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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I want to see it too! There ain't a thing wrong with posting a picture of the ring. Post it please.
  2. Do I hear that heehaw, hee haw hee haw raising it's distasteful head again?
  3. I was born and raised here in Georgia, and I still can't stand the hot summers. I would never give up my AC. Never.
  4. I spent more this year, but our family is growing. Paid cash for everything and doing great. Looking forward to a Happy New Year. On the dishwasher. I have an Electrolux, it has been a great dishwasher for five years now. Good luck!
  5. Dear God. Please no on the redneck rap. "Hick Hop" Cowboy Troy tears it up though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUPK9z59yUc
  6. All great songs. I remembering seeing The Eagles sin Seven Bridges Road at a concert. It was way back in 1977-78. I also remember when Fleetwood Mac opened for The Eagles. Here's another great song from a long lost era. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z-GwdaKrn8
  7. I love everyone you mentioned. There is nothing like country music or the fans. I love it all, from bluegrass to Florida Georgia Line.
  8. How could anyone not love the Highwaymen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw1bHaUk1CM
  9. Merry Christmas to everyone on P.com.
  10. I'm just wondering where the new mall is going to be located?
  11. My very favorite Christmas song. Thanks for sharing.
  12. My link This link may help you understand things a little better. Can you please educate me on your four points you made? I have never heard, seen or read anything you are talking about.
  13. What a beautiful picture you paint. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
  14. What in the heck is wrong with people? This guy needs to GO! How could anyone back this program? Should we question the why, who and how's this got from someones mind to paper?
  15. This made my Christmas. Way to go Chuck. http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/12/20/the-inevitable-chuck-norris-parody-of-jean-claude-van-dammes-volvo-ad-stunt/
  16. In 1996 the Society of Professional Journalists dropped “objectivity” from its ethics code. Good thing for you pubby. The only 'work' I saw were the ladies taking down the tables and folding tablecloths.
  17. From what I gather yes, it was a man and a pregnant woman. My link
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