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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. From what I know, you are he most popular guy on P.com, cool and smart. Hasn't anyone told you that?
  2. This is from the Little People of America. My link Q: What is a midget? A: In some circles, a midget is the term used for a proportionate dwarf. However, the term has fallen into disfavor and is considered offensive by most people of short stature. The term dates back to 1865, the height of the "freak show" era, and was generally applied only to short-statured persons who were displayed for public amusement, which is why it is considered so unacceptable today. Such terms as dwarf, little person, LP, and person of short stature are all acceptable, but most people would
  3. I am going by what I have heard in all of the "little people" shows. The Little Couple, Little People, Big World and Pit Boss, they have all stated the term "midget" is offensive to the world of "little people." They prefer to be called dwarfs or little people.
  4. You need to run for office. That is the best, and funniest post today.
  5. You need to reply to the post you are referring to, then highlight the offensive grammar, so there.
  6. "midget" is a derogatory term. They are called "little people" or "dwarf's", for he cerebral future and all.
  7. Not me, I care very much about them. Didn't you see my smiley face? That makes everything okay....
  8. And those mayberries they hand out. Errr, don't hand out.
  9. My link Check this link. Dr. Moore saved my life. Good luck to you.
  10. County courthouse, second floor. 240 Constitution Blvd. Dallas, GA 30132
  11. Happy belated BIRTHDAY!! I hope you had a great day.
  12. Thank's Dana. I should know it was that simple. Your prayers are appreciated.
  13. How do you fix the reputation plus and minus thingy? I have made mistakes time after time lately. Thanks for any input.
  14. What the heck is wrong with me??? Again I meant to give you a plus! I'm just a little shaky right now. sorryI would like to say I am not afraid to stand uo for whats right either, and I have the utmost respect for you!! Dina Sudan/ crossroads
  15. Such beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.
  16. You should be proud of your DD. She has inspired me to do the same.
  17. I have a dark green sofa you can have. Be warned, it has been used, and is in decent shape. Just let me know. PM if you wish.
  18. Dang it. I meant to give you a plus. Sorry, my fingers are like mushroom tops!
  19. Yes by George, you've got it! I must add, theater is pronounced thee- ate- er.
  20. NO!!! Y'all pronounce it WRONG. It's a southern thing, you wouldn't understand.
  21. Animal, run for office. You have my support!!!
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