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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. No conspiracies here. You ever hear the word " cronyism" bantered around? Are you from this county? Do you personally know any of the major families in this county? Well I have been amoung them, and I CAN tell you plans were being made years ago by some players who knew ahead of time to make a profit off not only the airport, but the land along 278. The thing I am trying to get across is that things were made known to, and for a select few. You will not get the names of these folks from me for my own reasons. Plus the legal issues that would come down. Just so you know I was there when t
  2. That is a great idea, buying two packs of the mismatched socks. I'm lucky if I make it out the door with matching shoes. You made me laugh !!
  3. What do YOU have to prove? Don't play coy with the in's and out's of PC politics, if you know ANYTHING, you KNOW it's who you know around here. Something tells me you know more than you are letting on.
  4. I wish this woman was a P.commer. We need more people in the world like her.
  5. My point is...for those who are interested can follow the money..... get it? Money talks in this county. PERIOD!
  6. The ones who will profit off of the business that will follow the expansion of the airport. Gas stations, convenience stores, storage, housing, restraunts, hotels...ETC.
  7. Maybe Jethro started calling him "uncle Jed" after Jed struck that black gold, Texas tea. I would call Jed my favorite rich uncle had I been in the family.
  8. Just follow the owners of the real estate around and near the airport corridor at gsccca.org. It cost to look, but, it may give some people answers of WHO will benefit the most with the airport going forward.
  9. Don't forget Jerthro's twin sister, Jethrine.
  10. I believe they should meet, after all the two have so much in common. Both are "leaders" of their countries, both are muslim aand both are bald face liars. They should get along swimmingly.
  11. I noticed again this morning that the Cheatham Trail was packed with cars, even parking on the side of the road. The only difference was there was a park ranger parked there too. Looked like the PEOPLE want the trail to use, and to hell with the shutdown.
  12. If you pick up the tab for all of us you must make up your own rules as we go along. We must agree to your terms without question, and follow them to a tee without knowing what conditions you may put on us who are sitting at the table. That is how it works, like Obama care. You are crowned king of the table, with the exception of giving out those mayberries, dang it! I will get there early so I can sit next to pubby and lobby myself into his good graces.LOL
  13. Well, as long as you're taking orders, I'd like homemade ice cream, any flavor will do. May I sit next to pubby? I could use a mayberry or two.
  14. I make a mean tomato casserole. The casserole tasts like fried tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into one inch chunks, the more the better, at least three large barely green tomatoes.about a cup of stuffing mix.1can mushroom soup1can water2 tablespoons buttersalt pepper mix ingredientsPlace in casserole dishcut butter into chunks and sprinkle over casserole Bake in 350 degree oven until brown and bubbly. You can also add sharp cheddar cheese over top of dish.
  15. Yeah, a cockroach that runs like a horse. Wonder what the thing will be used for?
  16. i have seen many people using the Cheatham Hill trail.
  17. Now I would hate to be in the woods and see that thing coming towards me. Heck, I'd hate to be anywhere and see it coming. Thanks for sharing CC.
  18. These people flying in and out of the airport will need some kind of system to move them around wont they? Next thing we will have a MARTA type busing running through Paulding Can't wait for that.
  19. News reports said this morning the guy with the helment cam and the guy bashing in the drivers window have turned themselvels in, and are in custody. News also reported there was a LE officer riding with the bikers. The question is, why did it take the officer four days to come forward to report he was at the scene of the attack.
  20. Thanks for sharing, I needed this today. Oh, and good luck on the yard sale.
  21. I was refering to what campbcoach said, not the list.
  22. You think VA hospital nurses should be on a permanently furlough? They do a true service for our veterans, and should get a pay increase.
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