dies the most painful, horrific death possible, very soon.
  15. I like the idea but it's kind of unattractive IMO.. If I could find one in a different color scheme I would be interested. Maybe more natural colors, not so cheap looking...
  16. It's not true. Click on the link at the top of the OP. Snopes found it to be FALSE.
  17. ummm shouldn't they! Being raped physically is a little worse than being "raped" financially!
  18. So sad! I love the show "pitchmen". We watch it all the time! Billy seemed like a good guy who liked to help the underdogs..
  19. Pretty sure you should not go see it... I won't be either..
  20. If you have any 50th Birthday decorations or "Over the Hill" stuff, please let me know. I am willing to pay and could pick up tomorrow (Friday). Thanks!!
  21. From what I've heard about a bench warrant, they don't come looking for you, but if you were to get pulled over or involved with police they would arrest you. I have no idea if that's true or not, just what I've heard. Since she won't be driving, maybe she'll be okay until she goes to court or resolves the issue....???
  22. After the above picture was taken, we stained the concrete patio in a large checkerboard pattern with earthtone colors. It looks awesome, but is starting to fade and chip. I would also prefer gunite. We currently have a 6 inch long hole in our liner that is unrepairable and are having to buy a new liner. $3200! Good Luck and you are wise to get as many opinions as possible before your investment!
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