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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Who did you think I was talking about?? Can't you read? No I did not serve in Vietnam, I am just the proud wife of a combat war veteran who did fight for his country. He did his duty with honor and dignity. And just so you know, I am a proud wife of a veteran. You do a disservice to all wives of veterans. You can take your quote and shove it.
  2. What people aren't getting here is I am not pro war. Not pro war machine, not the money machines that have made so many politicians billionaires. I am proactive in keeping our liberty. We are being eaten away one company, one plot of land at a time by foreign nations who are dead set against us. China comes to mind. I am talking about today's threat, not the corrupt war in Vietnam, or the corrupt war going on now. We still haven't learned the lesson. I am saying we need not turn a blind eye to the evil in the world. There are nations who want to see the demise of America. Americans need to b
  3. What does that have to do with the smart ass remark you made? If you have read this thread you would see I am married to a combat vet. I know his horrors during his time in hell. He also watched his buddies loaded up on many medevacs. Recon in the jungle for weeks at a time, see kids blown to bits. He was the old guy in the unit at 23 a Sargent. He knew the young guys were in for hell. They thought they were bullet proof at 18. Yeah, I live with his nightmares and sorrow for all he saw and did. I don't need someone like you condescending down to me about Vietnam. My husband is a brave ma
  4. Pardon me Diehard. This post is for pubby. Sometime peace agreements don't work out. For example, the Iranians breaking agreements concerning their nuclear programs. They are just scamming the UN to bide time. You can't trust everyone to comply with the UN when agreements are constantly made then broken. What are we to do when they develop nuclear weapons? I am sure the innocents of Israel would agree that for world peace that can't be allowed to happen. Sure I believe in trying to hammer out agreements instead of going to war. I would love to live in a world that all nations are
  5. Sounds like you are the one who needs to be on meds. The only thing you have ever contributed to p.com is a load of smart ass remarks. Maybe you need to seek out a shrink to talk to about your aggressions.
  6. Oh I have understanding of your back handed insult alright. I find it tasteless and beneath you. My question was a simple one you failed to understand . Do you personally feel you can defend an assault upon those you love with words? Or when up against an assailant with a weapon? Perhaps a home invasion? Do you believe freedom is worth fighting for? Do you believe in defending oppressed people being victims of racial cleansing and genocide? Did the Armenians, Jews, Montagnard in Vietnam deserve to be systematically murdered? Do you stand by and with no objection, flying your "love n
  7. Pubby, do you believe there is anything in today's world worth fighting for? Anything at all? Or are you just going to ignore this question too?
  8. I am glad you are finally feeling better.
  9. Pubby, you left out the Montagnard's in South Vietnam. My question to you is what happened to them after the communist took over?
  10. Humm, pee on he rocks with a twist if lime... sounds refreshing.
  11. Babies are one thing, but I don't swim in public pools because of the adults who are too lazy to get out and use the restroom to pee . Same thing goes for a public jacuzzi aka virus vat. If there are waterproof diapers / swimsuits for babies then have a nice time at the pool.
  12. Terrible design flaw. I wonder if the designer is German.
  13. This was my husbands company in Vietnam. He was a Pathfinder. He had a hard time coming home. He was called baby killer, and spat on. He has come quite a long way now. At least he can talk about his time over there. This picture is a in a story done about his company. That dark headed guy getting on the chopper is my husband.
  14. God would rather have a church filled with sinners of every manner, rather than have some man preaching to a group egotistical blind sheep. God loves all. That includes homosexuals. I have known little boys and girls who were born gay. No made gay. God loves them as much as he loves me. And believe me, I'm a sinner. I will be a sinner until the day I die. Man wrote the bible as we know it today. The bible is God inspired. We all know how man screws up everything he touches. The bible included.. However the good news is God loves us so much he sent us his only son to take away our sins an
  15. No, but I have heard about a guy that set fire to grass get high.
  16. They must have been some of those back wood Georgia Christians from the church of No Offense. Do into others, and all that .....
  17. I hope you have a safe and wonderful Memorial weekend.
  18. God helps those who helps themselves, that's why God made Doctors, and common sense . How some people are told, and obey the false teachings of some egotistical man who calls himself a man of God astounds me every time. I prayed for my daughters life all the way to the hospital, and every second until she was out of the woods.
  19. I am not saying whether I am at home or going out this Memorial weekend. I don't want my house to be broken into, so be careful what information you give about your weekend plans.
  20. Jeff and I go way back. I am so sad to hear of his untimely passing. Rest in peace Jeff.
  21. I beg to differ with your opinion as far p.com goes. Think.......
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