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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I can't believe people buy this thing. I would strangle a fake bird, I really would!
  2. I have never seen a bean commercial as funny as this one. Do any of y'all know of a funny commercial? Post it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmBusAX0nE8
  3. Yes. I agree with that. But what is the BOC's reasoning for slurring a mans reputation? Can Pubby or anyone on the support side of the deal give any reason why the BOC said what they did about Todd?
  4. You don't know straidial much do ya? He is anything but a troll. Heck, if anything, he brings much needed humor to topics!
  5. Please tell us WHY the BOC found one of their own not trustworthy enough to hold meetings with him in attendance? Can/did the BOC explain what Todd did to be bestowed that label? I haven't seen anything asking this question being addressed by the accusers.
  6. Unless you know then in some friendly, social or personal aspect. Right? If a politician is a friend or close acquaintance then you can trust them. That's the way I understand things anyway.
  7. So very sorry for the loss of your friend stradial.
  8. I call them like I see them. If the shoe fits wear it. I think it's pretty transparent for people to see what the deal is. Good for you and the "new poster". You two are kind of a cute duo. IMHO. It's a beautiful day, hope you have a nice one.
  9. Really? An attack? Ride 'em cowboy. I wanted to make sure you saw the word EXPANSION. You who oppose the opposition seem to fail to see that key word. I'm not against progress, I am against covert deals. There is a difference.
  10. Yet back door deals don't offend your sensibilities.
  11. Somebody sure is getting their panties in a wad. Please post my "attack" of posters if you dare. I am quite sure you can't. As to rationality, don't go down any road you can't back-up from. Now you have a nice evening hon.
  12. Who you quoting? Who are you trolling for?
  13. EXCUSE ME, BUT he wouldn't be spending these "tens of thousands of tax dollars" if these 6 "keep Paulding in the 70's" folks hadn't filed this lawsuit! Excuse me, but why must resort to name calling just because some citizens are supporting the EXPANSION? Tacky, tacky tacky. Can you quote one person saying they are not for progress in general? No. The issue here is the way BOC, minus 1 made the decision for us. Drag it out into the light of day. And as far as the Paulding Six, carry on, you have more backing by the locals than you know.
  14. I got one for my granddaughter for Christmas. She loves her AG so far. My granddaughter has, specifically, enjoyed doing the dolls hair and changing outfits. Yes, I got them matching PJ's too. I have never been to an AG store, I ordered her doll from the AG website. I would like to visit a store sometime, but I am not so into the whole thing to go as far as facials,hair and nails are concerned, that's a little much for a doll. Edited to say, I feel no guilt whatsoever.
  15. I have to say, it's the hair growing out of places it didn't use to grow. I hate it and go to extremes to rid myself of little suckers. My eyesight starting going the minute I turned fifty, so I can't see them. It's hard to pluck when you can't see where to pluck. That and my eyebrows thinning. GRRRRR!
  16. That is one beautiful ring you got there. I love the design, colors everything! Bravo Papi!
  17. Dumb pot trivia......Did you know the "doobie" came from The Doobie Brothers? They only had one joint to pass among themselves one day, so the called the mutual joint a doobie because they were brothers sharing a smoke. We use to call them "fat boy's" and "shady oak bombers", the smoking lamp is lit in Colorado.
  18. Yes, you could say Doug's is quaint. I have only been there once, the food was pretty good and the drive was nice.
  19. I ate there a lot, the food is good. Has anyone been to Doug's in Emerson?
  20. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. What about wind direction? Were the objects drifting with the wind?
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