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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Anything new in there? Never mind. I just read AUTOCORRECT EPIC FAIL LOLOLOL!!
  2. It would bring in a great tax income for the state. I don't see any problem with the legalization of pot.
  3. I hope everything turns out alright for you Rhonda. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Yeah. I'm taking my grand witch/vampire out trick or treating, I'm going as a scary old man.
  5. Yes, you are for the airport No, you are against the airport.
  6. Just wondering where folks stand regarding the new airport expansion.
  7. I agree. I have friends and family all over the country,and we enjoy keeping in touch. I have found FB to be a great source to keep my family and friends close.
  8. crossroads

    momof 3

    I am glad you had a great time. I have never been on a cruise, but everyone I know who has been on one loved cruising.
  9. I just checked it out too. There are some sick people out there. I think they make things up, and I believe hey must have nothing better to do than post sick comments for thrills.
  10. My link This is a house I could live in. Check put the link to see how it works.
  11. Yes!!! I too am a Kimmer babe!!! YEAH!
  12. Most of my family are in Boston. As much as I hate the Braves losing the playoffs, I have to root, root, root for the Red Sox!
  13. Tennessee for me! I'm okay with that.
  14. Yeah, whats up? give up and dish some locations.
  15. Michael Jackson''s ghost as seen on Larry King. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zu9svX2L7A
  16. We thought that was you stradial.
  17. Looks like the battle of he bulge to me. I think I may faint.....
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