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Everything posted by tranquility

  1. People wouldn't have such a bad day so often if they could just have a lighthearted sense of humor. Sadly some people have a broken sense of humor bone.
  2. That reminds me of the commercial where the Mom says something like: What do big girls do (or need) and the little girl says potty break and runs to the bathroom. You need a sign for your counter that says "Big girls need a potty break. Be back in a minute. Feel free to browse".
  3. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
  4. It's not something I have thought about until recently. If you blog please give me some info. What host site do you use, is there a charge to set up a blog etc. Thank you in advance. I have googled already but would rather ask p.com before I make a decision on internet sites, there is way too much info. online about things and you guys usually know the ins and outs and best ways to get things done. That is one of the things I like the most about p.com. There's always someone that knows more than you do and is willing to share the information.
  5. I am truly sorry for your loss. We had to make a choice to put down one of ours a few weeks ago. They are God's perfect way to teach us what real and pure love really is, at least that is something I believe with all my doggy loving heart.
  6. Precious ! Wow, it sure doesn't seem like it's been 2 months already. Watch out she's going to grow up fast at this rate.
  7. This works. Drink pure, fresh squeezed lemonade. (Like from Chick Fil A or home make your own)If you can stand to add the pulp that is even better. The acid in the lemon juice dissolves calcium stones. This is a proven trick here at our house, my husband gets them and had to have surgery to remove one before we found out about lemonade. He doesn't care for lemonade as much as I do so he only drinks it when his back, around his kidney area, hurts and he feels like a stone is in there. http://www.livestrong.com/article/533354-kidney-stone-oxalate-lemonade/ Hope this helps.
  8. When I was younger (age 5-15 approx.) I never wavered from wanting to be a sharp shooter. Back then they were called in, put in place on top of buildings, stopped the bad guy and "saved the day". I think this was my super hero incognito dream. Problem was I never really thought about the possibility of taking a life, just shooting a gun out of the hand of the bad guy or shoot him in the leg, not actually kill anyone. My Father wanted me to be the first female Pro Golfer. The biggest problem with that was I just could not hit that stupid little white ball and found nothing fun about it. I
  9. Call Wolf Camera, I heard they can do this. Hope that helps.
  10. Thanks for the info. I just didn't want someone that didn't realize it changed not know that they may be cut off if they were in one of the tiers that may end soon and not be able to draw the next tier with the rate drop. Jobs are a lot harder to find than some people think. (Not talking about you guys that posted) I should have posted that I was talking about the tiers, not regular unemployment. Sorry.
  11. I thought it had to be 9.0% or higher to draw benefits and didn't want anyone on unemployment to be surprised next week if their benefits were cut off. I am not positive of this number but wanted to give a heads up to those on Unemployment to check it out for their own situations.
  12. Prayers for your family. That is such a terrible thing to have to go through.
  13. My favorite part is when he's at the drive through, someone gives him their order and he looks up and says something like "Who is that talking?"
  14. My husband just called and is stuck in the traffic near 92 and Hiram Sudie. He says there are cones out in the road and a helicopter flying overhead. He's pretty sure it's a roadblock but he's not close enough to tell anything except there are a lot of blue lights flashing. Update: He just called me back. It was a "safety check". He said there were 4 cars pulled over to the side of the road.
  15. Prayers sent. Hope you recover soon.
  16. Thank you, I needed that belly laugh.
  17. That is wonderful, what a blessing.
  18. I vote B - It's easier to read at a glance. It will be more expensive to advertise in the full color background if you plan to run any type print advertising and their available shade of blue may not match. (just an fyi)
  19. We are off Hiram Sudie near Davis Mill. Our phone / internet came back up around 9:15 tonight.
  20. She's a beautiful baby girl. Take bunches of pictures, she will be glad to have them when she's a bit older.
  21. We have been with S.Farm for about 25 years, we receive insurance cards for each vehicle, his with his name and mine with my name. Hope this helps.
  22. Goodness, I'm glad you are both going to be ok. I bet she's a cutie.
  23. Thanks for posting pictures. She is just too cute ! I'm very happy to hear your blood pressure and sugar is returning to normal.
  24. Awww, babies are precious.
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